Whole Chicken in a Can

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Like Tengu said, cut to the chase, where could we get one from ? Dosn't look any worse to me than the ham some shops sell !!

I'm curious to try one now.
Like Tengu said, cut to the chase, where could we get one from ? Dosn't look any worse to me than the ham some shops sell !!

I'm curious to try one now.

Here's one

Oh did u say 'tinned' chicken?
Maybe this guy has some leftovers you can try
if you can't find any over there maybe we could work a trade. After reading Patrick O'Brian I've been wanting to try soused ox face, whatever that may be.
There's evidence that folk were actually eating tinned chicken in 1954 in this film, somewhere around 03:30


I asked HWMBLT if he'd had whole chicken in a tin before, and has said he remembered them coming in food parcels from America in the late 1940's. His Auntie married the minister attached to a group of American Marines.......see the things you find out about your husband after thirty + years of marriage :rolleyes: .........and she sent packages to all her sisters here. So an American innovation maybe ?

After a 30 minute search i have come to the conclusion that they are not available in this country.

Would it be possible to do something like this ourselves?
Get a mate from the States to send you a can? I get bits and pieces of stuff that way including canned, freeze dried pork chops :)

I once contacted an Australian company regarding tinned butter, they told me the problem was that no one in the UK would buy the minimum order, although they have sellers in Holland and Spain, maybe a similar thing with canned Chicken, although I bet there are cans on a shelf somewhere.

Not my dried chops, can't open them yet (when I can get another couple of tins I'll open one up), but a mate in the States used them not long ago. Added bulk and taste to a stew, not bad at all he said




Here is an article on it.
(sorry for the thread deviation)

My apologies too. Anyway here's the article I mentioned, Current Archeology no 163 (1999), article on the Blundsden Ridge near Swindon.
"A Roman road leads directly to the quarry from Ermine Street, and a section across this revealed that the ruts on the one side are deeper than those on the other side. Is this because the wagons leaving the quarry fully laden would have made deeper ruts than those going into the quarry empty? If so, Bryn Walters points out that this would imply that the Romans drove on the left".
Not quite as I remember it, but I'll take that after 10 years.

Back on topic, the company that made that chicken also make chicken stuff for one of the american rat packs I've got lying around, a "First Strike" one. Looks nice on the packet, not looking forward so enthusiastically now!
Amazon.com has the "Sweet Sue" canned whole chicken. $49.00 a case. (6 cans to a case).

Interestingly, they also have something I have never seen in my life, canned brown bread.

www.amazon.com/SWEET-SUE-WHOLE-CHICKEN-CAN/dp/B0002QEYYK - 213k -

They apparently both come from a supplier named: http://www.hometownfavorites.com/shop/candy_cat.asp?c=36&p=3&id=1673&newp=

The bread is 16oz. $19.95 a case (6 cans to a case).

You can also get fruit bread :)


The German Army was still issuing canned bread in WW2.

Anyone for a cheese burger?
Interestingly, they also have something I have never seen in my life, canned brown bread.
Good old B&M baked beans and canned bread, standard fare when the power went out, my pops would show me how to heat it up hobo style on the woodstove. I remember the bread being pretty good, have not had it lately but I saw it at the grocers just the other day. Looks like B&M started canning in 1867, big seller back then was "Fish Flakes", mmmm http://www.bgfoods.com/bm/bm_history.asp

My all time favorite that I will never willingly try is "Potted Meat Food Product" which is meat from a....from a....???
FLASH!! NEWS UPDATE!!! My wife just informed me this afternoon that years ago she had bought some Whole Canned Chicken, (didn't remember the brand name -- but thought Sweet Sue, sounded right).

She said they were quite good. Completely deboned. She claimed they were no different that the canned chicken breast chunks we get from Sam's.

Personally, I just can't ever remember eating one but they must have been alright, because I don't have any bad memories.

People routinely eat canned ham, fish, oysters, chicken chunks, sausages, etc. etc. Why the sudden gag reflex on whole chicken? I don't get it!
FLASH!! NEWS UPDATE!!! My wife just informed me this afternoon that years ago she had bought some Whole Canned Chicken, (didn't remember the brand name -- but thought Sweet Sue, sounded right).

She said they were quite good. Completely deboned. She claimed they were no different that the canned chicken breast chunks we get from Sam's.

Personally, I just can't ever remember eating one but they must have been alright, because I don't have any bad memories.

People routinely eat canned ham, fish, oysters, chicken chunks, sausages, etc. etc. Why the sudden gag reflex on whole chicken? I don't get it!

The gag reflex is a sign of the times; we live in a sanitised society, can't eat this, can't drink that etc. Years ago you would share a chocolate bar with a friend, now you share a bottle of hand alcohol rub then share the chocolate:rolleyes: I am amazed that in 40 years of camping I've never ever gone down with food poisoning;)
Youve got good immunity from all the dirt you come in contact with.

In the US they have GB food suppliers, dont we have a similar type of store in this country? We have alll sorts of nifty ethnic shops
I am amazed that in 40 years of camping I've never ever gone down with food poisoning;)

I wish I could say the same. Never by my own hand, it was 'army' camping.

If you happen to read the bbc article linked above, I feel I should comment on what the article only mentions 3 times. The man who ate the 50 year old chicken was a former soldier and as such underwent some very specialised training which would enable him to perform such feats.

They say that in the army the chow is mighty fine
Well a chicken jumped off the table and killed a friend of mine

Germany, winter of 91', a muddy place call Graf'...

….the chickens came at dusk. We had been waiting for them for days. We held the high ground and were more than a little hungry for action. We were a well seasoned group, not a green newbie among us and the chickens didn’t stand a chance although for a short time it was intense hand to wing action.

We were all feeling quite victorious like good sons of Odin, when about an hour later they hit us….hard. Massive chicken counter-attack. Guys were dropping on my left and on my right, crying out in the most pitiful moans. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion when suddenly I felt a most uncomfortable sensation in my lower abdomen, “Damn, I’m hit!” We all got hit, about 30 of us, it really was a terrible mess. I managed to fight on through the night and lived to eat chicken another day, but I will never forget that awful night so long ago, the Battle for Chicken Hill.

These chickens had been (at some point)boiled, canned probably would have been better. I did not touch chicken for ten years after this.


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