As a group, public shows are not what we are setting out to do. But if an invitation comes along that offers some interesting opportunities then it is something we are well enough equipped to do.
When John Naylor contacted us about putting a display on at Blists Hill Victorian Town as part of “The Town That Never Was”, Debs and I had a pretty good idea, from 30 years of living history work, what it would entail.
For Steve, Colin and Damian that joined us it could have been a baptism of fire though.
In the end, although it was indeed very hot, the flow of people that came to see us was steady but not overwhelming.
I didn’t get much time to take pictures but there are a few here of our encampment that I did get.
The public response and that from other Steampunks was very positive and we gained a few new members from it on the
FaceBook Group.
It was a lot of work and logistics for a two day weekend camp but I think the real measure will be how much it raises our profile and gets the idea of what we are trying to do out there.