24 Hour Rat Pack Challenge Report And Pics (Heavy)


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
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Hello People!! Well here it is! The poorly spelled and grammered acount and photos of our 24 hour challenge, we all met at the hotel as planned well sort of after Dave53 thought the hotel was my house! And Savagwolfrm had followed him, but after a phone call we all met at the pub, by this time some of the more eager contestants had had a couple of beers!

So it was time for the weigh in, i have foolishly left the figures in my pack in the woods, with the remnants that refuse to leave so numbers will be posted later.

What a weekend, and it's not over yet! As some won't leave! As usual the photos tell the story, and as the thread progress's i will remember some of the things we got up to.

We managed very well on the rat packs, really! Some better than others, i wish i was aware that when your back was turned it was ok to help yourself to an opened pack regardless of who owned it or who's pitch it was in! Lesson no.1.

I also learned that Elen Sentier's gift contained some funny old gear and demands utmost repect! Thankyou Elen, lovely gesture.

Mind has gone blank for a minute, so i will have to get back to you, also having consulted my legal team!!


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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 22, 2006
Good challenge, like your little mascot from Elen :D

How did you like the rat packs? I seem to remember only getting 4 or 5 brews in the last one I had :eek:.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Good challenge, like your little mascot from Elen :D

How did you like the rat packs? I seem to remember only getting 4 or 5 brews in the last one I had :eek:.

Hi Mate, British Army rat packs are great! And that is official (5 out of 9 cats preferred them to nothing!)

The brew thing was an issue with some, but lots of swopping and bartering, which was allowed seemed to sort most requirements, sugar was like gold!! But the few with caffeine lust's brought their own as one of their luxury items.



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Memory jog 1, the walk in was very relaxed and pretty, with a small history lesson, over a gate across a field and we were safely ensconsed in our woodland prison! Lots of chin scratching and wandering to obtain the best pitch, once decided 20 minutes of silence whilst everyone set up.

Got the fire going, water collected, filtered and kettle on the go, hooray! Oh yeah and first beers cracked open! Weather was gorgeous bright sunshine no wind perfect! A couple were caught out the first night, as the temp went -1, i was toasty!

Oh! Getting ahead of myself there, watching everybody deciding which meal to have was funny, anyway grub ate, time to unwrap Elen's goodies, cor! blimey girl, that bottled stuff was off the scale! Hung up the camp mascot and settled down to an evening around the fire, lots of laughs and a few bevvies consumed, all in bed by 10.30pm!

And Breathe.



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Looks excellent fun there Ivan, and looks like you were blessed with warm-ish dry weather too. Great pics which need some info so the guilty are known. Nice that Elen sent a care package for all the inmates of Ivan-Ruhleben Internierungslager. Hope her book wasn't too racy and putting you off yer sleep. Like the pick of Nutmeg hiding out in bed. Dogs have smarts you know.

Glad everyone had fun though you haven't said that no-one cheated?



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Looks excellent fun there Ivan, and looks like you were blessed with warm-ish dry weather too. Great pics which need some info so the guilty are known. Nice that Elen sent a care package for all the inmates of Ivan-Ruhleben Internierungslager. Hope her book wasn't too racy and putting you off yer sleep. Like the pick of Nutmeg hiding out in bed. Dogs have smarts you know.

Glad everyone had fun though you haven't said that no-one cheated?


Hi Colin, AAHH! The cheating thing, unfortunately, Lawlesswasp, awoke freezing(bad kit choice) and his kids had escaped and were running amok! So i had to take him home some what miffed! I went to the shop bought some filters and a half bottle of brandy oh and 4 cans of cider for Bushwhacker. (cheating? maybe)

Anyroad up! Pretended i had not been anywhere.

Day 2. Lots of firewood foraging, and made a long bench from a windfall ash, also Mouse procured a brace of pheasant, which made all happy, coz there were some looking longingly into their rat pack boxe's wondering where it had all gone!

So welcome extras (well within the rules) A forage for wild veg was a bit fruitless but we managed, found a skull with antlers and cut some hazel for thumbsticks, another quiet hour.

More to follow.



