Forget the Holmegaard, f***in' awful to shoot!My mate has one and it shakes my fillings out!
No bow should have that much hand shock and if it does its a design issue, it either bends way too much in the handle or has way too much mass at the tips. Dont want to be an "archery anorak" but you may be thinking of the Mollegabet rather than a holmegard which is pretty much just a rough pyramid bow a precursor to pretty much all flat bows, even so designed properly none should be that bad.
MountainM i would just go buy a standard glass bow or one piece recurve if you want something that isnt fussy, will probably hold some re-sale value and will allow you to fit in with the glass flinging comptetitions. They are also pretty cheap as they are just production line stuff so will fit in with your budget.