Right here goes......This thread's made me laugh so much.... I almost spilt me grog!

Thought I'd better remark on some o' the quotes....
Tadpole....''If I remember right, (from last year) any type of grog at all so long as someone else pays/brings it''....Aye!!....Have ye seen the price o' rum at the shops lately??...besides...Pirate mate...lol
Wayland......''As I presume the good captain will be arriving in a sloop or some such will there still be room for a longship?''......Yer always welcome t' up yer oars an' join us fer a tankard o' two fella....being that ye be bretheren matey..lmao
Tony....''I can answer that for you....Yes he does & Yes he can''.....Thank 'e Commodore

Glen....''I hear he sleeps in a waterproof Bevy bag''....I'm writin' that on me bivi after I post this!....top notch sah!
Wayland...''That's easy, don't get too much blood in your alcohol stream''.....Ye gorn just told 'em the secret ye SWAB!.....fer nothin'!

......Are ye sure ye be a pirate shipmate??
andy_e....''I'm expecting a mini-Tortuga''.....Mini ye says?...hurr hurr
Switch...''Nah, it never gets rowdy''.....good lad