Photography shoot at the Bushmoot.

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Thank you Wayland from us both (Ashley & Claire), we thoroughly enjoyed your photography workshop. It was exactly what we both needed and although we were limited by our camera at times we defiantly got great shots that we were very happy with, it was a great recap and taught us important points, also set us up for when we get our new camera soon, im sure it'll improve our shots. Thanks again!
Yes thanks Wayland, Id forgotten just how beautiful and magical dawn really is, even if it is stupid o clock in the morning. It has been a long time since I watched the sunrise, in a way Im glad my film ran out because it gave me time to just enjoy the surroundings and `stare as long as sheep and cows`

Whats wrong with the world that we have become so busy?
Sadly I missed this, I had considered it to be a perfect opportunity to learn from a professional.
Sadly I was a 100% numpty, even though I prepared for the event days in advance. Charged all my batteries and cleaned and checking everything twice (or more) only to find that when it came to the evening talk I’d left my camera battery in the charger at home, leaving me with no pictures of the moot, and my wife’s first camping trip.

Maybe Wayland you'll do another one next year... :)
wayland is on the Mors course so he probably wont read this for another week or so.
How long is the Mors course anyway?
Sadly I missed this, I had considered it to be a perfect opportunity to learn from a professional.
Sadly I was a 100% numpty, even though I prepared for the event days in advance. Charged all my batteries and cleaned and checking everything twice (or more) only to find that when it came to the evening talk I’d left my camera battery in the charger at home, leaving me with no pictures of the moot, and my wife’s first camping trip.

Maybe Wayland you'll do another one next year... :)

Don't worry Tadpole, I brought only one 25 frame film with me and left my digital in my tent, so after some lovely shots I was left enviously staring at all the pretty pictures I was missing!
Still, gave me a chance to look in the rockpools and admire the sky.
I missed this too. :( Saw some shots elsewhere, it looks lovely. Next year I'm gonna try and explore more, and I really will make time for the tracking, something I really wanted to do this year.
I finally got around to sorting my pictures from the shoot so here are a few of them.


This is what we got up early for, sorry about that folks.


An unexpected bonus.


A long exposure at the beach. At least my feet stayed dry.


The last of the light before the weather broke.
It was my first go at having a long exposure time, unfortunately with my fujifilm S5700 I was limited to a maximum of 4 seconds, I would have liked to try for a little longer, but im limited on the shutter-speeds and aperture on the camera, cant wait to get my hands on that 450D!
Those are still really good photos nightwalker.
I took mine to be developed today but when I got to the shop I reached in my pocket and realised I left the damn thing at home :(
Those are neat! I especially like the long exposure of last of the light before the weather broke. I've managed to post mine in a separate thread, and they're all mixed up with some other photos from the moot. :-)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.