Lymes Disease symptoms - have I got it ?

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Hello mate.
You asked for actual experiences and my personal experience of shingles is that you would know all about it pain-wise. Shingles is a strange blend of surface stinging and deep muscle pain, plus the rash was quite obvious and localised in my case - it was on my neck. No veins - just a skin rash. It's a type chicken-pox i believe. If you haven't had chicken-pox you get chicken-pox, but if you've already had chicken-pox you get shingles. Or something like that.
Anyway, hope it's sorted soon,
I've had chicken pox twice... Once a few months ago, no shingles!

Come on rich, get your top off. Were all grown men here :)

(just kidding and swift recovery!)

Got any bites like this Rich?
Still waiting for the blood test results to come back so no updates yet

The pains have mellowed a lot but the line is still on my stomach
My step-daughter had lymes when she was a toddler. The rash doesn't always appear around the tick bite, and can fade very quickly.

TBH, your symptoms don't sound like Lymes.
I've had, and seen, similar symptoms to yours many times, they've always been what we used to call 'blood poisoning', which just means an infection travelling along the veins. People would get it when working outdoors, from a puncture wound that they didn't keep clean.
Doxycycline should sort it out.
Blood test results came back negative so that's a bit of a relief as far as Lymes is concerned.

Still got the lines and some occasional shooting pains though so it's back to the docs this afternoon.
Cool beans re the lymes dude! do you have a small child? mine will draw on anything either stationary or moving slow enough, just a suggestion you might want to check.
They're sending me to LGI for a chest and abdomen scan now, a bit scary but needs must I suppose.

Fingers and toes crossed here


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