The Covid19 Thread

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I think a heck of a lot of folks will give places like pubs and restaurants a body swerve for a long time to come.
I already took Barbara out for brunch Mothers Day (May 10th here—-about a week after the restaurants reopened) and we had to wait for a table. Mind they were only allowed 25% capacity indoors due to spacing requirements. That allowance is up to 50% indoors now.

We’ve been out several times since and they don’t have any shortage of customers at the restaurants. That said, I rarely go to bars anymore anyway so I really don’t know how they’re doing.

On the other hand, my friend that just died of it didn’t go out at all. I have to take my daughter to a doctor’s appointment in the morning in Pensacola (or if she feels up to driving herself I’ll stay at her house to take care of her 8 year old) If her appointment is finished early enough I’ll make the 220 mile drive to south Mississippi to spend the night with family before attending my late classmate’s funeral and returning home on Thursday. From out online group a fair number of our classmates will be attending. Most live closer than me but there are a few that will be traveling further. At least one will be coming from California.
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I think a heck of a lot of folks will give places like pubs and restaurants a body swerve for a long time to come.

They will still be packed though lol.
Pubs shops takeaways. 4th of July will be like one of those sales on wedding dresses where it's a giant punch up
I think I might have some mild strain of it now actually. Had a hi temperature for a day and flu like symptoms for nearly a week now.
Never had a flu like thing in the middle of summer before, Seems a coincidence
I already took Barbara out for brunch Mothers Day (May 10th here—-about a week after the restaurants reopened) and we had to wait for a table. Mind they were only allowed 25% capacity indoors due to spacing requirements. That allowance is up to 50% indoors now.

We’ve been out several times since and they don’t have any shortage of customers at the restaurants. That said, I rarely go to bars anymore anyway so I really don’t know how they’re doing.

On the other hand, my friend that just died of it didn’t go out at all. I have to take my daughter to a doctor’s appointment in the morning in Pensacola (or if she feels up to driving herself I’ll stay at her house to take care of her 8 year old) If her appointment is finished early enough I’ll make the 220 mile drive to south Mississippi to spend the night with family before attending my late classmate’s funeral and returning home on Thursday. From out online group a fair number of our classmates will be attending. Most live closer than me but there are a few that will be traveling further. At least one will be coming from California.

From this side, all that is why America's disease numbers are soaring.
I hope you and yours' do stay safe and well.
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Really Toddy? You have a lot more faith in the general common sense of People than I do then.

My neighbours, family and friends talk, even with the Covid-19 restrictions.
Not one single person so far has said that they're happy to eat, or drink, out for a while yet. Indeed they've all made the point that they'll just wait a bit longer.

We don't have a pub culture, yes there are folks who do, but not among the folks I know well. Pubs are occasional things for most of us.
We do do the tea shop, coffee shop, and have a dozen restaurants at least between the two villages, but no one's itching to eat out, yet.

It'll happen, but I don't see there being any great rush among us, well here at any rate.

Son and Girlfriend who live in Glasgow say the same thing. They'll just wait a while longer.

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Yeah, hope you are feeling better soon!

I am curious where people have been picking it up. Like in Sundog's case, were there any obvious risk factors, or was it picked up from passing someone on the street, or some other weird source? The two people I know who think they had it caught it from their wives, who in turn probably picked it up at work, one a teacher, the other in retail, both before lockdown started.
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The thing is the pub owners and staff need their jobs back too (it’s not just the cabin fever of the customers) Likewise for all businesses.
Everybody needs their jobs back not just pubs. But if it's not safe for most workplaces then why do pubs get a free pass? Social drinkers in Westminster need the many bars there open perhaps?
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Cheers lads, yeah I'm ok wiped me out for a couple of days and I still can't take full breaths but it's getting better for sure

Where did I catch it?
Must have been at the supermarket I reckon.
I live alone and work alone on a farm. My girlfriend had a pretty serious leg operation just before lockdown and has been more isolated than me also not ill right now so supermarket or petrol station is about the only place it can be
Thanks. Good to know you are recovering.

