West Highland Way


Full Member
Apr 11, 2006
Good effort for how far you got, I think you made the right decision to try another day. I was out on the weekend training and we had blizzard conditions for a wee while.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
A mate and me did Crainlarich to Fort William in late August (he only had three days off due to work) we managed to get it split into two days, First day Crainlarich to Kings house,second day Kings house to Fort William, we where very lucky with the weather oinly rained for about 1hr the first night, though the midges around the Kings house were bad.


Full Member
Aug 14, 2013
Northwest Scotland
The snow is above 600m at the moment, it's been slowly creeping lower over the last few days. As I mention above it's due to creep a little lower down today as there's a front moving in from the west. Forecast is for snow on the higher level routes midday/early afternoon and as I'm driving south today I'm hoping that I either miss it or that it'll be limited to the high points of Glengarry, Rannoch and perhaps the tops of the M74 and M6, if I'm unlucky.
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Jun 1, 2013
Yea, the higher hills looked to have a fairly good coating already on sunday. Would of liked to have seen a bit further north with snow cover, but oh well.

A mate and me did Crainlarich to Fort William in late August (he only had three days off due to work) we managed to get it split into two days, First day Crainlarich to Kings house,second day Kings house to Fort William, we where very lucky with the weather oinly rained for about 1hr the first night, though the midges around the Kings house were bad.

Nice going ! :)
Im hoping to get the train back up to Tyndrum sometime and go from there, but i think ill be going for 3 days. Tyndrum to Kingshouse, Kingshouse to just short of Fort William, and then train back on the third. Might do during xmas holidays depending on conditions, and maybe make 4-5 days of it.
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May 22, 2011
march, cambs
Great effort on the trip mate!! It will always be there to conquer another day!!

Can I pick your brains a bit please?

I am looking to do a bit of walking and 7-8 days wild camping next year, on the west highland way did you come across many places that would be suitable for hammock camping? I dont fancy the idea of ground dwelling lol.



Jun 1, 2013
Great effort on the trip mate!! It will always be there to conquer another day!!

Can I pick your brains a bit please?

I am looking to do a bit of walking and 7-8 days wild camping next year, on the west highland way did you come across many places that would be suitable for hammock camping? I dont fancy the idea of ground dwelling lol.


Ive never hammocked myself, so im not sure exactly what you need, but roughly.

For the length of Loch Lomond there were not all that many decent flat places to pitch my tent amongst the trees, as it was either on a slope or just not big enough of a clear ground space. Though you would manage if absolutely had to in most bits.

But for hammocking i think the possibilities would be pretty endless tbh, as your pretty much in the trees for the entire length of the loch.
After that i cant really remember. The next proper forested area you enter is the section between Crianlarich and Tyndrum. There are still alot of trees between Iverarnan and that section, but i cant mind what it would be like for hammocking.

Afraid i cant be much more help than that, but im sure someone else will be along to help
Nov 29, 2004
"...I am looking to do a bit of walking and 7-8 days wild camping next year, on the west highland way did you come across many places that would be suitable for hammock camping? I dont fancy the idea of ground dwelling lol..."

Some places to be sure, but certainly not along the entire route. Along the Loch if you head quite far away from the path you should be fine, lots of trees on the final days in to Fort William, however on Rannoch not so much. You could always stay at a B&B on those parts though. :)


Jun 1, 2013
I dont have my map handy, and i havent actually seen them in person, but isnt there a small forested area at Ba Bridge on the Rannoch section, and also just before it at Victoria bridge? Like i say, havent actually seen them so they might be no use anyway.

Could always try to time your walk so you dont need to camp on Rannoch anyway.


Jun 1, 2013
Isnt the record for that something crazy like 16 hours?

Trail/fell runners always amaze me, how do they not break an ankle over some of the rough stone paths etc? I find it hard enough at times walking and watching my step.


Jun 1, 2013
Googled it, even more impressive than i thought.
The race record holder is Paul Giblin of Paisley with a time of 15:07:29, set in June 2013. The female record holder is Lucy Colquhoun of Aviemore with a time of 17:16:20, set in 2007.

I must admit, i recall reading something about the GGW been quite boring by foot, so ive never really looked into it before. But from that link it does indeed look a pretty nice walk.


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