Today I have been doing some work on the SuffRAT and now have come up with an outline of an event, It will be a one nighter in Rendlesham, Starting Melton Station, lunch time, where a route will be started off, with a Grid ref to the next point, the route be made up of a number of Way Points and about 5km Long, this will be a wild camp.
On the second date there is a 14km route around the area working on the same basis....
The only Food you can take is a British Army RAT Pack for the event plus your water. and using the following kit, the idea is to be basic have a limited amount of food, use basic kit, and practice you navigation skills..
Tarp no larger then 3x3 and ridge line with pegs
Sleeping Bag
Roll Mat
British Army Hexi Burner
Mess Tins and or Crusader Cup
Knife Fork Spoon
Hygiene Kit
First Aid Kit and Prescribed Med’s
Map of area Compass, Pace Beads... No GPS UNITS allowed..
Nothing Else..
PM me for details,