Learnt a bad lesson today

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Full Member
Apr 26, 2013
Well what a day kids at school so decided to go and have some dad time I'm a short 5 minuite walk from my local woodland / Vally boundary and I do not make it up when I say I do this walk everyday of the week but today was different 2 minutes from my house I'm stopped by a officer of the law I carrie my shoulder bag with me when I'm out which contains the usual bits axe , saw , first aid kit , tinder box ,water bottle , tarp, monocular ,crooked knife and my prized possession my boar bushcraft knife just bits for a day out
Anyway today this very polite officer decided I obviously looked strange or stranger than normal and stopped me for a "chat" this chat leading to me no longer owning my knife which I can only describe as heartbreaking as it is definitely the most expensive item I own in my kit and justifying it was hard enough to start with
Apparently the blade was above the legal allowed limit giving the officer the rights to remove it from me obviously I was less than happy and after asking quite politely for valid justification we were joined by three more of his officer friends who then spent 45 minutes searching my bag and discussing the contents which resulted in me being relieved of my knife ,wildlife axe and spoon knife

After a visit to the station I have been allowed to take my axe and spoon knife home with me but not my knife as the blade was longer than 3 inches and apparently bushcraft is not a valid reason to carrie a knife

Has anyone else experienced this ? As I am now past the shock and feel completely and utterly robbed as I will not be able to replace this as any spare money I have goes towards kitting out my boys as with any father

Any advise greatly received


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
They cant give you your other sharps back and not the knife. They all come under the same legislation. Go back, make a complaint.


Full Member
Apr 26, 2013
Made a complaint they didn't recognise the crooked knife as a knife ? And the axe was in there feeling acceptable to be honest I'd rather be attacked by a knife than an axe I'm now writing a letter to my local chief but I'm worried about what they will do with the knife in the mean while


Full Member
Apr 26, 2013
Yes I've got a receipt and had a so called warning which will be on file I was not charged or cautioned just given a fact sheet and informed of ramifications of doing it again


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 21, 2012
Eryri (Snowdonia)
I feel gutted for you ! Did they know what Bushcraft was ? Have they heard of Ray Mears ? Probably not ! It has never happened to me, so don't really know what to advise. But personally I would write your letter, and try to explain that bushcraft is a pastime that many people enjoy, (28,000) on this forum alone. Many people just don't understand.
I wish you all the luck to sort it out.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
Did you explain that you had these "tools" with you because you were intending to use them for carving something?
I would guess if you didnt immediately come up with a reason to carry then they have the upper hand, right or wrong.

If they said its an illegal weapon then they should have had a reason. They kind fo shot them selves in the foot by handing back the FIXED blade spoon knife and the FIXED blade axe. Length alone is not the "point"

Write a nice letter asking for the knife back explaining that you do not believe they are correct and ask them to explain which laws were broken and what the difference between the tools was.


Feb 21, 2013
Feel really sorry for you mate.
Hope you get it back - they definitely contradicted themselves by giving back the axe but not the knife, you're onto something chasing that one up.
Some cops are legends, but some are just bullies! You never know what you're going to get...


Feb 21, 2013
Just been chuckling away imagining someone saying:
"I'm carrying this knife for bushcraft purposes officer. If you try and take it, I'll stab you."


Full Member
Apr 26, 2013
Don't really know why but I felt guilty for having them on me and to be honest was quite put out by being stopped at all and could quite easily of got funny with him as I had done nothing wrong and quite resent being stopped at all

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Get a solicitor. Seriously - writing letters won't help. Civil prosecution for them taking your property, complaints to the IPCC etc. will. Clearly all of this will hinge on the "good reason" you had for carrying your tools. Provided that the landowner of the wood will confirm that you had permission to carry out wood carving there, you were transporting tools to carry out a legal activity.

The Survivor

Feb 1, 2013
On Earth
Don't really know why but I felt guilty for having them on me and to be honest was quite put out by being stopped at all and could quite easily of got funny with him as I had done nothing wrong and quite resent being stopped at all

Know exactly what you mean. Five seconds after they are gone and your just angry. Every one is the same.


Full Member
Sep 24, 2008
In the Mountains
if you feel strongly about it, then maybe you could go back and tell them you would prefer to take it up with a judge in court and they should charge you accordingly, then you would have the opportunity to prove that bushcraft is a reasonable reason to have a knife. But of course you would have to be very convinced of your argument to go down that road and I am not sure that once you signed your knife away you could go back and ask for your chance to defend your self in court .

The police are supposed to give good reason for a search as well, just wondering what the reason was they gave you ?
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A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
They're completely out of order - you had a valid "just cause" to be carrying these tools, and you should have insisted on this. If I were in your shoes I'd get down to the CAB and they'll give you access to a solicitor or a paralegal who will draft a letter to the police for you asserting your right to have your tool returned to you.

Whatever you do, don't let this drop - they should be aware of the intention of the law as well as the letter of it and you were Not in the wrong in any way from what you describe. It'll go in your favour that you complied with their requests at the time, and that you explained yourself in a way that they should have, without doubt, accepted as valid and just cause to be carrying your tools to the woodland and going about your lawful business.

Make 'em have it!..................................atb mac


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Don't take any further action yourself without legal advice - you'll lose that game, they know how to play it better than you...........

Why on earth would you feel guilty for doing something perfectly legal? This is the UK and nobody has the right to intimidate you or interfere with you going about your lawful business: So don't let them!


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
I agree with BritishReds advice so long as you have permission to use the land you where going to then you are merely getting from a-to b how else are you meant to get the tools there(assuming they were inside the rucksack,inside the sheath) you were taking tools to a legitimate place of use.


Full Member
Apr 26, 2013
I amazingly have had a response from the chief of my local station after emailing a complaint in which I have explained my reason for having them and contact details for the land owner his response states

" I feel my officers are acting completely within the law and would of had due cause to stop you and if warranted remove the said items from you at the given time however I am open to hearing your complaint and invite you to visit the station at a mutually acceptable time "

I have asked for the earlyist time available I will keep you informed
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