24 Hour Rat Pack Challenge Report And Pics (Heavy)


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
24 Hours my bottom! There are some campers that just don't want to leave, and also expect a guided tour of Dartmoor, so we did a bit of that, then i went and got the boys (coz that ain't fair! You get to keep on camping and going to the woods and having fun and we have to go to school and your friends are cool) We had some tea and a couple of hours, Mr Webster had to leave and go and do some worky thing! Whatever that is?

Then as we were leaving the question was posed, what time will you pick us up in the morning, for a proper tour of Dartmoor, you know like Newman does?

Red rag to a bull! Photos of that and report in a while.


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Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi, Right this should be the last pic report, so i arrive in camp bright and early, had a coffee and we were off! Steve had remembered (sort of!) Some places he had visited before, many moons ago, said i want it to include 2 pubs some stunning scenery a nice bit of waliking and don't forget Mouse has not seen Dartmoor properly so make it interesting boy! Oh and chuck in a few of your more favourite places will you?

I did my best and i think the chaps were suitably chuffed, whistle stop or what?

Great day.


You want to try and keep 2 teenage boys entertained, without offending anyone!!

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Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
A sterling job done in my absence Mr Wilson, I may have to offer you the position of assistant guide at Newman's Dartmoor Tours Inc. Did that Sweaty taste the dry or the medium rough cider at the Rugglestone?

Thankyou Paul, i got a little nervous in places, but thought of you and was calm! Sweatty had a pint of Dartmoor something real ale.

Can't do it again without you.



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
What is it with mouse and our feathered friends lol.
Regards Dave

Rick, you have no idea how difficult it was to get him to put that blooming duck down, he was nearly begging me.

Thank goodness they go home tomorrow, after a walk along a stretch of the Templer Way (Thanks Newman!) They did not listen last time, so i have to gen up tonight!



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Well! Just seen the last two stragglers off, phew! They did not want to leave, i bet they get some funny looks on the train.

That was great fun chaps, thanks to everyone who attended.

Things we learned from the challenge.

1 It's more than achievable, especially with a bit of foraging!

2 Mouse can see in the dark.

3 Pheasants heart doe's not really taste of anything but blood, and Rick ate most without gagging.

4 Dave53 came the lightest he has ever come and once Stu had shown him the way he managed to strip another 4kg's of not needed stuff.

5 Paul Webster can eat! And has a sprout fetish.

6 When Dave53 ground dwells he snores more and louder, also don't muck about with his kit as he gets a bit moody, but 2 hours of solid firewood cutting ensued so not all bad.

7 There ain't room for Bushwhacker and his lurcher in or on his sleeping bag.

8 Don't let Bucephalus be last man up! As he got peckish decided to steal some porridge and cook it in a Paul Kirtley kettle, also thought his nightcap would be pocheen warmed on the fire, fell asleep and we all awoke to the explosion, and he was 5 foot away from the fire on his backside from the blast.

More i am sure as the mist clears.



On a new journey
Jan 30, 2010
thanks for the heads up on the snoring ivan or should i say heads down lol regards dave


Oct 20, 2007
Great stuff as usual
I would like to Thank Elen Sentier for her very thoughtful package that was really quite nice of her to do, and appreciated then and now.

I have a question though Elen ; what did you use to stuff the spider of oblivion ? because Mouse found it quite exciting I can tell you

