What wildlife did you spot today?

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i use a bird whistle and can do an incredible tawny owl. a human would never know the difference but i have not had a tawny reply to me, the great horned eagle owl can be found all the way from the Canadian arctic to the bottom of south america, its the largest in the americas and quite common. i am guessing its that. great sightings as ever. have you got any photos you could post. x
my internet research indicates that the great horned eagle owl may not be present in Costa Rica.... however a week ago i saw a large owl sitting on a tree in broad daylight and it appears to be a spectacled owl/ oropopo (Pulsatrix perspicllata)
I volunteer for Serv blood blood running and on my runs last night I saw,
4 baby rabbits, loads of adults,
1 doe
1fox cub 2 adults
1 badger
1 tawny owl
2 rats.

It's the most I've seen on my runs, normally it's one or 2 foxes and some rabbits that have made a hospital grounds there home.
I was scuba diving this morning.

Perch and Crayfish, murky and didn’t find any Pike or big fish, got kicked in the head whilst looking at the Crayfish. That’s pretty normal with my dive buddy though. ;) Didn’t knock my mask off or pull out my regulator for a change.

If diving alone I like to follow Crayfish tracks, they will wander a surprising distance between holes and feeding areas. I am considering commercially fishing them as there are quite a few and lots of burrows in the banks to the point of being a concern . :frown:
it's rather amazing how much wildlife you can have in close proximity even on the toilet when living in rural central america: i've had a fer-de-lance going almost over my toes 5years ago, 4 years ago i painted the rafters of a friend's toilet/ shower building to find myself face to face with a 150cm Boa constrictor, last year i had two coati running past whilst sitting on the loo and this morning i had a hummingbird hovering for about a minute 20cm from my face...
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A honey bee! Yes, the first of the season, all alone.
It's been a silent spring here. Only seen one butterfly, earlier in the season when we had the first warm patch.
It's been so cold windy and wet, insects have been absent in their droves, despite planting many more flowers in the garden this year to try and entice them back. Especially those big daisy's. Normaly the bees are all over them.
My friend S said her garden is the same. No butterflies and no bees.
I have someone with 3 hives in a field 200 yards from my garden. You'd think I'd be swamped with bees. Talked to him last week, and two hives have died from the cold and lack of natural food, they kept going out to forage and never came back, the rest died. that happened despite feeding them with fondant. ....not a bee keeper, so not sure what that is.
So sad.
What honey he does have is now £9 a jar, up from £6.50 last summer. Stock up on honey folks!
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Walking in the Langdale Valley got buzzed for a fair few minutes by a Gold-Ringed Dragonfly. With the sun shining through its wings it was a thing of beauty.


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