The Trees That Made Britain

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Jodie said:
There's Autumnwatch tonight as well, on BBC2.
I'll be watching although I've always thought that Kate Humble has the patience of a saint to work with Bill Oddie who seems to need to be the centre of attention at all times and who makes the most inane 'jokes'. However, I've just read a sympathetic article about him in today's Grauniad which is also online if anyone is interested.
risby said:
I'll be watching although I've always thought that Kate Humble has the patience of a saint to work with Bill Oddie who seems to need to be the centre of attention at all times and who makes the most inane 'jokes'. However, I've just read a sympathetic article about him in today's Grauniad which is also online if anyone is interested.

I'm not the only one who thinks him past his 'present by' date. He drives me mad with the inane chatter and AWFUL jokes.
I like his enthusiasm although I'm never entirely comfortable with live TV anyway.

Thought this bit in that article was interesting:

"Absolutely," he says. "I do very much believe in the
therapeutic value and soulfulness of being involved in wildlife, nature and
everything else. It's demonstrably true. There are an awful lot of people who
have chosen to work outside, or gardening, or wildlife, to counteract depression,
yeah. It's one of the better parts of life. Let's face it. There aren't many good
ones ..." And he laughs, quietly.
The Trees That Made Britain
7:30pm - 8:00pm
BBC2 London & South East
VIDEO Plus+: 815
Subtitles, audio description, widescreen
Documentary series in which tree surgeon Jon Hammerton and Kew's
arboretum manager Tony Kirkham examine how trees have always been at the
heart of Britain's political, artistic and economic life. They are joined by
professional hedgelayer Nigel Adams to find out how the 18th century Act of
Enclosure shaped the British landscape. They also have a go at creating a
hawthorn hedge themselves, using one of the 20 regional hedgelaying variations.

[Note for viewers in Wales, this programme is repeated on Wed night at
7pm on BBC2 Wales / BBC2 Wales Digital]

TreeV heaven :-)

It would be nice to see Chris Boyton (archery etc.) on the telly
a bit more - he's very good. I noticed he was in episode one
of the Trees series and I first saw him in the "Aboriginal Britain"
programme talking about the Ashcott Heath bow.

One of these days I must get around to doing a spot of archery.
I have been saying this for a mere 10 years now... :D

Hmm, I don't think the server likes me today as I've just posted this but it
didn't get through. Here's a much truncated version.

The next episode is on tonight at 7.30 on BBC2 and repeated for viewers
in Wales next Wednesday at 7pm :D
Jodie said:
Hmm, I don't think the server likes me today as I've just posted this but it
didn't get through. Here's a much truncated version.

The next episode is on tonight at 7.30 on BBC2 and repeated for viewers
in Wales next Wednesday at 7pm :D
thanks for this info jodie i havent seen one program at all so i will try and catch it today
For tomorrow, if you're reading this today... or today if you're reading
this tomorrow :rolleyes:


The Trees That Made Britain
7:30pm - 8:00pm
VIDEO Plus+: 579

Documentary series in which tree surgeon Jon Hammerton and Kew's
arboretum manager Tony Kirkham examine how trees have always been at the
heart of Britain's political, artistic and economic life. They discover that the only
true forest-dwelling conifer remaining in Britain is the Scots Pine, and Tony is
keen to see it in its native habitat ? the great glens east of Inverness. Tony also
hosts a preview day for the latest world find ? the Wollemi pine ? a prehistoric
plant found in Australia.
This has been such a great series and a shame that it ends soon. There's
no episode this Friday (because of the snooker, although the Johnny Kingdom
programme is on at 8pm as usual ('a year on Exmoor' - he's quite a character))
but it's business as usual on Friday 3 November, 7.30pm for the next episode,
the details of which are below.

On Monday 30 October I'm sneaking off from work early to get in the queue at
Kew to try and hear Tony Kirkham speak about collecting plants from around
the world. After the 1987 storm he had to nip round the planet and collect a
few more trees.

The Trees that Made Britain
Documentary series in which tree surgeon Jon Hammerton and Kew's
arboretum manager Tony Kirkham examine how trees have always been at the
heart of Britain's political, artistic and economic life. They try hunting with spears,
attempt a river crossing in a coracle and have to handle snakes as they get to
grips with the ash tree.
Fri 3 Nov, BBC2, 7.30pm, VideoPlus 57

Tony Kirkham's talk
'Plants from the Edge of the World'
Monday 30 October 2006
6.30pm, Jodrell Lecture Theatre, Kew

This Thursday I'll be conserving Antarctica at the Natural History museum and at the weekend
I'm going to this: so I'm not spending
all my time in front of the TV, honest... :o
The Ash programme is on tomorrow night and if you are in Wales you can
watch the previous episode tonight (on pine / conifers).