Not very encouraging though that you think you picked it up at the supermarket or petrol station.
I was in Tesco yesterday ,17:30, and while it wasn't as busy as it has been early in the morning, and the staff said it was getting progressively less busy, it was also clear that people were not so worried about social distance. Including the staff.

Today my mum and dad made their first outing to the shops in months. Waitrose and Homebase. Obviously I worry about them. They keep asking whether I think it is safe for them to start going out. Probably safer right now than it will be in three weeks' time.

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I ventured into Inverness last week. Not the city centre but outskirts and Tesco. Animal feed wholesalers - nobody distancing or wearing masks. Same at the tractor shop and Tesco. It was if everything is over and done with. Scary stuff.
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Thanks. Good to know you are recovering.

Not very encouraging though that you think you picked it up at the supermarket or petrol station.
I was in Tesco yesterday ,17:30, and while it wasn't as busy as it has been early in the morning, and the staff said it was getting progressively less busy, it was also clear that people were not so worried about social distance. Including the staff.

Today my mum and dad made their first outing to the shops in months. Waitrose and Homebase. Obviously I worry about them. They keep asking whether I think it is safe for them to start going out. Probably safer right now than it will be in three weeks' time.


Very few in the supermarkets round here has ever given a monkey's about social distancing. If you want people to stay clear you have to tell them.

Maybe for a week there was a decent minority of people taking precautions say 30%
Other than that folk carry on as normal
Who'd want to be a politician at the moment - damned if they do, damned if they don't. There's huge public pressure to ease the restrictions but there'll be recriminations if there's another big peak. The economy is desperate and, unless we get back to work, we'll still be reeling from this in ten years time. Kids need schooling but schools are a breeding ground for colds and flue (we only catch anything when the grandchildren have been around with illness).

I hope you make a speedy recovery sundog.
I don't call it social when old ladies push past you to get to the milk when you're waiting for someone else to move on :(
There is that but I usually block them with my trolley or cough threateningly. The latter does not work too well the former does. Or one can practise really being impolite.

I would not like to try being a politician in any circumstances as it seems to be an activity that can and will corrupt almost all.
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I don't call it social when old ladies push past you to get to the milk when you're waiting for someone else to move on :( (other genders and ages are available).
I've had this happen and when I pull them up they said "well your ok your wearing a mask" I then watched her push past someone else(who wasn't wearing a mask) and pulled her up again. She then said that "she'd only come in to do a bit of shopping" as if others were there for some other reason!
I then watched her picking up examine closely breathing all over the packaging and putting them back, several items.
I also got yelled at by another customer for actually daring to say something and that I should show respect for the rather well off self entitled ##### !
It's like it isn't happening.
Nobody is antibacing their hands or wearing masks since lockdown eased. It's so crazy.
Sorry chaps this is not a reflection on the majority of fellas on here, but 90% of the people I've had to ask to move away were men... of all ages.
I've had this happen and when I pull them up they said "well your ok your wearing a mask" I then watched her push past someone else(who wasn't wearing a mask) and pulled her up again. She then said that "she'd only come in to do a bit of shopping" as if others were there for some other reason!
I then watched her picking up examine closely breathing all over the packaging and putting them back, several items.
I also got yelled at by another customer for actually daring to say something and that I should show respect for the rather well off self entitled ##### !
It's like it isn't happening.
Nobody is antibacing their hands or wearing masks since lockdown eased. It's so crazy.
Sorry chaps this is not a reflection on the majority of fellas on here, but 90% of the people I've had to ask to move away were men... of all ages.

Oooh that one get my goat. You touch it, you bought it!

People know what they eat you go to the supermarket and buy 90% of the same s!!t you bought last week. Just grab your stuff and leave!
Oooh that one get my goat. You touch it, you bought it!

People know what they eat you go to the supermarket and buy 90% of the same s!!t you bought last week. Just grab your stuff and leave!

I must admit I'm guilty of picking up products and putting them back, I need to check the allergens for my wife, but hands get cleaned on the way in and after handling products, no face touching through.

What does frustrate me is the families going in, I've seen multiple adults and kids going in when they're just after one small trolley load of shopping, it should still be one house, one person, one trolley.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.