My mum apparently has an old hatchet head hangin around the garden all rusted up...I was thinking of refurbing that and putting a handle on it?
Does anyone have advice in regards to sharpening, everything I have been told either requires power tools that seem reckless to the temper, or overly complicated. Can I use hand files and sandpaper before moving onto a stone?
Axe refurb.. if its rusty, please don'e use sandpaper are acid to clean it off.. just use molassas.. it will eat the rust but not good metal.. ok can take 2 weeks to clean..... but I think gives a better job...
How much have you used an axe.. ???? and I mean safely... please take some sort of instruction from people that have and know how to...loads of nasty accidents can happen with them, I only say that as your asking for sharping advice, so I take it experience with sharps are not that deep.. I assume..
As far as sharpening goes, it can be done in a number of ways, if its that damaged the a file to start, the move to rough abrasive, the finer, then on to stropping..for that really sharp edge, saying that you only need that if your using it for a carver, if just for splitting then don't worry too much about stropping
Again its easier to show and learn by being shown. its something that I normally do as a skill share at a meet
... think the guys one here will agree there's a load to be learnt about axes/sharps, but its easy... then again its easy to go wrong badly...