Bushmoot 2008

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Ah, I wondered if it were home made stuff only...........and was thinking that the Moot might be Hangover Central if folks tried out the variety that was sure to be on offer :D :rolleyes:
Cleverly, as it turned out, Tony managed to avoid sampling my homemade sloe gin, leaving more for me to drink. Sadly, when I was in my cups I spilt a drop on my folding seat, not long afterwards the aluminium strut dissolved and it collapsed under me. ;)
Does Cap'n Badger really talk like Long John Silver-arrrrrrr! :D

And when you actually see the good Cap'n it'll be obvious why he was christened with such a name. Really could NOT have been called anything else!

I can also be safe in the knowledge that the 'Naughty Corner' will disturb my nights sleep and i'm not going! I'll be 8 miles away in Llantwit major! Enjoy one and all, i may pop in for a day with Jed Jnr, but if not see you at next years Moot.:rolleyes:
If you all like, I can do a bushmoot tutorial on `bush hangover cures`

It looks a little like this.
1 bacon butty.
2 alkerseltzer , foraged from your nearest chemist
3 back to bed/floor/hamock/ditch
I suspect HP brown sauce is just made out of sugar , boot polish and acorns so I can make you some if you like :) (I hate that stuff)
how ii we all and this thread makes the naughty corner sound worse than the bar i go into and well all i am going to say is that is definatly a bda thing cos it gets pritty rowdy never any fights like

Nah, it never gets rowdy.

It's just... You know when you're all sitting round a fire, facing inward and it's pitch black around you and you kind of lose perspective of other things that are around because, even though you're in the open, you kind of feel 'enclosed'?
Well it's very easy to get a little carried away with noise in that situation :o

And it's easy to kind of lose track of time a bit :o

Sorry Adam, I still feel bad mate.
Right here goes......This thread's made me laugh so much.... I almost spilt me grog!:lmao: :lmao: Thought I'd better remark on some o' the quotes....
Tadpole....''If I remember right, (from last year) any type of grog at all so long as someone else pays/brings it''....Aye!!....Have ye seen the price o' rum at the shops lately??...besides...Pirate mate...lol
Wayland......''As I presume the good captain will be arriving in a sloop or some such will there still be room for a longship?''......Yer always welcome t' up yer oars an' join us fer a tankard o' two fella....being that ye be bretheren matey..lmao
Tony....''I can answer that for you....Yes he does & Yes he can''.....Thank 'e Commodore:D :You_Rock_
Glen....''I hear he sleeps in a waterproof Bevy bag''....I'm writin' that on me bivi after I post this!....top notch sah!
Wayland...''That's easy, don't get too much blood in your alcohol stream''.....Ye gorn just told 'em the secret ye SWAB!.....fer nothin'!:eek: ......Are ye sure ye be a pirate shipmate??:lmao: :lmao:
andy_e....''I'm expecting a mini-Tortuga''.....Mini ye says?...hurr hurr
Switch...''Nah, it never gets rowdy''.....good lad:D
Aw man, we spent all weekend picking elderflowers and made a bucketful of `elderflower and various little beetle wine` and it doesnt look like its fermenting.
Damn you Hugh fearnley wittingpants, damn you!
Leave Hugh Fearnley Ponsamby Smythe Whatshisface be! What that man can't do with 7 birds and a bit of perseverance is nobodies business!

Looking forward to the moot and counting the days!
Aw man, we spent all weekend picking elderflowers and made a bucketful of `elderflower and various little beetle wine` and it doesnt look like its fermenting.
Damn you Hugh fearnley wittingpants, damn you!

I think he said if this was the case just throw in a teaspoon of yeast to kick start it. Don't give up I'd like to try some if there's any going spare. :beerchug:
Ladies and Gentle men attending the Moot unfortunately I shall not be there but I have some hard won advice for you all. Hangovers only ever appear after you have had some sleep, therefore sleep = hangover ergo no sleep = no hangover. I hope you all have a most excellent time good luck.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.