You chaps enjoying any of that snow?

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4" here and stil falling - off for a walk in a minute.....
Driving home from church last night was fun with some neat slides on some corners....
we had an inch or so yesterday afternoon and it's snowing again now, so it looks like it might stay for a bit. firts time I've seen enough snow to throw in a few years here!

My Australian housemate was like a big kid yesterday when he experienced snow for the first time :D We had a snowball fight in the village square at lunchtime with various locals who couldn't get to work. Then he threw himself down a hill on a plastic sledge one of the kids lent him :lol: he is a bit sore today
I have just come back froma quick 4 mile walk in it...I find that the snow is annoying to my left eye (the paralysed side of my face) as the poor blink reaction means I keep getting snow in my eye - next time I will wear goggles (and probably steam up!).
We (Jed jnr and myself) went out to build a snowman and had a little walk before we were accosted by the local feral kids!:rolleyes:


building my son's first snowman with him.


then the kids turn up (no school)


three year olds are fair game apparently.....


...which means twelve year olds are too!






followed by a little rest for Dad!
11" here. Looks lovely.

I really dont get why we /all of the UK comes to a halt
because of a few inches of snow?

We have enough equipment to cope with most situations.

To cope with a foot of snow overnight would require a lot more which would then remain
unused and in need of maintenance for, in this instance, 17 years and 364 days.

I've lived in Warsaw, and they can cope with snow because they get 4 months of it
every year.

If you get enough people together to put pressure on the authorities saying they would be
happy to pay more council tax for gritters and snowploughs which remain unused most of
the time, then go for it.

You'll be fighting me, though, if you do it around here. I'd rather have a couple of days off
every 20 years so I can play in the snow. :)
A light dusting of snow picturesquely covers the dog turds normally littering the streets of the SE of England making it bearable and all they do is moan about it.

I hate it when they do that. I never see why they make a big deal over a few inches of snow.
we had almost a foot of snow fall last couple of days, but I haven't had the chance to go out in it, or rather go out to have fun in it *pouts* the only chance I had was a quick run over to the next town for an appointmet while the snow was starting to fall, the person i had the appointment with was looking at me like I had two heads when I walked through the door, as they were planning to shut the office for the day, at that time the snow hadn't even began to fall.
I really dont get why we /all of the UK comes to a halt because of a few inches of snow?
Trains,bus'es,roads closed,countries with feet deep snow cope,but we get a couple of inches and its all over, my kids school is closed tommorrow ''because of the weather'' and we havent even got snow here just rain and wind (which we have 50% of the year anyway)

I don't get it either. You won 2 world wars and lost to a few inches of snow.
we have had about 8 inches in Surrey, I was bored yesterday and built an igloo (which is melting and leaning over) can't up load the pic's from my phone :-(
i cant stand the stuff. it turns the fields into a bleeding quagmire.

I have to laugh at folks estimations on the amount of the stuff though. that is, 2cm becomes 2inches, 2inches becomes 2ft etc :rolleyes:
The reason its a big deal in the SE is that it happens but once in a blue moon and no one is really prepared for it. People don't buy snow shovels, snow tyres, snow chains, or rock salt for their own use when it might only get used for one day, or more likely, one morning, every ten years. With snow on the roads for no more than two morning commutes no one has the chance to learn to drive on it, or if they do know, they will have forgotten by the time the next lot arrives.

I used to live in New York a long time ago and I remember when we had 6inches of snow on the 5th of November, and the ground wasn't free of the stuff till March. But it wasn't unsual. The garden centres had a range of snow shovels for sale every autumn, the city didn't just rely on throwing salty grit at the roads, they had real plows which pushed up heaps of snow four or five feet tall. Everyone had to get used to it.

I recall reading a few years ago about somewhere in Europe where traditionally they had lots of snow, but then they had a run of warm winters, during which everyone forgot the routines needed for coping with the snow. When they next had a hard winter, they didn't do much better than they do in the south of the UK.

Great photo Jed :D

I used to live in New York a long time ago and I remember when we had 6inches of snow on the 5th of November, and the ground wasn't free of the stuff till March. But it wasn't unsual. The garden centres had a range of snow shovels for sale every autumn, the city didn't just rely on throwing salty grit at the roads, they had real plows which pushed up heaps of snow four or five feet tall. Everyone had to get used to it.

One of the local farmers used to plough the roads in the village where I grew up. He did a great job but everybody had dig their way through a 6` high wall at the end of the drive after he`d gone.
Maybe farmers could be paid by the local council to do the roads these days. That way everyone`s a winner and there`d be no problem storing a few plough shovels for most farmers.


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