What's for Supper?

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Tonight I've got Barbara and the grandkids (Carson and James) staying the night. I country fried (dredged in seasoned cornmeal and pan fried) two and a quarter pounds of sheepshead filets and boiled some corn on the cob. Of course the boys needed some ice cream for desert.
It's breakfast time here (I know, but I've been up for hours and just realised I hadn't eaten and was hungry) so I have a mug of Twinnings everyday with a wee tait of sugar, a sliced up apple, three oatcakes with home made rowan and apple jelly and half a dozen 1cm cubes of Scottish mature red cheddar.
It's pretty good :D

Mine push at the moment is to use up all those Winter stored roots and tubers that the warm weather is making sprout. Done up and preserved one batch of curried parsnip but a much larger one is on the cards for canning I think. Too many parsnips this year and the spuds and garlic are sprouting so its a good way to use them up.
Had a nice bit of roast lamb the other night, with mashed prsnips and steamed sprouts, gravy with the parsnip water and the meat juice. Simple food - nice flavours.

On my own last night; finished off the parsnips & sprouts as bubble & squeak with a couple of rashers and an egg.
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since 2weeks now i'm chopping firewood, the last 4days (with 1day in-between another job) i split up a spruce tree which has been laying for god-knows-how-long in the forest before being dragged in. the last two days i found quite a few grubs in it-- my workmates were rather sceptical when i told them that for the aborigines in god's own country witchetties are a delicacy... .ssooo yesterday after work i grabbed my bowdrill and started a wee little fire:D and we put some grubs on the spit... . today i finished the tree and found even more: ssoo...:cool: this time i fried them in oil in the frying pan- even our female staff members and one guest tried them! everyone was sceptical first and then surprised how good they tasted- imagine fried potatoes with a nutty flavour. (there's still a bowl with some left over in the fridge for tomorrow...)
Bought a package of the right-sized wonton wrappers in the city = Baked Crab Rangoon (unlike eggroll wrappers, the wontons go crispy.)
Must take out a roast for Sunday= Wine Braised Bison and steamed veg from my garden.
Last night it was as much about the company as the food. My daughter cooked BBQ Chicken, Italian Roasted potatoes (cut up, tossed in olive oil with oregano, rosemary, thyme, & garlic powder before oven roasting) and Collard Greens. Gluten Free Chocolate cake with Chocolate icing for dessert (my birthday cake) and a bottle of local Blueberry Wine.

I sat on her front porch with my youngest grandson playing fetch with their dog as she cooked and as we waited for her husband and eldest son to get home from work/school.

Very good food, great company, and a most pleasant evening!
Tonight is boiled smoked ham, spud and cauliflower 'gratin' heavy on the cheese and cream, carrots and buttered spinach. I did mean to make a cheese cake but my grand daughter thought it better to watch around two hours of Peppa Pig and do jig saw puzzles. She's now back with mom and dad and our lounge looks like we've been burgled.
A fresh baked cheese & pumpkin seed loaf, a hunk of strong cheddar, lashings of roasted pepper houmous and a glass of cider while watching Gunga Din on the 'puter. :D

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.
I'm on me own tonight

We had some cooked mince and onion for a pie that didn't get made.
so i fried some bacon cut into strips to add a bit of flavour to the Re-heated mince and onion, and just had some chips and two sausages with it.....half a pack of viennese whirls for puddinsezz :D

None of it home made or grown.......all out of a packet from morrisons :lmao:

That there is some real gourmet stuff
I did and it was good.
Last night was wine-braised bison, basmati brown rice and curried green beans with bacon and tomato. Tonight with be left over rice, prawn surprise (nice 16-20) and steamed fresh garven veggies, carrots and beets.
I have a craving for onions.
I'm going to make spaghetti bolognese, more or less. Some garlic, onion, mince, maybe some oats, inna pan, fry 'em up, then whack in (previously prepared, I buy mine 'cos I'm lazy) tomato (... ummm... pulp? concentrate?) a thick, tomato sauce anyway, follow with carrots, mushrooms, bell pepper, oats if you feel it could thicken some and there weren't enough before, whatever you think will work (I'll add spices too) and then leave to thicken and cook the veggies. I'm not sure if I'll do spaghetti though. I've no cheese and I do have some tortillas/wraps. Wish I'd thought to soak some beans for the pot, they'd go in nicely

edit: suggestions for improvement are welcome!
Pan-fried cod sprinkled with salt and black pepper with rustic pommes de terre frites, deconstructed garden peapods and a tomato based demi-glaze.

Or as I call it, fish n chips with mushy peas and tomato sauce.
Cutty bread toasted in front of the fire and nutella & peanut butter with a mug of horlicks , RIGHT ABOUT NOW.
Bacon and over easy eggs fried to perfection in bacon grease. Yolk nicely runny on white bread. Now off for coffee

Bluebs4 what might cutty bread be?
Wholewheat spaghetti with home infused chilli olive oil. Too tired to cook anything else. Then a large glass of black Bush and a salute to my dad and grandad for today. Now it's bedtime. Night all :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.