So who's got an iPad then and what do you think?

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And the gag for the techies that always makes us laugh

When we do some evaluation work for Apples new devices...

Is it an i-Test>?

They don't all have 16gb. Mine has 64 and this is more than enough for what it's intended for. As you don't have to install stuff in the same way as a pc then certainly more than enough. Oh another reason they are quite good is for photo presentation. I have a friend who is a pro photographer and he uses his to carry around his portfolio.
I don't deny it can work, but I'm surprised at a professional who wants to spend twice as much for a quarter of the available storage space (in effect £600 for 64Gb when he could have had 250Gb for less than half that amount...)

Each to their own though
Red whilst I can understand your opinion, I don't actually agree with it fully.
I don't have an ipad but an iphone (16 gig).
I was going to get and ipad but the fact that you need to use a computer to upload anything is daft to me.
I have a load of music and ebooks onmy iphone together with talking books.
To be honest it use it more for that then as a phone lol

It is perfectly pos to put a lot of ebooks etc on a small space.
Just don't think windows!
I would love a tablet pc but they are ridiculous prices and not that good a spec.
The ipad to me is nice idea but not quite right
I'm with BR on the lack of storage.
If it had an SD slot, I'd be happier.
However, as it is, My Ipod Touch can do everything an Ipad can, and it can fit in my pocket.
Don't disagree Alan, but is that your only device? Or do you keep them on a PC or MAc and transfer them? I wouldn't want 16Gb (or even 64Gb) as a main device. If I wanted an e-book reader and music player then there are other, more portable, lighter, cheaper devices.

For me, at the price, the tablet needs to do something that can't be done with a "pocket portable" and "main utilisation" machine. Is the iPad buyer going to replace their phone? No. Or their main Mac / PC? No. So its an "as well as" option - as well as both not one or the other. I simply don'y get what space the third device fills. I get your iPhone (although again, there are plenty of options and alternatives at lower prices), as it portable, and useful for music etc. on the move. The iPad though? As I said before, a solution looking for a problem for most home users.

I use the iphone because is was (at the time the cheapest option for some apps i wanted). I remote into the servers when needed. As well as the music(suffer badly with tinitus). And as I have sight problem, the audio books are very useful.
Yes there are better and cheaper now but for me at the time the iphone was the best option.
Agreed with the ipad. It fits no camp.
And yes I have a very large repository or evooks and music(all legit btw! lol) about 39,000 songs. I paid for a copy of some websites for audio books (audio books for free in high sample rate charge about $100 for a dump of the site. Thats ten DVD's worth).
Its a compromise between size for use and size/weight/'stamina' for carrying.
A solar chargable tablet with wifi/3gs and decent storage would for me be ideal but it doesnt exist (or not at a price i will pay).
Really depends on what exactly you want to do with it. It's perfect for casual web surfing, Email, Twitter and jotting down thoughts. I wouldn't try to write a book on it in one go, but the virtual keyboard is very easy to get used to, and great for typing a few hundred words or so at a time. Storage is tiny in comparison with a PC, but again, it depends on what you need it for -- DVDs will compress down to very high quality videos, if that's your thing, and it'll easily store a good few for taking on trips. One thing I'd definitely say is it isn't an outdoor device! I'm much happier with mine in a Tuff Luv leather case, that means you're not terrified of scratching it every time you put it down. I keep mine next to me at work and at home. You can surf the web, look at Youtube, Twitter, your email, etc all nearly instantly. I have a PC at home, but can never be bothered to go upstairs, wait for it to boot, use it for 5 minutes to check something, or look something up, wait for it to shut down again... This, you pick up, use, put down. Repeat. Yes, it's stupidly expensive. Yes, no-one *needs* one, however as a PC replacement for me at home, it's perfect. Oh, and the battery life is pretty good -- certainly up to the 10 hours Apple claim. Not quite enough to get though the whole weekend without charging though. Also got a 1st gen iPod Touch, which is wonderfully portable, but really not up to any serious web browsing.

I can never understand why people seem so polarised by Apple products -- a product is either good, or bad, or indifferent on its own merits. I'm not a fan of Mac-OS in any of its guises, as I find it too restrictive. However, on the iPad, that very restrictiveness becomes it's main feature. It does what it does well.
I don't really see the point of them, I doubt many of you have used Mac Book Pros but why would anybody get and iPad when they can get a Mac Book / Pro for a bit more money which is ten times better?
I think that they would be good in schools but that's about it... :)
I don't really see the point of them, I doubt many of you have used Mac Book Pros but why would anybody get and iPad when they can get a Mac Book / Pro for a bit more money which is ten times better?
I think that they would be good in schools but that's about it... :)
Thing is, the cheapest iPad is almost half the price of a MacBook and less than half the price of the cheapest MBP.
That said, you can do a heck of a lot more with a MacBook.
Linux is OK, I play with ubuntu and mint on old laptops but they are still a bit technical for most people who really just want to turn on and use without having to spend hours tweaking. No doubt the Mac OS is good but Microsoft have done the business now with Windows 7, I'm running Pro and Ultimate on the home network and its such a smooth and fast system.

So if you look at a Mac, laptop or desktop through impartial eyes and at their performance V PC based kit they are just really really poor value for money now. As for the 64Gb on an iPad? thats a joke amount of data storage, to be honest anything under 350Gb ain't worth having these days IMHO. All that said Apple gear is very pretty to look at:)
A bit late to the discussion but here's my 2p anyway.

I am getting one tomorrow ( stock permitting ) for a few reasons.

I have a iPhone 3gs ( one of the easiest phones to use imo )
I have a iMac desktop computer ( my laptop broke and was recommended to try a iMac ) by FAR the best, fastest and simplest computer i have ever used, and when compared to others of a similar spec, quite competitive imo.

So why am i getting a iPad.....The iMac sits in my room, so if i want to sit in the living room and watch sky, then this i much easier to use for a quick check/browse/check email etc, i can take it to freinds/family to show friends pictures etc, games for car journeys etc.

All that being said, i can only buy it as i have a voucher for comet, so im not 100% sure I'd have bought one if I didn't have the voucher.

And just for the record, im no apple "fanboy", i really genuinly hate the fact that i love their products and that they are gradually turning people to there way of thinking. although after owning a apple OSX, i dont think i'd ever go back to a Windows machine.\

Also, their customer service is the best i have ever seen in a company.
Got an iPad for a birthday present which was unexpected and had a short period of "what do I do with it" type quandary. Then in use it has grown to be my most used piece of computing equipment. I don't use it to do "real" work, a laptop takes care of that, nor for file storage, an external back-up hard drive does that and fils can be accessed from the "Cloud", nor even is it used for those heavier internet sessions, downloads etc. However for the simpler side of computing, emailing, portability (great battery life) and simpler tasks it is just brilliant. It has grown on me, has the wow factor with others and is quietly a very useful tool for reference, entertainment and communication.

rik_uk3 Sorry if you think Apple users are sad, its a choice I made back in 1984 when I was first introduced to them. However calling someone sad because of the choices they make in computers is perhaps bringing intollerance to a petty level, chill out and enjoy what you have.
I imagine an ipad is great in a survival situation. Once you realise you haven;t got G3 coverage, and the battery dies, I bet it's make a great plate...or if you stayed very still, a hat :)


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