When I first started out in the outdoors - backpacking and mountaineering - I was dangerously impressed with the big brands and swallowed wholesale all the information that came with each shiny, new purchase. Using the stuff in the field quickly dispelled the manufacturer's myths, particularly when it came to waterproofs.
Age and injury drew me to bushcraft and, generally, I have managed to exercise a little more discernment, fuelled by experience, when choosing gear. I don't look for brands necessarily, just good simple design and genuinely functional fabrics. There are occasions when I do indulge but that's usually after a good deal of research and 'humming-and haa-ing'. Ultimately, if the product, made by whoever, is durable, well-designed and fulfils a need, then I'll buy it. Adopting that more considered, 'brand-blind' approach has saved me a lot of money over the years and enabled me to afford,among other things, better boots. However, I'm still on the quest for a comfortable waterproof jacket that actually works for longer than a week, doesn't drown me in my own sweat and is reasonably hard-wearing, though!
I hope he fried an onion before cooking the dog.