How to live a simple life

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I watched it, a nice bloke and realistic; as he said its all right living like this to a degree but the bottom line is it won't pay insurance on his car etc. Next episode looks interesting.
Very enjoyable and some interesting points especially about community.Ive seen that bloke on something else before but i cant place it...
I get the feeling his parishoners are humouring him though.
Looking forwards to the next two episodes.
The bloke. He lives in the next village. He struts around and the way he talks to people is unbelievable- so condescending. His wife must think the same thing 'cos she's done one!

On last nights program he said that because a Saint had given up his pampered lifestyle and begged all of his food etc, then it was okay for him to do so too!
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I found it an interesting show.

I struggle a bit with his parishoners having to support him, its allmost "I can drop out because others cant"

Having said that I do agree with what he said about community, the need to work being driven by the need to buy.

I live close to firle and have been studying the os map to locate his wallnut trees, going for a wander later to see if i can find them.

It also showed how beautiful my part of the world is
I found it an interesting show.

I struggle a bit with his parishoners having to support him, its allmost "I can drop out because others cant"

Having said that I do agree with what he said about community, the need to work being driven by the need to buy.

I live close to firle and have been studying the os map to locate his wallnut trees, going for a wander later to see if i can find them.

It also showed how beautiful my part of the world is

Have you sussed where it is yet? If not I'll PM you the location.
Id missed this so thanks for the link,really enjoyed it,next week when he hits the road will be fun
for those overseas this may work ,it allows you to view things from other locations,i use it for Panadora (only recently changed to settings )which you can only use if in the states.
hope that is some help
It had some good points, like all these things we take out the bits that are interesting or relevant to us. I enjoyed it on the whole, i'd ahve liked to see him do a year of it, through the winter as well. His point about commercialism is valid, although I think it's a little more complicated and it's also harder for most people to do what he's doing/done.

it's thought provoking.
Its a good watch and I'll continue to keep watching. Hes got loads of advantages over the common man, home paid for is the biggy for me, and of course his parishioners. But fair play, I would be happy to try the same experiment given the same set of circumstances. Bit like Hugh Fearnly and his 'River Cottage' in terms of having a financial cushion (and TV crew) around to provide security. I wonder how many parishioners gave him a 'free' lunch hoping to get on the box! Interesting experiment all the same.
personally i hated it, why can't they go out and film real poor people trying to make a living on the streets or something instead of these posh people playing all mr eco right for 5 minutes. Sure id help some man collect a few lambs if i only had to work 16 hours a week for a free house anyways ill stop there before i get worked up and offend anyone. :-D
I started watching it - stuck if for half an hour and gave up, it was so boring!

And a vicar wearing a hat in Church!!!! Sacrelige!

A I agree with spiritwalker - the guy is just playing games and no doubt making a good whack of money from the TV company.
I think the role he took could be valid for someone pivotal in a community such as a vicar in a parish. Through his bartering he mixed socially with a lot of the members of the community. One of the ladies in his meeting with the church elders talked about how it would aid communication within their village and I believe it did and could in a real life scenario.


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