The Theory behind these events.

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Excepting in the case of Pirates?

1 left eye + 1 eye patch = 2 parts > 1/2 of normal vision system.
L arm + R hook = 2 parts = 1 accidental eye removal sytem
liver + 2 kidneys = 3 parts = one filtration system
1 lung lobe + 1 lung lobe = 2 parts < 1 lung.
Sperm + Egg = 2 parts = 1 protien rich breakfast

This reminds me; When's it International "Talk Like A Pirate Day" again?

Anyway, what events?:confused:
Do we really need to demean people who may not be as well educated as others or may have an illness that prevents them from spelling correctly?

he seems to be able to spell well enough when typing his 500 word verbal squirts on the random happenings planet-wide.
so in answer to your question - Yes.
if HillBill has an illness, i assure you that it is not dyslexia, and I wasn't demeaning, I was correcting.
and just as a footnote, why do WE, on a bushcraft forum, have to endure this piffle that would be more appropriate on Fortean Times?
WE don't have to endure it.
Neither do WE have to correct peoples spelling or grammar,it really is quite rude.
I tend to agree with Gorilla regarding the suitability of this forum for this subject.

I know this is Other Chatter, but honestly, this is a waste of everyone's time. HillBill may have an excess of spare time to come up with his theory, but I am sure that everyone else could be doing much more important things than replying, and we certainly have better things to do than keep an eye on yet another monster HB discussion thread, which even now is starting people arguing.

Thread Closed.
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Let me add, correcting people can be done in two ways, a nice polite way and a pompous way that can easily offend, let us be more careful about how we address people because even though i agree that this thread was descending i also think there's some completely out of order remarks.

treat each other nicely and alls well.
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