What would you do on 10 000 BC


Sep 5, 2013
Who been been watching 10000bc and how would you have done.

Personally I would have smoked the whole venison and tried to get individual fires as close to the huts as poss to keep the heat in the huts and not bothered with the traps for boar and concentrated my efforts into fishing and trying to find the lake first priority. I was pretty mortified that they washed the 3 days old venison in the water supply. And Not being funny when people left my first reaction was bye! Lol. More food for the group! Don't try and keep them! Get rid! The weak will only make the group weaker! Lol.

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Mar 3, 2006
well there is 18 people who you could use as bait... there not much good for much else... I almost never shout at the tv.. :(

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Without a fridge or a freezer, you're best to let those humans run around until you need them.
Kind of like keeping chickens in Fiji. OK?

If you all ever, ever, get to watch Ted Nugent's "Kill It And Grill It", there's bush cooking at it's finest.
Six inner city kids, middle of nowhere (Nuge's UP place in Michigan) a crate of live chickens, make supper.
Nuge's camp boss and a truck-load of culinary accompaniaments(sp?) to look after the neophytes.

One guy, cocky kid, winds up whacking all the chickens and they commence to cooking up.

BTW, Ted and wifey Shemane did up a dandy cookbook of the same name.
ch 15 = Hassenpfeffer by Glock. Quite the entertaining read.
Mine has some really sticky pages, but their sauces and condiments are as good as the reast.


Feb 27, 2014
What I find strange is that one of them is an archer, they have a bow (if my memory is correct),have seen deer and yet he does not try to hunt a deer?


Full Member
Jan 10, 2009
rochester, kent
What I find strange is that one of them is an archer, they have a bow (if my memory is correct),have seen deer and yet he does not try to hunt a deer?
Why not shoot the fish with a bow n arrow.or even just spear the fish when they are attracted in.Washing the rotten meat in there water sorce is just madness.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
well the traps look like a joke to me, that boar trap would kill/trap sod all, the spears are blunt for a start?????

spring traps are the way forward, easy to make with little cordage, use barbed sharp spikes, same for the deer and boar. as for fish, night lines or long lines would be more effective and less fuel for effort, crayfish just use a basket baited over night then pull up quickly in the morning, basket full of crayfish...:)

bull rush by the lake not even used yet. why not???????

and hunting trips with the bow,,maybe bag a deer rabbit or squirrel, they need to tune in though and start working together as a team calm down and just shut up a bit for once. worms bugs and small song birds would make a good staple for starters though....

as for washing rotten meat in the water source with no flow, just awesome...;)

the whole thing is a joke really, how are they supposed to do with no training or clue what they should be doing.

how i would do it every day on rotation to start with until various people prove good at certain skills.

per day the following groups.

Camp Group: collect fire wood, clean camp, dry spare meat/foods collect water, cook food for others ( 6 x people to share jobs)

Forage Group: collect wild edibles while mapping surrounding area ( 4 x people maybe 2 groups if not mongs???)

Fishing Group: check traps and fish, collect bull rush roots and willow wands/make baskets ( 4 x people jobs shared, 2 digging roots 2 on traps etc)

Hunting group: to bow and spear hunt, check traps ( 1 or 2 people switched on working as a team, maybe stalking for more than 1 day???)

rotate through the jobs for those that can, teach each other the skills needed, 1 person to stay in each group permanently to start with to teach others...

just my thoughts!!!!! feel free to slate me too...;)


Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
one the first day i would probably have stole all the food and buggered off to live for two months on my own away
from that bunch moaning, lazy, whinging wasters. probably would have taken a female (by force if needed) for foraging, sock darning and various kitchen duties.
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Sep 13, 2014
Dig pit traps, spear fish and make more traps for crayfish and the lake, focus entirely on the lake, dig up many bullrush roots, go on a group hunt with spears, bows and throwing sticks, etc. It would be pretty easy if everyone actually contributed, but instead most people were lazy and didn't process the deer. The archer was completely right to leave, the group was full of idiots. Get a group of people off this site or some other survival/bushcraft website and there would be a thriving mesolithic village i bet :lmao:


Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
The archer was completely right to leave,
The Archer is still in it.

EDIT...I was wrong, He's off. Must have missed last week...what reason did he give for leaving,??

He was the Guy blowing his trumpet about his vast life experiences in the wild at the start and how he was in it to the end.
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Mar 7, 2014
Somerset, England
the whole thing is a joke really, how are they supposed to do with no training or clue what they should be doing.

This. They were clearly chosen for their high chance of fouling up and arguing with each other. It really isn't their fault, it's down to the media people who think that conflict is the only thing that makes television interesting and who will set things up to produce that conflict. The trouble then is that even if you have one or two people who know what they are doing, the complete novices will be unlikely to understand why it's necessary to follow instructions for things like washing the meat in their water source. I know people who in the modern world have no idea about basic kitchen hygiene, they aren't stupid, they are ignorant in the genuine sense of not having knowledge.

Gets down off soapbox.

I would have moved the camp closer to the lake. Of course the television people probably wouldn't allow that because it would make their access more difficult. They knew that the fish traps worked, why the heck didn't they make more?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Have commented elsewhere that it might not have made good reality television but would be a better experience if they had been set the sort of tasks that young hunter-gatherers are. Throwing spears through a hoop rolling along the ground, stalking an experienced hunter as silently as possible and many others. Perhaps even 3D archery targets to be stalked correctly and hit accurately in exchange for food.


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