Oct 29, 2008
North Devon
Had a great weekend guys shame I'm back home but hopefully back out in a few weeks
as far as I'm aware there was no cheating at all but don't leave rat packs unattended when a certain welsh border gentleman is about no names Richie oops
The pheasant was a welcome surprise but not sure I should have eaten the cold raw heart if one of the unlucky birds seems as though I have an urge for oaty seedy things
see you all in a few week
regards dave

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Glad the booze went down OK and the Camp Mascot looks very happy strung on the pole ... perhaps s/he should be an Ivan Meets Mascot ??? Who was it got the book? And whose is that gorgeous lurcher? That one + Nutmeg are just my sorts of hound, hope to meet lurcher another time :). You all look as if you had a great time :cool:


On a new journey
Jan 30, 2010
very funny regards dave lol great weekend we al had a scream, i forgot some of the tablets i take that was fun as ivan and rich will attest, to sorry guys .
there was a mad scramble for rat pack exchange, then on came mouse and throu in 2 pheasant every body happy I've got some pics will put them up tonight regards dave


Dec 20, 2011
Brilliant weekend the boys were on form and a great time was had around the camp fire, well done to Ivan for organising this one.

Regards Dave (CAPS LOCK)

Aka Patrols

1 shot willie

Dec 11, 2012
Looks like you all had a great time, the pictures are brilliant, gives a real feel of the event.
Did you manage to catch the dastardly "Phantom Rat Pack Pillager " ;)

Nice post.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi, Right before this gets all bum about face. The weigh in figures.
Lawlesswasp 18.5kg
Ivan 13kg
Dave53 16.5kg (Blimey!)
Savagewolfrm 15kg
Patrols 22kg (Did include 4 litres of cornish water!)
Bucephalus 13.5kg
Mouse040 16.5kg
Redandshane 15.5kg
Bushwhacker 13kg

So being a draw as far as weight was concerned, and i knew what the prize was, one up to Bushwhacker, but it was not over there, in all fairness i foolishly i let the gang decide the winner and because Mouse was the only one to bring food to the camp they all said it should be him, at which point i knew he was a celebrity in disguise, so rushed home to wrap his prizes, which consisted of a stifficate, a priest,a squirrel tail,a first aid kit!, an OS hat, an egg cup and lightweight spoon,an all day breakfast, homemade catapult, british army issue socks and a sunday lunch (not bad!)

More nonsense and pics to follow, only i am tired, would rather run a kindergarden!!


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Full Member
Jan 19, 2012
Chepstow, Wales
A great time was had by all (except for anyone within ear-shot of my "short" stories).
I would add a few of my own pics but your isp wouldn't let you access to the forum if i did!

I borrowed ONE sausage! And boy have i paid for it several times over.
Looking forward to the next one.

(Dave, your a legend and we all love you boyo, stop it with the apologies. Regards no cap locs dave)

Paul Webster

Full Member
Jan 29, 2011
I couldn't make the full weekend but arrived at 1730 on Saturday at the predesignated coordinates at what can only be described as Bovey Tracey's premier dogging spot. A quick sitrep to camp command and within 5 minutes I was collected by chief events organiser Ivan and the FOB security officer Patrols. I quick jump over a gate and across a field and I was thrown in amongst the camp to find everyone bickering over rat packs, packets of screech and the fact that I had no fags! From henceforth I became 'fatty no fags'.
I quick bite of some 'foraged' BBQ then to drown my sorrows with 2 litres of Old Rosey and half a bottle of brandy. By 2200 the exertion of sitting in a chair for a few hours had gotten to me so I had to go and take myself off to the lay down shop. At about 2am I was woken by my silver haired neighbour who was apparently wide awake, feeling chatty and wanted some company so spent the next 2 and a half hours talking about the meaning of life, the universe and everything. At about 4:30am we both agreed the answer was 42 and drifted off to sleep.
Sunday morning I was confronted by another torrent of abuse from Mouse (Alan from the Hangover) about my snoring, which is ripe considering he snores louder than a low flying aircraft. Then it was coffee, wake up, tidy up, then back into my chair for a few hours whilst I waited for lunch! Off for lunch, pictures above, then back to the woods to sit in my chair again whilst waiting for Mouse to cook my tea. Throughout the afternoon various outpatients had to leave as their passes were about to expire which just left me, Redandshane and Mouse to enjoy a mature evening of debate and fine food, obviously washed down with the remnants of Old Rosey and brandy.
Someone mentioned at one point 'it's good we have a police officer and a psychiatric nurse here!', little did they know it was the only reason this event was allowed to go ahead.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.