You chaps enjoying any of that snow?

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Really enjoy snow, the cleanliness it lends to otherwise dismal surroundings, the quiet it creates, the sound and smell of it. The simple enjoyment of seeing a fresh fall of snow, pristine, with no indication of movement, to being the first to make footprints thru it, the crunch as you walk thru it (rare up here atm normally wet slushy stuff :( ) to antisipation of a weekends skiing, another rare occurance of late up here.

BTW Gregorach your such a "Marvin" :rolleyes:



Very hopeful of a lot of snow over Thursday and Friday :D
We haven't had decent snow for a few years. I was out on the bike last night. Fell off a few times and I'd forgotten how much hard work snow covered rough ground is. Lots of kicking out the back wheel on the pedals. Front light battery died so did most of the ride by headtorch. Didn't see anyone else out over the fields. Love it!

More for the weekend, please. First walk with this years Ten Tors hopefuls on Sunday.
We didn't have any snow here in the South west until about 4pm, and then only a light dusting of a few millimetres.

Local weather forecasts predict we will have a little bit more tonight, but not a lot.

Glad I moved from Birmingham now.

Apprently we had 10 inches, but was about 5 on the ground to stay. Everything shut, like London. We have fancy new Bus stops that tell you when the next bus is coming. 5 mins away at 18:30, they stopped the route at 16:00, and they never updated the website after 14:00. Thats the stuff that drives you nuts.

Brother lives in Cornwall, went to pick kid up from school, car covered in snow. Everyone giving him funny looks, because no snow at school.

I really dont get why we /all of the UK comes to a halt because of a few inches of snow?

It actually gives you a really interesting insight in to the way they treat these sort of events.

We cannot deal with it because it does not happen often enough. Bit like the floods really. These flood plains have not been used for a bit lets build on them.

Apprently, we all want to be in Canada, they have it proper. Internet and all sorts has been taken out.

I had a great time, practicing my tracking, was disappointed not to have seen any foxes, but the dogs, and cats were still practice.
The snow was lovely, we rarely get any and we had about 5 inches which was enough to have some great fun with the kids, it was the most that they had seen and played in and they just loved it. I used to live in Canada and loved the winters there. It would be good if we had some decent snow for a month, that would be enough time to enjoy it and then get back to life :D
The snow was lovely, we rarely get any and we had about 5 inches which was enough to have some great fun with the kids, it was the most that they had seen and played in and they just loved it. I used to live in Canada and loved the winters there. It would be good if we had some decent snow for a month, that would be enough time to enjoy it and then get back to life :D

Nice snowman and great to get out and spend time with the kids. Why is the snowman unhappy?

We built snowcaves yesterday.





Monday night sat in the house watching the snow fall, lovely I thought I can play in that tomorrow. Tuesday morning 0630 phone ringing :eek: . It is a friend of mine that runs a Care home and augments Care in the community, "can I help them out?", Suspiciously I ask "How?", the answer is that most of the staff can't get in to work and the community carers can't do their rounds. This from the person that has taken the urine out of my Ford Ranger since the day I bought it as a big unwealdy tractor. Needless to say I did volunteer our services and we became meals on wheels for a day. What surprised me the most is that there is no system in place to care for elderly in these situations, they knew the snow was coming why didn't they hire a couple of landies the day before even if not needed they would have been available.:twak:

Monday night sat in the house watching the snow fall, lovely I thought I can play in that tomorrow. Tuesday morning 0630 phone ringing :eek: . It is a friend of mine that runs a Care home and augments Care in the community, "can I help them out?", Suspiciously I ask "How?", the answer is that most of the staff can't get in to work and the community carers can't do their rounds. This from the person that has taken the urine out of my Ford Ranger since the day I bought it as a big unwealdy tractor. Needless to say I did volunteer our services and we became meals on wheels for a day. What surprised me the most is that there is no system in place to care for elderly in these situations, they knew the snow was coming why didn't they hire a couple of landies the day before even if not needed they would have been available.:twak:


It comes back to the same thing, it does not happen often enough for most people to put it into their decision making processes. The Ambulance service borrowed them for the floods. They have almost no 4x4 capacity anymore.

You have to keep in mind in Hereford they have just built a New Care home on the flood plain. Last flood this place was under water, now it has, what was one of the big problems during the last floods, sat on it.

The Police have some nice kit round here. We got a Merc X5 doing the kiddy bike chasing, and they take it off road!
yesterday at college we went to the pub for lunch and had one too many lol:rolleyes: then went up the downs to go sledging and ended up having a huge drunken snowball fight and ended up slipping all over the place lol
now im nursing lots of bruses:o

good times:)
on the 1st we had of snow it was about 20cm deep. i went for a 15 mile walk in it because my wife got stuck at the yard where she keeps her horses and she had no food with her. so i got some kit together stove, food and some sleeping bags, and walked from chessington to effingham junction in the deep snow to make sure she was ok, i thought it would be a good idea to stay at the yard for the night as its much safer than driving back, we slept in one of the empty stables with a fire going. she hated every minute of it as for me i loved evry second of the day.
I have to laugh at folks estimations on the amount of the stuff though. that is, 2cm becomes 2inches, 2inches becomes 2ft etc

I've been overestimating all my life. Had a few disappointed girlfriends though...
No, we're not enjoying it, mostly because we've had perhaps a half centimeter or so, first on monday which melted quick. then again today which appears to be melting again.
seriously narced. i wanted to take the kids out playing in the snow!
pete :D
Snow chains would help prevent most of the UK's vehicles getting stuck and some education on how to drive on snowy roads, if you really have to drive somewhere.
In most of mainland Europe it is a requirement along with winter tyres.
Who's got them? We have, but only really because of spending a lot of time over there.
Snow chains are great for getting out of muddy fields too, should the need arise.
Snow chains would help prevent most of the UK's vehicles getting stuck and some education on how to drive on snowy roads, if you really have to drive somewhere.
In most of mainland Europe it is a requirement along with winter tyres.
Who's got them? We have, but only really because of spending a lot of time over there.
Snow chains are great for getting out of muddy fields too, should the need arise.

But how do you teach people to drive in the snow when it only snows properly once every twenty years :rolleyes:

Having said that I've got a driving lesson today, not shore how its going to go :eek: .
Am now, Is proper snowing now
This is a photo from my window today,


I know I dont have a big commute but theres not much to do in the garden on a day like this :D might service some of my tools and take some bags of compost to the potting shed


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.