Our newest family member.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I thought this was the best way to introduce our newest family member.

I've been extremely busy for the last 3 weeks or so, looking after our new arrival.
This is Molly;

She's a five year old, Cocker Spaniel, fully trained as a working cocker. Incredibly intelligent,fit as a fit thing, getting me fitter every day and an absolute joy to have around.

I've known her for about three years, and have enjoyed exercising her in Chopwell Wood whenever the opportunity arose.
She's had a few trials and tribulations over the last year or more, including a bad house fire and the arrival of a baby in her original family and she just wasn't getting on very well at home any more.
Her owners realised that with one thing and another, Molly would need re-homing:(
This wasn't a spur of the moment decision, they agonized for months over what to do for the best.All this was last September and I decided that if they were willing, I'd give her a new home. Of course; I went home and THEN told the wife!
Anyway, all that was last year, then about a month back,Molly's owners asked if I was still interested in taking her on. I had to think about it and after consulting my wife and family, I took her overnight to see how we got on. I returned her and then thought long and hard about the commitment and decided against taking her on.
I couldn't see it working out as we have never had any pets before and I just couldn't see a way round the shift work without putting on to my family.
I told my wife that I had decided not to take her and was gently but firmly told that I had not even tried! ( absolutely true but a totally unexpected response from my wife who was totally against the idea when first mentioned!:confused: )
Anyway, I agreed to try her on a months trial to see how everyone got on.

Well what can I say:)
Very little mess, she sleeps in a kennel in the garage and is a pleasure to have around during the day. Picking up her 'deposits' can be a bit traumatic but I now have at least two nappy sacks in every pair of trousers I own:D
The wife is completely taken with her, as are the two kids, as long as I do the dirty work and clean up after her when I can. When I'm on 2-10 shift, the laddie takes her out for her evening 3 or 4 miles and feeds her etc.

She's a real character and if I'm out and about and stop to do anything for more than about 30 mins, without working with her, shes starts to try to bury sticks, balls or anything else she picks up!


She swims like a duck, runs like a gazelle, can find the stone or stick you throw, almost anywhere and of course; is more or less tireless! (unlike me after nightshift:eek: )
She also sits, stays, lays down, retrieves etc to command as well as being able to understand hand signals when working at distance.
All the above probably seems like no big deal to many of the doggy members but for me, having only had experience of our family pets when I was kid ( who did what they wanted, when they wanted!:rolleyes: ) She is amazing to work with, particularly when I didn't actually train her originally.

So; she's going to spend the rest of her days with us. She's already been canoeing in my Pack, an experience to be repeated time and again over the next few years:eek:

I absolutely love her to bits ( as does the rest of the family) and I'm sure We'll get into a few scrapes worth posting up on here and elsewhere over the next few years:rolleyes:

all the best


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
She's gorgeous Steve. It's a delight having a dog around and I know what you mean about getting fitter. I've lost 8lb already since I started walking Sam :eek:


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Apart from a Border collie, that's the only kind of dog I really kind of long for. :D

She's a bonnie dog, and it sounds as though her nature is sound as a bell too :approve:
You and your family are her world, I'm glad it's full of affection and enjoyment for all of you :)


p.s. That's not a plea for a dog from anyone, I'm quite happy with the moggie :cool: Just sometimes I get the urge to borrow a neighbour's dog for the walk :eek:


Apr 1, 2007
Deepest North Hampshire
She's lovely!

We looked after a Border Collie x Lab for a few weeks - there was nothing better than coming home after a night shift and taking him out for a walk at 7am!

Our new puppy, a Border Terrier called Monty, is almost two weeks old now - he'll be here in just over a month! Can't wait!

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apart from a Border collie, that's the only kind of dog I really kind of long for. :D

She's a bonnie dog, and it sounds as though her nature is sound as a bell too :approve:
You and your family are her world, I'm glad it's full of affection and enjoyment for all of you :)


p.s. That's not a plea for a dog from anyone, I'm quite happy with the moggie :cool: Just sometimes I get the urge to borrow a neighbour's dog for the walk :eek:

Ah! It all started with just taking her out for exercise:D

thanks again to one and all:)



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.