If any of you watched the Antartica event I mentioned in one of the previous
post you may have 'seen' me in the audience, as it was web cast. Would
probably help if you knew what I looked like of course ;)
Friday 10th November at 7.30 on BBC2 will see the last episode of
this wonderful series on British trees and I think we have been well
entertained by Tony Kirkham (he gave a very good talk a couple of
weeks ago at Kew) and Jon Hammerton and the crew.


For those wishing to set their recorders (and note the blurb about the
programme) the details are below, and further down is a BBC web
page which lets you watch video clips.

Slightly gutted that it is finishing and might have to go and hug some
trees later :rolleyes:

Viewers in Wales can watch this episode next Thursday, but half an
hour earlier - videoplus code: 7697

The Trees That Made Britain
7:30pm - 8:00pm
BBC2 London & South East
VIDEO Plus+: 213
Subtitles, audio description, widescreen
8/8 - Future
Documentary series in which tree surgeon Jon Hammerton
and Kew's arboretum manager Tony Kirkham examine how
trees have always been at the heart of Britain's political,
artistic and economic life. As the year long journey
draws to a close, Tony and Jon discover the secrets
of Britain's lost forest, and travel to Italy to see
the future for our warming landscape, before returning
to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew.

More on the tree gang at:

Those who've missed this great programme can watch bits of it again, at:

UKTV Documentary (finally! It's on Freeview) is already showing The Trees that Made
Britain as two back to back episodes every night this week (I discovered this after
missing it last night) at 8pm - 9pm (each ep is half an hour).

[New readers start here] :D
Tony Kirkham (head of Kew's arboretum) and Jon Hammerton (also of Kew) went
round the country to discover amazing trees and the people who work with them.
They looked at the historical uses of trees and focused on a different tree in almost
every episode - basically a look at how trees have shaped our British history. It
was a lovely series and is often repeated on non-Freeview channels and once on
terrestrial. Really worth watching, even if you think television is rubbish.

Shame I missed last night's as I think the first episode had Robert Hardy and Chris
Boyton doing archery stuff which I really can't get enough of.

Note that these are also on during the day (11am, 4pm but I've just mentioned the
order for the 8 and 8.30pm programmes... though I expect it's the same).

Tonight is Yew and Oak (Mary Rose alert!)
Tomorrow is Oak part 2 (up Salisbury Cathedral) and hedgelaying
Thursday is apples and Scots pine
Friday is Ash (coracles feature) and 'Future' (returning to Kew via Italy).

Lovely, lovely stuff :-)
Ah well this is very embarrassing. It is on UKTV Documentary as I said, but that one
isn't on Freeview so basically I lied (but I didn't mean to honest) :o

I've been tweaking my Freeview box and trying to download updates in order to find it
before I realised... it's not there.

Ah well.. I hope anyone who does have UKTV Doc is enjoying this as much as I would
if I had it.

Sorry for the misinformation.
The Trees that Made Britain:
Series Two

Returning in the new year

The first quirky series "The Trees that Made Britain" made unlikely stars of Kew's
tree men Tony Kirkham (Head of Kew's Arboretum) and Jon Hammerton (Kew's
most experienced climber). Now they are back for a second run.

This year they bring the story right up to date: in an age of steel and plastic, do
we still need The Trees that Made Britain?

source: insideKew (magazine for season ticket holders).

Fan-blimmin-tastic :D
Better late than never, but I've just found out about this...

Tony Kirkham is giving a talk this Saturday - no idea how open it is to the public,
other than Chiltern locals, or if it's free.

The Chiltern Woodlands Project brings you
'The Special Trees and Woods Annual Conference'

Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
Chalfont St Peter

This year the Special Trees Project is delighted to welcome Tony Kirkham, Head of Kew Arboretum, as guest speaker to the Second Annual Conference.

Saturday 24th November 2007 - 10.00am to 2.00pm

Tony believes that every tree has a story to tell, and will share his favourites with us at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College at Chalfont St Peter. Tony is best known for his BBC series ‘The Trees that made Britain’.

Free to residents of the Chilterns, the conference will be celebrating the progress made since the start of the project in January 2006. Since then, with the help of a team of volunteers and funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Special Trees and Woods Project has recorded more than 200 special trees in the Chilterns.

Last year the annual conference proved very popular and was fully booked. Make sure you book early to confirm your place by emailing Liz requesting a booking form on or telephone 01844 355 525.
The Trees that Made Britain:
Series Two

Returning in the new year

The first quirky series "The Trees that Made Britain" made unlikely stars of Kew's
tree men Tony Kirkham (Head of Kew's Arboretum) and Jon Hammerton (Kew's
most experienced climber). Now they are back for a second run.

This year they bring the story right up to date: in an age of steel and plastic, do
we still need The Trees that Made Britain?

source: insideKew (magazine for season ticket holders).

Fan-blimmin-tastic :D

Missed that post! Excellent news, one of my favourite shows. I envy their jobs and their part in the series as well. Wouldn't it be great to get paid to go around climbing trees and getting pished on whisky?



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