Trail camera recommendation

Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
My lovely neighbour is now taken to throwing dog poo over the fence onto my lawn. I need to collect evidence so I am looking for a cheap trail camera that I can use after I've got the evidence is need for taking images of my garden birds.. it needs to be really cheap.. but reliable £100 or less if possible. Also it must have a led viewing screen as I don't have a computer. If I get any evidence. .. should I say when I get evidence I can get a friend to download it to his computer and then send it to the relevant authorities.
I got poop on my shoes yesterday. . Not happy. I know the dog isn't getting into the garden as we have a new fence and I've checked for breaches. There are non.
This is just the latest in his pathetic hate campaign. I'm determined he is not going to get away with this one. He is a persistent liar. I need hard evidence as even my witnesses have been ignored in the past.
So to recap...
Night vision
Led screen so I can check it myself daily without having to plug into a computer
Any recommendations please?
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Apr 16, 2009
Trail cameras are motion triggered, then they take a shot or series of shots, or take video for a preset amount of time. I’d imagine your neighbour isn’t leaning over the fence to do this (which would be enough to trigger the camera), but more likely launching the turds from within his garden (a flying turd isn’t going to trigger the camera). You’d need a mains connection to run 24hrs a day, so they’re designed for quick pics or shortish video. That said, mine is still on it’s first set of 8xAA batteries and has had some use.

If the trail camera could be mounted up higher to look over the fence, you should get a definite trigger. The screens are very small on these cameras so you’ll have trouble seeing any real detail, but if you get some triggered video and a good idea if it’s your neighbour or a passing moth, then it’ll be saved to memory card (you’ll need one of those), and therefore can be viewed on any computer.

I bought a Toguard like this to film a rat in my garage, and also discovered quite a few mice too. It’s out on my front step right now waiting for the naughty fox cub that keeps pooping on the doormat :) It triggers in about 0.5 of a second, has adjustable motion sensitivity which is useful if branches are wafting about, leaves are blowing etc. Trigger distance is reckoned to be about 75’, I haven’t tested this. Also, there’s a newer version that’s more expensive, supposed to trigger faster. I tried them both together and didn’t notice any difference for my uses, in fact the cheaper one in the link seemed to work a bit better.

TOGUARD Trail Wildlife Camera 14MP 1080P Hunting Camera Motion Activated Night Vision 22M Trap Game Camera. Lots of makes out there, mostly Chinese generic like Toguard, same innards etc. Toguard are delightfully Chinglish and replied to questions between models immediately. The camera opens with a jingle and the screen displays “Monitor what you concern”. :D
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Life Member
Jan 18, 2009
Mid Wales
As Nice65 said, unlikely to catch him if the camera is pointing into your garden. However, if you mount it so that it's looking in his garden to catch him in the act it will be you that's committing an offence I'm afraid - annoying I know.

Don't you have some burly biker mates that could go have a chat? :)

Based on the quality of shots Nomad64 was getting on another thread I bought one of these (£60)

It performs as well as my £200 camera!
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It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
As Nice65 said, unlikely to catch him if the camera is pointing into your garden. However, if you mount it so that it's looking in his garden to catch him in the act it will be you that's committing an offence I'm afraid - annoying I know.

What if it's mounted so it looks across the OP's garden at some bird feeders and happens to take in the neighbours garden?


Life Member
Jan 18, 2009
Mid Wales
Yes, afraid so. If your camera points onto public or neighbouring property you are likely to be committing an offence. Over the public space is not too much of a problem because a simple notice that tells the public is usually accepted as sufficient; though you can be told to take it down if it is considered to invade privacy. Obviously it's more difficult to get consent from a belligerent neighbour. The rules for use of surveillance CCTV are quite strict.


Life Member
Jan 18, 2009
Mid Wales
Thanks Nomad; actually, reading that, it may be possible to capture the footage (one has reasonable cause) but the wording is not clear if specifically videoing your neighbour with the intension of catching him doing something is legal. I just wouldn't want Woodygirl getting into more deep water without being aware of the potential pitfalls.

Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
I'm aware of the rules and regs . Luckily the "presents" are arriving very close to my bird birdfeeder stand so I will be filming that. It's a high fence so unless he is making a deliberate effort to invade my privacy I should be ok he won't see it. All I need to capture is a flying turd! Honestly you'd think the man had better things to do with his life. Still photograping birds is a great hobby so I guess I should be grate full to him for forcing me into it :).

Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
Broch I don't think sending round a bunch of bikers to have a word will do more than hand him the moral high ground then I'll be in trouble too. Besides most of my motorcycle mates are late sixties or older. I know pensioners rock but.......? :) :)


Apr 16, 2009
Honestly you'd think the man had better things to do with his life.

Indeed, it’s sad really for him that he obsesses over petty crap, it marks him as a weak man in my opinion. As I mentioned in a previous thread, we had a similar neighbour who bullied and spent his life plotting the misery of others. He disappeared for a while, went quiet. It turned out he’d had to spend time in hospital fighting bowel cancer. Eventually he must have been given the all clear and took the trouble to call on his victims to tell them he was clear of cancer, was strong again, and would back to make their lives an utter unpleasant hell again.

To be given a life back and continue to be so vitriolic really had me questioning a few things, if you know what I mean. ;) Anyway, different time, place, and person, don’t let him grind you down with relentless bullying, you’ll get ill.

And buy an elephant. :D
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Full Member
Jan 21, 2013
I got a cheapo from Aldi some time ago. Was some time ago and was only £75. It's a light gathering thing with an LCD screen and does look like that. Make is Mignon and runs on 8 AA batteries.

Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
Thanks guys. Realy appreciate the support and advice.
I never give in to bullies. You'd think he'd have learned that after 17 yrs but no!
Guess he's not getting any " fun" at home so he's gotta get his kicks somehow :) :) Sorry but you have to keep a (warped) sense of humour somehow. I wish I could get hold of some elephant dung tho...... surprise! :) :) :) he's only got little dogs. He he!
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