I did not "rant" and I have never taken "offence" at anything you said. We all have opinions and thankfully they all differ (If we were all the same the world would be a boring place). None of my comments are a personal attack they are merely voicing my opinion on the way you presented your statistics and I do not need them to be clarified. It just seemed like a very blasé and blanketed approach. The data would probably have been better presented be in the form of 3 typical meals that could be eaten over a 24 hour period, their nutritional value and possible calorific cost of obtaining that meal. I can understand where your coming from but the data was very black and white, unfortunately in nature there just seems to be many different shades of grey. It also made me chuckle to think of someone eating 103lbs of burdock!!! I know that wasn't what you were quoting that for its just I got an image in my head and I thought it was funny.
Yes trapping is illegal where I am but I was being hypothetical (as is this scenario) but its not impossible. If it was the difference between life and death I don't think there would be a law in this land that would deter someone from carrying out such an act. Let alone a jury that would convict someone of such a heinous crime of feeding himself because he was hungry.
The "two sides" comment was merely directed at the fact there are obviously 3 faction in this thread(there is not just you and I contributing to this). 1. those who think its is entirely possible, 2 those who think its completely impossible and 3 those who are somewhere in between and sit on the fence. I, my friend are in the third category. While I think it not impossible I still believe it would be highly improbable. I have not taken sides.
I also think you need to chill out a bit mate and not take things too seriously, life is afterall, too short!
Yes trapping is illegal where I am but I was being hypothetical (as is this scenario) but its not impossible. If it was the difference between life and death I don't think there would be a law in this land that would deter someone from carrying out such an act. Let alone a jury that would convict someone of such a heinous crime of feeding himself because he was hungry.
The "two sides" comment was merely directed at the fact there are obviously 3 faction in this thread(there is not just you and I contributing to this). 1. those who think its is entirely possible, 2 those who think its completely impossible and 3 those who are somewhere in between and sit on the fence. I, my friend are in the third category. While I think it not impossible I still believe it would be highly improbable. I have not taken sides.
I also think you need to chill out a bit mate and not take things too seriously, life is afterall, too short!