You are right...I hadn't realised that was a difference, but it was! There were parents and children, mostly a little older, but not always, and there were couples ambling around. Two to four weeks back couples were a rare sight.
I must admit I'm guilty of picking up products and putting them back, I need to check the allergens for my wife, but hands get cleaned on the way in and after handling products, no face touching through.
What does frustrate me is the families going in, I've seen multiple adults and kids going in when they're just after one small trolley load of shopping, it should still be one house, one person, one trolley.
I wash hands before I leave the house with antibac soak.
"Nothing is as important as gardening and even that is not very important"I just garden
Bloomin eck woody girl. Keep strong and keep your chin up! I always find in times of loneliness that nature is a great friend. Probably the best one a human can get. Shame that so many people choose to ignore it!
I'm not colouring, but I am watercolouring(have you tried watercolour pencils, Woody girl ? I'm painting, but the pencils might be very good for the books)
Not wishing or intending to be pedantic or argumentative in any way but people such as you describe can get grocery deliveries and order on the Internet. So realy there isn't much of an excuse to trail kids around a store.
If I had been the mother you described I would not have left the child outside alone but either made sure some other person I knew was looking after her outside or told my neighbour that I could not get the meds and why and made arrangements for someone else to fetch them.
Most pharmacy have a delivery system for vunerable people so that possibility should have been explored as soon as lockdown started. I get my meds delivered even though I have a surgery with pharmacy 200 yards away.
There is no reason why whole families have to go shopping together even if one is working. There must be a time when the other partner is at home and able to mind the kids while the other shops if delivery isn't possible.
There is always a solution to a problem. You just have to look for it rather than dig your heels in and say it's not possible.
Having been a single mum during the week with partner only home at weekends for nearly sixteen years . We could always make it work. Why should it be different now?.
For full time single mum's it might be different. But they could still get deliveries. Or maybe a neighbour could help out.
There have been many covid shopping help schemes for those that find it difficult.
I can ring our local one and just ask them to get me some milk if I need to, or they will do a full shop. So you see its not that hard.
I wash hands before I leave the house with antibac soap.
I wear a mask.
I antibac my hands before entering the shop.
I keep my distance,and wait patiently for the person in front to move on.
I have a list of what I need.
I stick to the list.
I antibac my hands on leaving.
It annoys the heck out of me to see everyone ignoring the rules.