The Covid19 Thread

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From this side, all that is why America's disease numbers are soaring.
I hope you and yours' do stay safe and well.
I don’t pay attention to the numbers. Frankly I don’t even believe them. Only to people I actually know. So far only the one and she died of a previous problem existing from before she tested positive. Her sister and husband also tested positive and are doing fine.
Everybody needs their jobs back not just pubs. But if it's not safe for most workplaces then why do pubs get a free pass? Social drinkers in Westminster need the many bars there open perhaps?
Who said they were getting a “free pass?” Most other businesses never closed here. Only restaurants (and they only closed for dine in—-take out never closed, barber shops, and nail salons along with pubs closed. All of them have reopened now. To be honest reopening them had nothing to do with the business aspect. Rather it was the huge public pressure. The best way to make an American go to a restaurant is to tell him or her that they can’t.
Oooh that one get my goat. You touch it, you bought it!

People know what they eat you go to the supermarket and buy 90% of the same s!!t you bought last week. Just grab your stuff and leave!
I have to read the contents labels before I can buy most packaged items. Even the same item from week to week. This batch might be gluten free and the next one not. In the refrigerator section I check the expiration dates on most items and personally inspect the meat before choosing it. Then there’s fresh produce.
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I must admit I'm guilty of picking up products and putting them back, I need to check the allergens for my wife, but hands get cleaned on the way in and after handling products, no face touching through.

What does frustrate me is the families going in, I've seen multiple adults and kids going in when they're just after one small trolley load of shopping, it should still be one house, one person, one trolley.
And who watches the kids you have to leave at home?
You are right...I hadn't realised that was a difference, but it was! There were parents and children, mostly a little older, but not always, and there were couples ambling around. Two to four weeks back couples were a rare sight.
I expect for some of them that shopping has become an outing. A date as it were, since most forms of social entertain,ent have closed. It’s their best excuse to get out of the house.
I didn't say I never go out. Just that when I do I take every precaution and witness others flouting the rules.
I see how deliveries work for my neighbours as I live in a cul de sac.
I also have our local covid newsletter delivered which gives info.
And I do listen to the news on the radio.
So if that's rubbish then so be it.
Like I said I don't want to argue the toss .
But where there is a will there is a way.
Sounds like you are stressed out.
You are not alone. Take care.

Im not stressed, just a little confused by the continual switching in the things you say you do and don’t do combined with the sweeping statements.
Absolute rubbish. I can tell you for a fact that we can’t get deliveries and we used to get them week in week out. You say that you don’t go out yet know what everyone is doing. You say that you don’t order online but know how it’s working for everyone else.

I have to admit that I have had no problems getting deliveries. So, it might be area specific ? The pharmacy delivers too. I didn't sign up for milk delivery but there are now three services in this area. All dairy, eggs, and root veg.

It's not just one supermarket either. I've had Sainsbury's, Asda, Iceland, Morrison's and tonight Tesco delivered an order too.
I bought gluten free and bread flour from Dove's Farm and it was delivered the next day. Lots of slots still available each day.

I too check ingredients for gluten, vegetarian safe, etc., but the ingredients are listed online so it makes it easy.
I think even after Lock Down ends I'll still order groceries online.
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I didn't say I never go out. Just that when I do I take every precaution and witness others flouting the rules.
I see how deliveries work for my neighbours as I live in a cul de sac.
I also have our local covid newsletter delivered which gives info.
And I do listen to the news on the radio.
So if that's rubbish then so be it.
Like I said I don't want to argue the toss .
But where there is a will there is a way.
Sounds like you are stressed out.
You are not alone. Take care.
Perhaps your neighbors can afford to do their shopping at a place that offers deliveries. Not everyone has the same budget nor the same dietary needs.
I don’t pay attention to the numbers. Frankly I don’t even believe them. Only to people I actually know. So far only the one and she died of a previous problem existing from before she tested positive. Her sister and husband also tested positive and are doing fine.

Again, that's maybe why America has so many deaths and folks who are going to have long term health issues.

We can hardly preach to the choir here with how badly we started to deal with things, but not to deal with them seems utterly irresponsible.
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Again, that's maybe why America has so many deaths and folks who are going to have long term health issues.

We can hardly preach to the choir here with how badly we started to deal with things, but not to deal with them seems utterly irresponsible.
I’m just not seeing the large numbers for real. Just inflated ones. I’m not buying the hype.
There's an easy way to check.

Somewhere there will be month by month statistics for deaths in an area.
Find them and compare the figures for the last three years, do an average, with this year.

There is nothing else just now that will cause any huge variation in those figure apart from Covid-19.

The R number, the number of other people that an infected person can infect, is the fair way of seeing whether the numbers are on the increase or not.
Asymptomatic infected people are a huge issue with this disease.

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I have to admit that I have had no problems getting deliveries. So, it might be area specific ? The pharmacy delivers too. I didn't sign up for milk delivery but there are now three services in this area. All dairy, eggs, and root veg.

It's not just one supermarket either. I've had Sainsbury's, Asda, Iceland, Morrison's and tonight Tesco delivered an order too.
I bought gluten free and bread flour from Dove's Farm and it was delivered the next day. Lots of slots still available each day.

I too check ingredients for gluten, vegetarian safe, etc., but the ingredients are listed online so it makes it easy.
I think even after Lock Down ends I'll still order groceries online.

We have used deliveries when we can book a slot but, to be honest, that's not been easy - sometimes no slots in a three-week period. One coming friday though so I need to get everything on the order! - limited to 80 items.
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I have to read the contents labels before I can buy most packaged items. Even the same item from week to week. This batch might be gluten free and the next one not. In the refrigerator section I check the expiration dates on most items and personally inspect the meat before choosing it. Then there’s fresh produce.

