Vegetarian black pudding

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We could probably do with a thread of its own on milk...

One of the main problems I have about moving to a vegetarian diet is the use of more dairy. Living in a cattle raising area I see some of the worst conditions. Not only are some cattle in poor condition but there are also those large sheds springing up where the cattle never go outside. You don't see pics lame cattle locked inside a dark prison on your bottles of milk.

Having said that I agree about many of the plant based 'milks' and I've not actually found one that tastes that good either.
More dairy? Cannot what extra dairy you would have on a vegetarian diet - curious rather than being argumentative.
I have settled on unsweetened soya milk and have got used to now and find it fine even in tea.
More dairy? Cannot what extra dairy you would have on a vegetarian diet - curious rather than being argumentative.
I find I tend to replace meat with cheese, so cheese sandwich rather than ham for example, or grilled halloumi in place of meat etc. Hence wanting to find some more 'meaty' vegetarian replacements.
More dairy? Cannot what extra dairy you would have on a vegetarian diet - curious rather than being argumentative.
I have settled on unsweetened soya milk and have got used to now and find it fine even in tea.
In the UK, the veggie option does seem to centre around cheese in vast quantities.
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I find I tend to replace meat with cheese, so cheese sandwich rather than ham for example, or grilled halloumi in place of meat etc. Hence wanting to find some more 'meaty' vegetarian replacements.
I see. I don’t do that at all - that’s why I was curious. I eat more vegetables instead of the meat with main meals. If I have a sandwich it tends to be when I’m out and active so would be peanut butter and jam.
ALL the meat that they consume?? Or do you mean to have gone through a period ( education ) where they are shown first hand what its like to have personally taken a life for their sole consumption? So that they are aware what its like to have blood on their hands?
Unfortunately it probably isn’t practical to have all meat consumed by the person who actually killed it, skinned it and butchered it.…..perhaps just once or twice would give them more perspective.
Unfortunately it probably isn’t practical to have all meat consumed by the person who actually killed it, skinned it and butchered it.…..perhaps just once or twice would give them more perspective.
I would agree completely and have urged people to consider this.

Not many takers however
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I often think I would be the ideal sort of person to cull deer! I enjoy observing and ‘trailing’ them and would only kill them if it was going to be quick and ‘clean’.

Fortunately thats the ethos of nearly every hunter I know of.
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Is it - a lot of people shoot animals for ‘fun’ (sport!).

They don't tend to be Hunters in my opinion. Mostly idiots with access to lower end tools such as Crossbows and the like.

No one does a DSC with an idea 'fun' is going to be part of the experience package I think.
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Don’t get me started on crossbows.. I’m not a fan.

Oh, I'm a fan - I have , a few..

I just think they are ( at least the cheap eastern produced stuff ) too cheap , without regulations , putting them in the hands of those that other may call Chavs lads.

( Not me - I'd never call them Chavs . Because I'm open minded and very very P.C )
Oh, I'm a fan - I have , a few..

I just think they are ( at least the cheap eastern produced stuff ) too cheap , without regulations , putting them in the hands of those that other may call Chavs lads.

( Not me - I'd never call them Chavs . Because I'm open minded and very very P.C )
For some reason the laughter emoji won’t work for me at the moment. ;)


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