Ok, may be I did take it a bit too literally. But even so, even things that I enjoy on a regular basis I don't personally find mundane, probably due to my nature of being an artisan at heart. But you can enjoy the thinsg Gary mentioned without modern tools as Ray showed.
As a kid growing up in the wilds of Kent, we did build shelters using flint or glass tools, yes even back in the 70s the countryside was littered, and ok, as we didn't knwo any better we just used to break off branches but we were kids who hadn't been tought how much damage we were doing to the trees.
Even only 10 years ago I did the same. Going away for a couple of days with the very bare minimum I could carry in my pockets, using natural tools and building a shelter, sleeping in a natural bed of bracken and heather, and foraging and fishing. It's only now that I carry a good knife every time I go out into the wilds.
I do sometimes long to camp that way again, but I've grown too used to my creature comforts - thermarest, sleeping bag, etc.
Maybe we shoudl let the child in us out once in a while and camp rough now-and-again to regain those heady, innocent days.
Coo, I'm feeling quite wistful now...