Why so anti?


Full Member
May 2, 2007
There are some bad things there.

Yup, from the site Andy linked to ....


Bubble Gum Cigarettes - Black Lung

Bubble Gum Cigarettes - Black Lung: Satisfy your oral fixation with these classic Bubble Gum Cigarettes. Each pack contains twelve sticks of lemon flavoured bubble gum that are cleverly disguised in a paper wrapping to look like cigarettes. We're pretty sure that NHS will have no problem with you chewing a pack a day!

I remember cigarette sweets, so morbid fascination on that one :borgsmile

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
What were the ciggie sweets that had a kind of soft nougaty filling called? they were wrapped in edible paper, and if you eat five at once the paper wodged up in you teeth. the filling was seriously addictive though.

Ray Britton

Jun 2, 2010
In response to your post 111, yes I do remember Texan bars......Which is why I posted a link to an ad for one in post 52 lol

As for H.R. puff n stuff, you will not remember it well, as the series was not shown in the UK! The film version was shown, but not the series, so you would be likely to have only seen it during the school summer holidays...then again as a repeat. In the UK, it is also often simply referred to as witchypoo. :)

As a further tenuous link to cakes/sweets and old TV programmes...bring on the Double deckers

Good shot of doughnut at 1.06



May 3, 2010
Google Earth
Bring back the traditional sweet shop! There was one near where I grew up, buying sweets from it was a lottery concerning use-by dates! So much so we nicknamed it 'The Moldy Opal Fruit' but the owners were truly wonderful people so we shopped there regularly. I remember the world of my childhood being friendlier but that is perhaps rose tinted retrospection.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
In response to your post 111, yes I do remember Texan bars......Which is why I posted a link to an ad for one in post 52 lol

As for H.R. puff n stuff, you will not remember it well, as the series was not shown in the UK! The film version was shown, but not the series, so you would be likely to have only seen it during the school summer holidays...then again as a repeat. In the UK, it is also often simply referred to as witchypoo. :)

As a further tenuous link to cakes/sweets and old TV programmes...bring on the Double deckers

Good shot of doughnut at 1.06


I remember HR Puffnstuff too. though my favourite in the summer hols was The Flashing Blade (avec le bubble-permed hero, le Chevalier de Recci).


It may have lacked the dodgy drug references of HR Puffnstuff, but did featue appalling dubbing and the odd road sign...in 17th century France...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
Did you get cinnamon tatties south of the border ?
A kind of mishapen chunk of softish rock sweetie covered in cinnamon and icing sugar ? Used to have a tiny wee plastic charm/toy pressed into them before they went hard.
H & S would have a nightmare with it these days, but oh they were good :D


I remember lucky tatties, I think they went out of fashion because of the way they looked long before H and S.

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Quatro, what a drink, used to get a can from the trawler man fish shop in Amesbury, next to the hairdresser's that was women ONLY! and had a selection of served heads in the window with varying styles displayed.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Coconut backy! Oh yes - truely addictive
Xmas "Smokers compendiums" Liquorice pipe, choc ashtray, coconut backy, sweetie (or choc ) ciggies, choc cigars and sugar fondant type matches!
We have a trad sweetie shop in Cardigan.... all sorts of sweets in jars mmmmmmm


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
H.R Puff 'n' Stuff wasn't shown in the UK? Well, I remember seeing it as a kid in the late 60's early 70's with Jack Wilde and can still wail out the signature tune. Must admit though my innocent mind back then wouldn't have seen the double meaning references much like Captain Pugwash with Seaman Staines and Roger the Cabin boy went woosh over my head while my Dad cracked up hearing it. Bit like watching a PIXAR animation film nowadays they're loaded with humour that works on two levels.

Flashing blade. Hmmm the title rings a bell and that opening song does bring back a vague memory. Going to have to listen to it again when I have more time.

Anyone remember Robinson Crusoe? That foreign langauge one. Not sure what it was, Spanish I think. I liked that series.

Marine Boy was a fav cartoon of mine as a kid, with his Oxygum. The amounts of chewing gums I ate pretending those were the same as he took... didn't work on bath night though, still got water up my nose. Marine boy was very much like Manga cartoons are today, without the schoolgirls and tentacled monster though.

I was having an email exchange with my best mate bakc in the Uk last year about nostalgic TV shows I mentioned Sky to him and he was blank about that series. Anyone else remember it? Featured some blonde boy with dark blue eyes without whites in them. Spooky show as I recall, Tomorrow People were a lot easier to understand. Man, the times I wished I could Jaunt to school!

Gotta dash, we're out for a pizza tonight!


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