Just started pipe smoking as of last Saturday, and enjoying it so far. Golden Virginia roll-ups seem tasteless in comparison, although I have to admit that the pipe baccies I've tried so far seem somewhat similar on the palate. Two of the pipes are new Parker briars (Dunhill-made cosmetic cast-offs at bargain prices), so maybe I'm tasting the pipe to an extent just now (and probably puffing a bit aggressively as I get used to packing the bowl and pacing the puffs).
The third pipe is an estate calabash gourd with a meerschaum insert - just sanitised that tonight and having the first bowl. It was originally bought as an ornament years ago (I'm something of a Holmes fan, even though he didn't smoke a calabash). It seems pretty mellow after the briars, although that could partly be down to my packing and puffing cadence improving with practice. In the last couple of days, it's been getting a bit easier to keep a pipe lit without running it too hot (tongue bite becoming less prevalent).
Baccies I've tried so far: Mac Baren Vanilla Flake, Mac Baren Navy Flake, Petersons Irish Flake and Petersons Perfect Plug (only 1/3rd of a bowl). Love the aroma from the Vanilla Flake. Had the first bowl of Navy Flake earlier today and that seemed pretty smooth and burned well (charring light lasted about a third of the bowl). Need to try the PPP again to form an opinion, and the Irish Flake (just smoked my first bowl of that in the calabash) seemed quite earthy and smooth but needed lots of relights. The PPP and Irish Flake seem to smell similar in the tin and feel similar when rubbed out. I went for flakes and the plug on the assumption that they're less susceptible to drying out (I hate it when Golden Virginia becomes dry near the end of the packet), and I quite like the idea of rubbing it to whatever consistency I come to prefer. I haven't smoked the Vanilla Flake in a couple of days, so it'll be interesting to see what I think after trying the other three, and with my improving pack/puff techniques. (I agree with the comments on tobbacoreviews.com about its tin and room notes - superb. Just didn't get much vanilla flavour during the actual smoke, so a revisit is in order.)
Anyway, I've been looking at combination pouches with a view to getting something that will hold one pipe (or maybe two), a tin of baccy, a box of Swan Vestas, plus pipe tool and some cleaners. For bushy use, as well as out for the day stuff. Any suggestions? I like the little Mac Baren flake tins - very compact compared to the Peterson tins, so maybe enough room for two of those (with preferred baccies decanted into them if need be).
Also - a question. I always seem to end up with about 1/4 of a bowl of unburnt baccy at the end. I smoke away and, even though the pipe stays lit for most of the smoke, it gets to a stage where it seems like it's finished and is hard to keep lit. So I tip out the ash and any dottle, thinking it's done, only to find this 1/4 bowl or so underneath. Attempts to get this going again with a relight aren't very successful - two or three puffs and it goes out again. Am I missing something?