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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. PaulSanderson

    Recommendations - knife rescale and sheath

    Hi All, I have an old Bark River which have been using for years, for everything from skinning to whittling. I love the shape of the blade, and prefer it out of all my edged tools. When i recived this from a friend, he advised that due to his grave-digger sized hands he had someone "extend" the...
  2. PaulSanderson

    Just a few from this mornings wander...

    As the title suggests, just a few from my wander round the paddocks as the sun come up this morning...a brew and breakfast... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. PaulSanderson

    The weekend starts now...

    So, in case you have been living under a rock for the last few weeks, then you probably know The Bushcraft Show is on this weekend...but not for me...a wedding, an ear infection, and a date with some rabbit control has anchored me well and truly to the farm - so, today I sacked off work early...
  4. PaulSanderson

    A well needed bimble...

    Hi all, Only a few months ago it was literally standard practice for me to wander off to the furthest reaches of the farm for half a days de-compression. Well, a new job saw the end to that, and today for the first time in what feels like forever I managed to get up at 0430 and drag my tired...
  5. PaulSanderson

    Can I waterproof my boots with this?...

    Hi all, Got some meindl high liability boots for general shooting/walking etc but they're the suede versions.... Question I can I waterproof them with the nikwax wax cotton proof spray? It's all I have knocking around at the minute... Cheers guys.... Paul. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. PaulSanderson

    Saturday morning sanity check...

    Hi all, Well it is Saturday, and as tradition dictates, that's my "me" time. This weeks bimble was particularly poignant as it was exactly 1 year to the day that my father, with that in my head and heart I set out... This is about 10 acres of mixed deciduous broadleaf woodland on...
  7. PaulSanderson

    Gerber gator machete

    Anyone got any experience of the gator gerber machete? Looking for something lighter for when I don't need the GB - just for general camp tasks etc. Cheers all... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. PaulSanderson

    A canteen for a 10cm zebra billy...

    Hi all, Does anyone know of a circular canteen that will fit around a 10cm zebra billy? Can be Ti, steel or Ali...just looking to put another small stackable kit together with a trangia burner. Preferably with foldable handles. Cheers! Paul. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. PaulSanderson

    Axe, machete or billhook...

    Hi all, In a bid to lighten up my daypack somewhat im considering swapping out my GB splitting axe for something, well, lighter. My GB is fantastic, dont get me wrong, but all i use it for is literally splitting down firewood...and very occasionally roughing out a spoon/bowl/kuksa blank. I...
  10. PaulSanderson

    Saturday morning bimble

    As is fast becoming a tradition to me for Saturdays, i decided to get up at 0500 and go walkabout the farm to see what I can well as cook up some breakfast, brew up, and zero the rifle. Approaching an old poplar plantation I stumbled across this little fella at about...
  11. PaulSanderson

    Dog wander and a few questions...

    Hi all, On the farm I have certain habitual rounds where I walk the dogs twice daily, always just bimbling along trying to take in as much as I can see from my surroundings. There us an old poplar plantation from the late 1700's which I sometimes pop into and to be honest I generally don't see...
  12. PaulSanderson

    20 minutes to kill...

    Ive been feeling the need to make a folding bow saw for a long time, but time pressures elsewhere mean im struggling to get out in the woods never mind able to sit down and actually put one together.... However had a spare 20 minutes (unheard of in my house/work/farm -life balance) and very...
  13. PaulSanderson

    Mobile Phone Bushcraft group on BBM

    Hi all, Mods feel free to remove this if it's unacceptable, but just wanted to let people know that there is a BBM (available on android and apple) group for bushcraft goings on. It's a useful "on the move" platform for you to get advice on plant ID if you're out and about, want to show off...
  14. PaulSanderson

    Rucksack to also carry GB SFA and .22lR rifle

    Hi all, Im in the market for a new olive green (must be OG! I have a thing for OG) rucksack, generally around 35ltr, which I can carry both an axe as well as a .22LR rifle for extended days out. Having had a brief scout on t'interweb I can't really find much, and i really don't have the time...
  15. PaulSanderson

    Helikon SFU trousers any good?

    Hi all, Just wondering if anybody has used the Helikon SFU trousers and found them any good? After a pair of gen purpose outdoor trousers but don't want to pay fjallraven prices! If people have used them what is the fit like? Don't want mc hammer pants! Cheers all! Paul.
  16. PaulSanderson

    Dyeing a DPM jacket

    Hello ladies and gents. After a bit of advice if I may. After de-mob I retained a load of DPM gear, and whilst its great for general farm work or walking the dogs, I need to shake my ex-forces look! In particular I am talking about my dpm smock jacket. I love the fit and functionality but the...
  17. PaulSanderson

    Need this webbing ...

    Hi guys, Does anyone know where I can get this type of webbing from? My intention is to be able to attach my snugpak response pack to my current rucksack... Must be OG. Any clues? All my searches have proved fruitless so far! Many thanks for your help. Pabs.
  18. PaulSanderson

    Heat treating stainless steel...

    Hi guys, Not sure if this is in the right section but I'm planning on heat treating some stainless steel for a new blade. I was wondering if it is exactly the same as heat treating O1?? Same temps etc? Shaped me a lovely new blank, and although the steel was already much tougher than O1, I...
  19. PaulSanderson

    Another 2 spoons...

    Hi guys and girls... ...I think im addicted. Hawthorn love spoon on the right for the wife, and a chestnut tea spoon on the left. Please excuse the quality of the pics - phone camera. Cheers for looking...Pabs.
  20. PaulSanderson

    Other uses for Pheasant...

    Hello all... ..was out for a rough shoot on the farm today and bagged a lovely cock pheasant. Now I have shot loads over the years, and apart from using the crown and legs (and keeping tail feathers for those that have asked for them) everything else gets wasted. I was wondering what other folk...