Then you need to shop at more consistent shops, stick to what you know, and look with your eyes not your hands.
It's pretty easy but some people simply won't think of anyone else. But I sincerely hope you get the best onion lol
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The last time I personally shopped was the first week of lockdown. I just wore disposable gloves. I reckoned I wasn't going to either pick up or give anyone anything that way.

The supermarket had hand sanitiser available for everybody both before going in and when coming out, and they were wiping down every trolley.

Reading threads like this I realise that we've been very fortunate around here. I'm sorry that it's not be so for others elsewhere.

Do you know I have eyes and ears. I can see what goes on .I havnt been out but once a week since lockdown. Being on my own isn't easy either and funnily enough I do go for a walk occasionally without visiting shops.
As you are not here you cannot see and I wasn't being condescending. I was trying to show concern but it seems that you all want to have a go and thinly veneered call me a liar.
How do you think that makes me feel.?
I've had enough. I don't need this.
I had felt ok untill that now I feel realy upset.
If you can't read my posts properly and jump to conclusions that are wrong and deci
Im not stressed, just a little confused by the continual switching in the things you say you do and don’t do combined with the sweeping statements.

Well I'm realy sorry if showing concern is condescending. I was just trying to be nice, but obviously it didn't work so maybe I won't bother again.
Perhaps my posts should be read properly then you wouldn't get confused.
I did not say I never went out. I did say when I did (perhaps once a week to the shop) I saw people flouting the rules and I'm sure most of us have seen that at some point going by others posts.
I never said I had milk delivered just that I could if I needed or wanted.
Living alone I do need to get out now and then if only for a walk or to pick up milk. I'd have gone mad if I'd never left my front door as would anyone else who is an avid outdoors person.
If you think I'm lying just come out and say it don't sugar coat it.
I have kept it together untill now but now I'm crying as I have been hanging on by a thread for some while to be honest .
The last time I left my house was nearly a week ago as I trapped a nerve thursday evening and have been struggling hard since.
Well done.. you cracked me.
The first time in all this messed up world I've cried in years!
Oh I and didn't realise not wishing to shop on line means that i cannot say it to others when I get it said to me regularly or that I'm some sort of wierd for not wishing to do so.
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What this thread is showing is that even people that are normally supportive and thoughtful are getting a bit tense with the situation and it's all to easy to let it out on the keyboard. It's very hard for any of us to see things from another's perspective when we have different pressures - kids, finances, health, jobs - we're all in different situations.

Let's take a breather and see how things pan out over the next few days and weeks.

Take care everyone, this could be the most dangerous period of the whole episode. I look forward to us being able to concentrate on more enjoyable threads of conversation.
Well, one of the multiple parents. One stays at home with the kids and one goes to the shops.

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Single parents? Working parent and one furloughed or not working also means shopping with kids. One trying to hold down a job by working at home the other had to take the kids with them. Trust me, we're a two parent household, one working part time (consequence of COVID 19) the other furloughed and both sharing childcare on certain daye. When it's one parents childcare day the other can't always look after our son so he comes shopping. That's real life and as unavoidable as having to shop for food.

BTW round here we are unable to book a supermarket delivery even though there's a Tesco's, Morrisons, Asda and two Sainsbury's within 10 miles. My parents live halfway between the supermarkets I'm near and the ones in the neighbouring town. That's Sainsbury's, Asda and Morrisons. They haven't had the vulnerable letter despite being in their 70s and one is pre diabetic (or diabetic but not admitting it to family). This means that are low priority for delivery slots. Most give them so long as to make it clear they don't want their business. The only one to deliver needed at least a weeks notice nearer week and half. They ended up click and collect and even that had an delay. They ended up driving to one supermarket, if it's busy with a queue they moved to the next. If all busy they tried later. Retired with time.

I guess all areas aren't equal in terms of what people can access like supermarket deliveries.
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Single parents? Working parent and one furloughed or not working also means shopping with kids. One trying to hold down a job by working at home the other had to take the kids with them. Trust me, we're a two parent household, one working part time (consequence of COVID 19) the other furloughed and both sharing childcare on certain daye. When it's one parents childcare day the other can't always look after our son so he comes shopping. That's real life and as unavoidable as having to shop for food.

BTW round here we are unable to book a supermarket delivery even though there's a Tesco's, Morrisons, Asda and two Sainsbury's within 10 miles. My parents live halfway between the supermarkets I'm near and the ones in the neighbouring town. That's Sainsbury's, Asda and Morrisons. They haven't had the vulnerable letter despite being in their 70s and one is pre diabetic (or diabetic but not admitting it to family). This means that are low priority for delivery slots. Most give them so long as to make it clear they don't want their business. The only one to deliver needed at least a weeks notice nearer week and half. They ended up click and collect and even that had an delay. They ended up driving to one supermarket, if it's busy with a queue they moved to the next. If all busy they tried later. Retired with time.

I guess all areas aren't equal in terms of what people can access like supermarket deliveries.
Those are different situations to the one I described and each have their own practicable solution. The only issue I had is with multiple adults and children where one clearly could have stayed at home. It is preferable to only have one person per house shopping but not always practicable.

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I haven't gone mad, and I haven't left past my garden gate in months.

But then, I don't live alone. My husband and my younger son stay with me, and I'm glad of it.

I don't think anyone who doesn't live alone can really appreciate the stress that total isolation can cause on someone who is alone, 24/7 for months.
It's not an easy choice to be so restricted.

I hope things get easier for you pdq Woody girl. At least you'll be able to get out on the bike now though the trapped nerve might make that something you'd rather avoid until it settles.



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