Trials and tribulations

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I got my van back today!:)
I have not paid for it yet:(
My wife drove it back from the garage which saved me a walk:)
A farmer muckspreading sent a clod over the hedge which buusted the windscreen:(
The farmer has accepted responsibility and will pay for it:)
It will not get done til tomorrow:( sometime:(
Just about to phone the garage about paying for the gearbox.....

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
WoooHoo! :D
Using all the skills I possess (short of my Ninja skills) I "discussed" the situation of my van with the garage that sold it to me just before Xmas and managed to get some discount on the bill even though it had no warranty (it is over 10 years old...)
Net result - £250 for the gearbox parts and labour and a 3 month guarantee on it - Much better than the near £900 it would have been with no discount! :D
I would have pushed harder but the wifes car is in that garage for its MOT at the moment and it is the only garage on my way into town....
But I will never buy Peugot again - nor anything from Robert Davies Motors of Llechryd Ceredigion ever again!
Let us see how long the van lasts.....
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Full Member
Mar 5, 2009
North Wilts
Thats not a bad price, I have a Toyota in at work at the moment that came in with a shot gearbox. After an hour or so ringing around breakers yards I could only find one for £250 delivered with a two week warrenty. On top of that it'll need a new clutch kit so the customer will be looking at the wrong side of £500+VAT and it could still go bang in a few weeks. The other option was to buy a re-con box for silly money. Cars are getting so expensive to run and maintain not helped by parts having gone up about 20% in the last 18 months. Over the next year or so will see the price of tyres go up considerably too.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2011
Sounds like you finished on the right side in the end John so be content that Fate likes you..........for the moment anyway.
Re Peugeot : just remember it could be worse - you could have bought a Santana SW like I did.It did less than 20 to the gallon
and had more wheel bearings than tyres over the four years we had it.Absolute shed it was and I was glad to see the back of it
when I eventually sold it on Ebay.Thank the Lord that it was a business vehicle and not my own car.
Glad you're nearly sorted John.
Cheers , Simon

dr jones

Full Member
Feb 21, 2007
west wales
Nice one John , glad to hear youre mobile again, bad luck re the windscreen ( get yourself a motorbike and sidecar for your rucksack , tell Liz that itll be beneficial to your mental state not to mention your bank balance !!!!!)
ATB Roly


May 5, 2006
My history with Peugeot is quite different. I had a 306TD that did 270,000 Miles on the original clutch and the only problem that I had was the lower swivel joints going, and they are not made by Peugeot.



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