Winterizing the home.

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If you look at the profile of a masonary drill bit versus a metal or wood drill bit, you'll see that the head shape doesn't cut material in the same way. They're more grinding they're way through - the hammer action punches it forward a bit, chipping into material then grind some more.

On soft brick, I've used just a rotary drill. On tougher stuff, you definitely need it.
Ah right, thanks.
If you only have a plain drill you have to use it or not do the job. I have a number of times had to take a break to cool the bit down before completing the hole. Not great but my dril is quite old and was not a fancy one by even the standards of the day back then. A house warming present from a dad who knew I was not the DIY type so didn't see the point of getting anything good.

Mind you his drill was an old metal B&D corded one (no such thing as battery ones back then and it was orange not the usual B&D green. They were well made back then even the domestic models. It did not have hammer action but seemed to do very well in most stuff. It was older than me!
Off topic but:
I love the old B&D drills.
I still have the one that I bought when we moved into this house 47 years ago. I’ve repaired the switch, fitted new bearings and new lead several times. Chucks of various types are consumables. I’ve fitted replacement motors and motor parts in a couple of them.
I have ten (I think) now, of various wattages and vintages. They are all corded. I have just one old battery drill and it’s not B&D. Cord = grunt.
Even my lathe is a B&D attachment.

In my father’s home we had a big mirror - about four feet by four feet. It took two of us to lift it safely. That was held up by rag bolts and rested on a couple of six inch 12 screws sticking out of the wall.

@Woody girl
You probably have done this but I’d check the rings / wire mounting as well.
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Lovely sunny day today, so did a bit of tidying in the garden.
Two bin liners of rubbish for the tip, as I've no more composting room. The tardis lid is just resting on top of it and won't click into place. So it's the tip for the rest.
Sorted out all my plastic plant pots and have a bagful for the lady who grows and sells plants in the market. I'm only keeping the old fashoned pottery type ones.
I have a bonfire ready to go this evening, and my hanging baskets are down and emptied ready for next year.
Still plenty to do out there, I need to finish weeding the veg beds and mulching them with cardboard, which stops the weeds and the cats using them as a litter tray while they are empty. Still one bed producing leeks, artichokes, sprouts, and chard, so a quick weed and re net tomorrow.
Last cut of the grass, and I'm done, bar sorting out the tayberry which realy took off this year, and is tangled all through the budlia tree. I'm putting that job off! Plenty of time to prune that back though.
So the garden is almost winterised. Time for a rest and a cuppa.!
You have been busy.

I took a couple more bags to the charity shop, -I found one I can (mostly) depend upon to be taking things.

Still going round after my Father turning off the heating.

He has this thing about damp towels.

it is not my electricity bill either.
You have been busy.

I took a couple more bags to the charity shop, -I found one I can (mostly) depend upon to be taking things.

Still going round after my Father turning off the heating.

He has this thing about damp towels.

it is not my electricity bill either.
Don't be too hard on him. It's his way and it works for him, though I tend to hang towels on a radiator airer that are dead cheap. They hook over the radiator and you hang the towels on that, which means the radiator is not working so hard to heat the room as more warm air is released into the room, which means you can turn the heating down a bit for the same amount of warmth.. Might be an idea to get one for him.
Wouldnt work; Central heating gave up yonks ago and he now has electric spot heaters.

(He was shocked when he found my Nesting Box in Scotland had HOT water...)

Lets not go onto the issue of appliances in the bathroom....


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.