What are you currently reading?

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Currently re reading alone in the wilderness… I don’t read many novels or memoirs but this one I still really enjoy. If anyone has any similar recommendations I’d love to hear them.
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Revisiting, Self Help For Your Nerves - Dr Claire Weekes. Nobel Prize nominated but much forgotten now. Promotes theory that anxiety is oversensitation to stimuli leading to bewilderment and fear. She suggests four steps to recovery. Facing, accepting, floating and letting time pass.
A masterful work in my humble opinion...but you really have to commit to it
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I'm rarely reading one book and very rarely do I read Fiction. At the moment I am reading:

- Who we are and how we got here - by David Reich
- Mind of the Raven - by Bernd Heinrich (second time, I didn't take it all in the first time)
- Entangled Life - by Merlin Sheldrake

Oh, and I have been re-reading all the Terry Pratchett Discworld novels in chronological order - only three left to go (out of 41).
Like most people I tend to have more than one book on the go.
Only yesterday I finished 'The Fifth Child' by Doris Lessing. I'd never read any Lessing before and I was greatly impressed. Will have to read more of her stuff.
I currently have 'White Teeth' by Zadie Smith and 'The Magic of Reality' by Richard Dawkins on the go.

In the quiet times I am re-reading the Brother Cadfael series of books by Ellis Peters. Wonderful, descriptive story telling
I have the full set, all first editions!
That took me a while to put together, but I got there in the end.
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Revisiting, Self Help For Your Nerves - Dr Claire Weekes. Nobel Prize nominated but much forgotten now. Promotes theory that anxiety is oversensitation to stimuli leading to bewilderment and fear. She suggests four steps to recovery. Facing, accepting, floating and letting time pass.
A masterful work in my humble opinion...but you really have to commit to it
You may like this. Not the same but possibly similar.

That Book Of Trespass really appeals to me, spotted it in the bookshop the other day but didn't buy it at the time.
My mother is what I would call a serial trespasser and when I was a kid a sign saying No Entry without there being an obvious reason to stay out was like an invitation to her.
Nothing dodgy but she's always been interested in whats around her with a healthy disrespect for authority. She's still like that now at 88 years old.

Might buy it for her actually.
Just finished “The Places In Between - Rory Stewart”. An incredible walk across Afghanistan in 2002 which, with a lot of luck, he accomplished. Some heavy going in places but worth persisting with.
Now onto my son’s Alex Rider - Horowitz (haha!) while I wait for this thread to throw me a gem to seek out…


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