Suffolk Bushcraft Group

Hi guys what's a good weight for a very beginner axe? (I'm not a skinny bloke but I have to face it I'm an axe newbie)

I've found a reasonably priced (£10 atm), renovated hults bruks on ebay, sold by a guy who sells renovated old tools, chisels, drills, spoke shavers and stuff.
I hope I win it for a reasonable price. Would be nice to have my first axe.
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Feb 23, 2014
The longer the axe the safer it is.
The weight depends on what your doing with it. I don't think there is any such thing as a beginners axe. Just get what suits the job in mind and go about it safely.
Big trees, big axe 4lb+
Camp and carry, medium axe 1.5-2.5lb
Kindling hatchet 1lb

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
I am not sure I would agree with the longer the axe is the safer it is... the longer the axe is the faster the head speed will be in a swing, the safesthing is to learn how to use one safely.. I see too many people using a axe, and they dont know how to use it.

What axe you chose will be determined on what you want it for, there is not one right or wrong for each axe or user, one thing I would say is as you start to use an axe dont over use it, when you feel tried, stop... dont carry on, dont pick one that is to heavy for you to use....

Best to decide what you want to use it first.
something lightweight, 'beginner'(though you say there isn't one, I'll be learning with it). Want somehting I can get nice and sharp, rough out bow staves, spoons, trim branches etc. I had in my mind something like a gransfors forest axe but they're out of my price range. The one I'm getting (if i can) will be a 1 1/4 lb hatchet, hults bruk, and the helve is still usable, probably replace in a year or so. will hopefully win it for 10-15

Will i need a special sharpener? I have a normal whetstone, will that do? or do I need something special?
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Feb 23, 2014
Probably best to get a boot fair bargain as your first axe. Plenty of videos on your tube about sharpening. And lots of different methods. I prefer a large file to sharp the edge and then a small Dia-fold to make the edge nice, then strop it.
Some people just go for a stone or axe puck.

Grab a £3 hatchet and have a play.

Check out then Needham market bootfare on Saturday and Wednesday mornings. There are always loads of cheap hatchets. I'm guessing that many people will damage their first axe through improper cutting and poor aim.
You'll gain the right respect for your axe and it's edge much faster if you buy an old axe and fix it up yourself.
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Full Member
Mar 15, 2009
Well I am going to turn some hazel shoots I cut last year into arrow shafts and finish off a long flat bow, which has came out under weight but should still be a shooter this weekend, wish me luck.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
my new one is dispatched today, should be here on Monday or Tuesday, atleast that will give me something new to play with whils Vic and Charlie are up in Scarborough. I guess I had better order up some bits for some arrows


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
I have a feeling its going to cross Vics path as she heads north on Sunday.
Its a 45lb draw but as I only draw 26" it will be around 40-42lb I reckon
Probably best to get a boot fair bargain as your first axe. Plenty of videos on your tube about sharpening. And lots of different methods. I prefer a large file to sharp the edge and then a small Dia-fold to make the edge nice, then strop it.
Some people just go for a stone or axe puck.

Grab a £3 hatchet and have a play.

Check out then Needham market bootfare on Saturday and Wednesday mornings. There are always loads of cheap hatchets. I'm guessing that many people will damage their first axe through improper cutting and poor aim.
You'll gain the right respect for your axe and it's edge much faster if you buy an old axe and fix it up yourself.

Thanks mate. I'm sure everyone has handed this advice or similar out week after week but it's nice to be able to come here and just ask a quick question, and get it answered - and well at that!
I didn't know there was one at Needham Market which is reasonable distance from me, thanks for the heads up. Can't seem to find decent fleamarket/carboot sales anymore (always seems to be word of mouth)



Feb 23, 2014
Yeah. They don't often have them online. The Needham one is usually packed if its hot.

0630 on Saturdays and 0800 on Wednesday. Really good for old tools and plants. There is always going to be loads of tat.


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