Longbow, Selfbow or Flatbow?

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Forget the Holmegaard, f***in' awful to shoot!;) My mate has one and it shakes my fillings out!

I have many friends who shoot ELB's (laminated-the victorian incarnation before any archeryoraks come along and correct me!) They are lovely to shoot and watching the flying arrows is a thing of beauty. I keep thinking of one myself but I like shooting off the shelf.

I am happy competing in bare bow so the recurve thing does not bother me and I like the extra speed but I would go for an AFB from your list, hands down but I only shoot field now and its usually carbons from it.

If you are happy shooting wooden arrows (it does not seem to like carbons!) and want a thing of beauty from an English company who are a delight to deal with then I would encourage you to have a look at a KG Osprey, I love mine and my Mrs has one too, they are stunning (The bows, not the wife!) & fast, I smile every time I shoot mine. You are welcome to have a go with it should you pay us a visit?

I have to say I am a bit of a heathen these days having got a little competitive and concentrate on my Hoyt Dorado Recurve and loose Easton Powerflights from its, its wicked fast and far more accurate than I am! If I want to throw a stick, I walk the dogs!:lmao:
Thanks for that - How much is the thunderbolt?

I don't think Dave Folwell of Bowtec is making them any more but he may have a few left in stock. The Thunderbolt is £600. Andy Soars also has a top reputation for making flatbows - probably a similar budget or slightly less. Seriously the Viper XL is a superb bow for just over £100.

Listen to Marcelxl's advice - it's good.

PS - don't underestimate the benefits of an arrow cut-out and an arrow shelf!
Aidy Hayes makes a lovely bow!

You can get some good hobbyist makers though for less than what you can get a stave from elsewhere, for ELB's that is.

If you can, visit Aardvark in Leeds, Aidy makes his bows from the boiler room next door and seems an OK kind of chap (Note: Decent folk at Aardvark, don't let your first impressions force you back out the door!)

+1 for the Viper, had one but at a slightly too heavy draw weight. Probably the most popular bow at my NFAS club

I would warn you off the Sammicks (field/hunting bows), my Mrs bought 2 stingrays in 2 months and they both broke, quite spectacularly.......... Shame because they were good shooters and the rumour is that the quality control is not what it was....... although I would still like an SKB for a giggle!

Falcos seem nice for the money, they are at the longbow shop and there's a couple at my club.

My mate has a Bearpaw Quickstick (out of your price range I know!) but if I was after an AFB it would be that, a Bear Patriot or a KG atlanta.
Ok being pushed towards the viper as it'll give me extra cash for arrows and club fees. Like Res says I can always trade up later...

I will have changed my mind in half an hour though.

Where sells em?
Yup I visited both aardvark and Adrian a few months ago. glad first impressions dont count with aardvark then. But Adrian seems a top bloke.

Archers not customer service advocates, knowledgable not jolly but hang on in there and eventually you get it! I still find myself feeling as welcome as a fart in an astronaut suit sometimes but always good advice and he will never have your pants down. Has a rep for not selling you stuff you don't need too which is pretty commendable!

Would also add just make things more complicated......

Poundage is very important and many at our club favour 35lb @ 28" and i know several VERY successful competitive field archers do too, having all set up and balanced is key and it can be shot all day.
I have one eye on the future and Bowhunting when (hopefully) living in B.C. later this year so mine are 45lb @28" but with my draw @ 31" its somewhere around 56/7lb which allows me to hunt pretty much anywhere and I am a big feller so its manageable but if I don't shoot for a while I wish I had a lighter pull!!

My point is that do not feel you should have loads of poundage, 40-45 is OK and I think that silly weights for anything other than flight is a bit bonkers!

Should you wish to come over to ours as per our PM's, you could come on over and have a play with one of mine of my mate will bring a 50lb&45lb ELB, tis up to thee!
Thanks. Perhaps it is a money making thing then. But I suppose if I were a club owner or manager I would prefer something similar as well; if only to lessen the liability.
Archers not customer service advocates, knowledgable not jolly but hang on in there and eventually you get it! I still find myself feeling as welcome as a fart in an astronaut suit sometimes but always good advice and he will never have your pants down. Has a rep for not selling you stuff you don't need too which is pretty commendable!

Would also add just make things more complicated......

Poundage is very important and many at our club favour 35lb @ 28" and i know several VERY successful competitive field archers do too, having all set up and balanced is key and it can be shot all day.
I have one eye on the future and Bowhunting when (hopefully) living in B.C. later this year so mine are 45lb @28" but with my draw @ 31" its somewhere around 56/7lb which allows me to hunt pretty much anywhere and I am a big feller so its manageable but if I don't shoot for a while I wish I had a lighter pull!!

My point is that do not feel you should have loads of poundage, 40-45 is OK and I think that silly weights for anything other than flight is a bit bonkers!

Should you wish to come over to ours as per our PM's, you could come on over and have a play with one of mine of my mate will bring a 50lb&45lb ELB, tis up to thee!

The longbows I've used were 40, the crappy recurves 28. I was happy with 40 and I hope it will give me a good compromise allowing me a bit more distance when needed.

I'll try and take you up on your offer. It's fitting the time in round the family that's tricky.
Thanks. Perhaps it is a money making thing then. But I suppose if I were a club owner or manager I would prefer something similar as well; if only to lessen the liability.

Both GNAS (archery GB as is now) and NFAS clubs would need you to be "competent" and the beginners courses are there for that. On balance I think its a good thing TBH
Noticed that nonsuch mentioned Gamegetters, Goods arrows for the money (on offer at bowsports) but...........

I shot gamegetters for a while, they were OK but if you get a miss, a bouncer and strike a peg in a 3D you get a bent 'un.

Then I discovered Easton Powerflights, the ultimate field archery arrow! I say that because they are cheap, £3.05 a shaft at Merlin and because they are cheap carbons they have a high glass content so they are uber tough and stand up to some serious knocks! You get bent alu shafts but as long as they are one piece the carbons are straight.

I Shoot far better arrows from my wheelie bows but power flights for bare bow shooting are awesome, they laugh at rocks and trees stuff.......not hat I ever miss or owt..........:lmao:
Then I discovered Easton Powerflights, the ultimate field archery arrow! I say that because they are cheap, £3.05 a shaft at Merlin and because they are cheap carbons they have a high glass content so they are uber tough and stand up to some serious knocks! You get bent alu shafts but as long as they are one piece the carbons are straight.

They're coming up at £5 each for me - do you have a link?


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