Outstanding Goals/experiences for 2024

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White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
I was just assessing what I wanted to get done in 2024 in relation to my bushcraft goals, there's a couple of outstanding things, some carving, some relaxed camping/hammocking and a good sort out of my kit in general. I'm camping in December at the Forest Knights Christmas Bash, that covers a couple of things and I'll put some effort into sorting over the next month or so.

What have you got outstanding that you'd planned for this year that you'd still like to accomplish? Any plans for getting it done? We've still got nearly 2 months left in 2024!
Aaaaaaaaagh! I’ve got 54 days to whittle a link in a stick and I haven’t even failed yet!!!
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Sew a new wool coat or smock. I'm being indecisive, as I've cut most of the pieces.

A) Can I be bothered to line it (and with what)? I'm leaning toward unlined for year round usefulness.

B) To machine sew it or do it by hand sew with bone needle? The former is an hour including button holes the latter days as I'll make the buttons too.

I may make up my mind next year at this rate.
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Ive already started.

Im making up some surprise boxes for trades or Gift It ons.

Some of them are very surprising.
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Get out for a proper wild camp with minimal gear (rather than the luxury ones). I’m hoping to do that in the next month or so now it’s cooling down and there are fewer mosquitoes about the place.
Have you tried eight item camping?

I’m long past it and is strongly suggest experimenting with single nights :)
What have you got outstanding that you'd planned for this year that you'd still like to accomplish? Any plans for getting it done? We've still got nearly 2 months left in 2024!
Getting my knees and hips replaced, still waiting after nearly two years since first referral to Orthopaedics by the Consultant Rheumatologist.
Getting my knees and hips replaced, still waiting after nearly two years since first referral to Orthopaedics by the Consultant Rheumatologist.
Five or so years ago I was told that I needed new hips and knees - took myself off the list after I found that losing 7 1/2 stone in weight and doing 3-4 hours physio exercise per day (plus trying to walk a minimum of 3 miles a day) keeps me out of pain. I am too old to recover from all that surgery to a point that I will enjoy exercise again ... though one day I will, no doubt, need the surgery anyway....
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Check out 'knees over toes guy'. Not just those with bad knees, his exercises will help to prevent having bad knees.
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Five or so years ago I was told that I needed new hips and knees - took myself off the list after I found that losing 7 1/2 stone in weight and doing 3-4 hours physio exercise per day (plus trying to walk a minimum of 3 miles a day) keeps me out of pain. I am too old to recover from all that surgery to a point that I will enjoy exercise again ... though one day I will, no doubt, need the surgery anyway....
Unfortunately surgery is my only option John, as i am walking bone on bone in both knees and have protrusio of the hips, ie the socket where the ball of the femur should go, well, i have a hole and the ball of the femur pokes through into the middle of the pelvis on both sides.

I used to be very active and even now try to stay as active as i can to keep things moving, i watch my diet like a hawk, don't drink, don't smoke, i did lose some weight when i was in hospital and have kept that off, i think the formula they stated was something like for every pound you lose it's the equivalent to five pounds in pressure off of your knees, or something like that.

I shall get there as the wilds are calling.
Sew a new wool coat or smock. I'm being indecisive, as I've cut most of the pieces.

A) Can I be bothered to line it (and with what)? I'm leaning toward unlined for year round usefulness.

B) To machine sew it or do it by hand sew with bone needle? The former is an hour including button holes the latter days as I'll make the buttons too.

I may make up my mind next year at this rate.
Why not have a removable liner? Most motorcycle jackets have a removable winter liner. Toggles & ties are much quicker and easier to make and use, especially with cold hands.
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Getting my knees and hips replaced, still waiting after nearly two years since first referral to Orthopaedics by the Consultant Rheumatologist.
Keep on top of them or you'll never get it. Unfortunately polite persistence pays, and reminding them of the impact of not doing it.
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