Open invitation arctic meet 2017

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I think a way of separating the information might be a good idea though... I know I'm being difficult with the whole driving thing, but the thing is I haven't flown on a plane since the tumour. I want to get confirmation that I can fly before I commit to a plane ticket, so I thought if I would arrange an alternative, no matter how long it takes... that might be a better option. Last thing I want is to end up dying before we get into the cold... that would be a really rather poor show.

Fairly embarrassing all things in... it sounds a bit wussy and cry-baby that I'm worrying over it... but if I'm absolutely honest it terrifies me. I know I'm a little loud, self-opinionated and I love a drink n a laugh... so whinging over it in a thread where we're discussing a manly adventure to the arctic doesn't seem appropriate.

So there we go. One way or another I will get myself to where I need to be on time... but I was confused over the detail. I had planned to stay within a couple of hours drive of Porjus and meet you guys there... park the car up, cover it over and leave it there till we get back. Not the greatest of plans, I admit... and the backup plan was something slightly crazier involving trains and buses across Sweden... but there we go. I'm not what you would call normal.

I need to get an extra 30 miles, so it's about another hour. Not like I have to climb everest or anything :D

While I'm on the honesty thing... most of you guys know about the whole legal thing... its taken a lot out of us, and with everything being up the air, its difficult to complete my work, let alone organise myself for the trip. But again, I don't want to whinge on about it... I'm gradually getting together the gear, and the gents at North Wood have been good enough to let me test my gear this weekend... and I'm busy persuading a mate to accompany me to Snowdonia. And yes, I don't answer my phone... yes I'm carp at answering messages. All part of my abnormalities.
No mate just part of a normal busy life dude. As i always say. It will be reet...👍👍👍👍

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Yeah sorry mate, it's too easy to forget about things like that :( Porjus isn't that far from Gallivare and in the scheme of things it's not a biggie, just get sorted, get there, and lets have a great adventure :)
Bright side... I get to have an extra adventure before I even arrive :D

Now about this Two Dogs shirt thingy... what is a Dane-dog? And is it something to spend my hard earned on? (although saying that, I want a Two Dogs top really quite a lot!)
Bright side... I get to have an extra adventure before I even arrive :D

Now about this Two Dogs shirt thingy... what is a Dane-dog? And is it something to spend my hard earned on? (although saying that, I want a Two Dogs top really quite a lot!)
Its this one mate.

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Ooooo... I'm liking that... I'm liking that a lot!

Would it be terribly rude if we arrived in the arctic wearing the same dress?
I reckon I need to have a natter with Two Dogs :D

Just don't be mithering in the corner when I turn up to the party with the same style and colour.. we may look like twit and tw@, but I can be sure, I'll be prettier than you ;)
Lol... nicely done :D

I've mailed Two Dogs... it will be mine.. oh yes, it will be mine :D

I'm off to a supply depot tomorrow to buy clothing... hopefully I will get the boots i need, undergarments and secondary layers... and if I'm lucky, a coat. Hoping for mittens and a balaclava as well, but to get everything in one day would be rather too lucky I think.
Time is a luxury I never have unfortunately... but I am getting to grips with preparation now. My main concern is testing my gear... and that is the only bit I'm nervous about. I want to test the **** out of this gear before I take it anywhere.

The clothing I should imagine will come in useful in Snowdonia. The welsh hills have a habit of being rather cold.
There will be a TwoDogs fashion parade going on at Jokkmokk.

Damian has a couple of his jackets so I bet one will turn up. Deb's should have another by then and you two as well...

Not surprising though, Cliff does make exceedingly good kit.
Not got my hands on it yet but i was shocked how good it looked for the money. Should get to try it today....😆😆😆😆

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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.