Good times lads good times

regards dave


Full Member
Apr 26, 2013
Well I've attended several meets before but never with a challenge involved , meeting at the designated coordinates I could see the flush of green plastic soldiers all set out as I would as a young boy ,and I could see that this was not your average group of bushcrafters ,they had obviously been involved in a strict and vigorous training routine ,I felt my eye begin to wince and it was apparent that this was going to be a true test of my mental and physical ability and as a complete novice I knew I was probably going to end up as camp walla .
After introductions and a weigh in our host ( Ivan ) lead the pack onwards to the site designated as base camp .
Crossing a field to a small gate we entered what I can only Describe as a barren and secluded gathering of trees ( at this point I was touching cloth ) the group quickly scattered finding there perfect pitching location .
With my extensive sleeping set up I struggled to keep up with timings as this highly trained gathering of bushcraft gurus set about there business .
After setting up my sleeping area I decided to explore the surroundings and compose myself as I was still very much nervous being faced with this impossible task .
On my return the group was already seated around the fire laughing and joking as if there was not a Care in the world , as I looked around I noticed that rather calm and serious fellow (patrols) was also taking stock of the competition with a small grin in the corner of his mouth he was obviously the serious member of the pack , next was a welsh gent known as Bucephalus he had placed himself central to the group and surrounded himself with a array of technology with a large smile he was obviously going to be camp moral , next was redandShane a tall and refined gent who apparently had a bad accident as a younger man and had to have his backside removed and with his broad Scotish accent he towered above the group and seemed to scan the floor for unguarded kit a skill called urban foraging .
Next was a obvious urban survival expert wanting to hone his wilderness skills ( savagewolfrm) he was already tucking into a meal from his rat pack and then promptly jumped to attention shouting "I ain't done nuthin " and jumping into a jig singing knees up mother brown .
Next was a rather refined gentleman called Dave53 who was already collecting fire wood for the good of the group ,
Next our host who was a quiet man who at this point had not shown his cards but who looked quietly confident .
Next a pleasant fellow called lawlesswasp a gentle and man who was looking for peace .the next member was a former bcuk member called Bushwacker who I remember frequently enjoying his posts who seemed to be the victim of a fact ( basically someone didn't know the facts and acted inappropriately leading to his bann ) .
That evening was full of sensible debate and getting to know each other early in the evening I had explored the surroundings and seemed to have dropped a bundle of parra cord so went to find it I happened across a brace of pheasants that had tangled themselves up in it and as the group had limits on food I took them back to camp as an offering .
Everybody was sleeping early as energy levels were agreed to be important due to are low available calorie intake .
During the night I could hear the muffled crys of members discomfort not surprising as the temperature had dropped and with low kit levels being comfortable was not easy
The next morning it was apparent that the sheer lack of foods and comforts was to much for lawlesswasp and he removed himself from the game under the watchful eye of Ivan and patrols he was medivaced much to the sadness of the group as the helicopter took flight a tear was shed
During the day Ivan introduced several activities to keep us focused on surviving the task ahead ,
It also became obvious that your geographical upbringing was key to this challenge as savagewolfrm as a cockney boy was using marry poppins rat pack as he was once again eating .
Then out of the dark walked a huge man mountain (Paul Webster ) a late arrival . Who started on me verbally as soon as he entered the camp I think like a grizzly smelling fear ,
By this time it seemed that if you did not guard your food then it would be riffled by Bucephalus who seemed to be starving and eating anything not tied down I knew that it was to much for him when he created an explosion and then made porridge in my kettle ( which incidentally was my porridge )
It was at this point I knew our goose was cooked .
Dave53 had obviously had enough and verbally bashed the nearly welsh into submission
I truly beleive that if the challenge was any longer it would of been a cross between broke back mountain and alive .
That evening I was woke by Ivan and Paul Webster talking from 2am until 4.30am about the camp legend which is Elen sentier .
I was moments away from calling Big brother when it suddenly stopped , then 30 blissful minutes of peace BUT than the snoring commenced I was glad of the service of the resident mental health worker .

All in all I am emotionally ruined and will hopefully grow out of the nightmares in time until then Ivan you are a gent with a wonderful family and a great bunch of friends to which I hope my name is added ,,,,,,, I salute you ,,,,,,

Regards Dave (caps lock )


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Phew! Boy was i worried, you taking studious notes all wekend like a member of the enemy, you walked into camp like an understated Hollywood star, and we were all a bit concerned mainly because it appeared that most of your kit had been stolen!

How wrong we were, you managed to offend nearly every camp member in that, Norfolk/Plymouth/Bristol/Somerset drawl, fortunately Redandshane was on hand to decipher some of what you said, and all soon decsended into calm.

A couple of things, without showing you up on a public forum, you need to be more careful with your paracord, as accidents DO happen!

You obviously are not used to wildlife/children and women.

Your right knee smells.

And although it was only your first or second time wildcamping and at a professionally organised meet, with your long tall Sally friend, you somehow pulled it off!

You would be most welcome at another of my organised gatherings, once you have genned yourself up a bit and learn some basic camp courtesy.
Until the next time my friend, take care, look forward to doing it all again soon.

Oh and give the BCUK masses the heads up when Hangover 4 is imminent.

Great report mate.

Kindest Regards.

Ivan... Alison, McVitie and Delight (frys purple one) oh and my edible dog x


Oct 20, 2007
I think Mouse has summed it up rather nicely he certainty has a way with written words Pity he talks Wurzel in real life as the ladies find it quite off putting you know. "Are you local ?" Nearly killed the Cockney Cowboy that one

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Great stuff as usual
I would like to Thank Elen Sentier for her very thoughtful package that was really quite nice of her to do, and appreciated then and now.

I have a question though Elen ; what did you use to stuff the spider of oblivion ? because Mouse found it quite exciting I can tell you

Good times lads good times

regards dave

Ahhhhh !!! the deep and dastardly secret :yikes: ... twas the hair of the infamous North Ronaldsay Were-Ram, a dreadful dragon-like creature that haunts the outer Islands of the Pig to the far north of this realm. It is indelibly impregnated with the oil of the Ancient Hadrosaurids, or duck-billed dinosaurs, ... I'm not surprised he got a bit carried away


Full Member
Apr 26, 2013
Ahhhhh !!! the deep and dastardly secret :yikes: ... twas the hair of the infamous North Ronaldsay Were-Ram, a dreadful dragon-like creature that haunts the outer Islands of the Pig to the far north of this realm. It is indelibly impregnated with the oil of the Ancient Hadrosaurids, or duck-billed dinosaurs, ... I'm not surprised he got a bit carried away

And here redandshane thought it was a plain old thong

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