what do you carry?

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Horse flies? #1 for entertainment. Picea nigra is our Black Spruce, a scruffy conifer common to wet sites. Unlike all the other spruce, it has rather short needles
with a bit of barb/flake at the base of each one. Catch the horse fly very gently. Insert the barbed end of one needle into the posterior of said fly and release.
Now unbalanced, all they can do is fly straight up until they are out of sight.
Cleg = Horsefly

It could also be a 'Deer Ked' which is a different species from what you would know as a Horsefly. I've only really experienced Deer Ked's on the West Coast of Scotland in the UK.

I think however it's also generic term for any large fly that gives a nasty bite.
It's a horribly nasty, sleekit, filthy, biting spawn of satan, is what it is.

It's a horsefly, it's silent in flight and it literally sneaks up on it's victim. It can, and does, bite through clothes to get at the flesh.


Any year without clegs is a good one :)
I honestly believe everything has it's place, but see clegs ? I'd happily see them totally obliterated.

It could also be a 'Deer Ked' which is a different species from what you would know as a Horsefly. I've only really experienced Deer Ked's on the West Coast of Scotland in the UK.

I think however it's also generic term for any large fly that gives a nasty bite.
As a stalker I haven't heard of keds being referred to as clegs before and pretty much every roe I have shot in Somerset (where I lived and stalked until a year ago) was riddled with keds.
Odd as keds aren't interested in humans as far as I am aware. Ticks on the other hand... Eugh....
Every day is a school day :-)
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I know a few stalkers and they don't bother with the keds either, though that said, my husband has had a few nasty bites from them.
Those are the tick like things that fly onto a deer (or HWMBLT) and drop their wings.

another horrible bite though.

The bites from clegs are a misery :( they itch like fury, they swell up like a red hot pancake, my heart flutters like a bird trapped in my chest, if the bite's over a joint, it can totally immobilise it, and it takes days (sometimes weeks) to settle down and heal. Even flyspray doesn't deter them.

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As a stalker I haven't heard of keds being referred to as clegs before and pretty much every roe I have shot in Somerset (where I lived and stalked until a year ago) was riddled with keds.
Odd as keds aren't interested in humans as far as I am aware. Ticks on the other hand... Eugh....
Every day is a school day :-)

Yes, I agree they don't seem quite as inclined to bite as horsefly's / midges although I'm still not keen on them crawling on my skin! Perhaps a regional expression? When I joined MR all the old sweats referred to Ked's as Clegs. I didn't know they we're common all over the UK although I don't work with deer as you do.
if I'm out for the day, I carry;

Karrimor Sabre 35
300ml bottle of meths
Trangia burner
Pocket Stove
Small tin of various tinders
Fallkniven penknife
Small first aid kit
Small torch
Head torch
2 Ltrs of water
Crusader mug
Various tea/coffee/hot chocolate food packets
Hilleberg XP10 tarp
Toilet roll, hand cleanser / insect spray

If I'm just out for a walk with the dog
Snugpak Responce Bag
Small pocket knife
First aid kit
Small torch

In my work bag;
Karrimor Sabre 25
Small torch
Head Torch
British Law folding knife
Length of Paracord
Small first aid kit.

Well I take the usual, shelter cooker etc.

The small extra are

Spare shoes, brilliant dry non sweaty footwear for the tent/camp
Water filter
Lantern (electric for the battery)
Solar panel - charges the battery (or 3 mobiles)in a day
Headphones for listening to music
Rope - for tying in knots

And the basics waterpoof poncho + trousers, headtorch, tissues, zilock bag, 500ml plastic mug, towell, cutlery, personal hygene, maps,pliers, lighters, knife steel, water tablets, tin opener, mozzie repp, drywash, washing up kit, nail clippers sewing kit, very small first aid, swiss knife, phone case, fishing kit, kit repair items.

Surprisingly all of this came in at 3.5kg and most of it is indespensible.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.