Sloe Gin Concerns...

Geoffrey_Bubbles said:
My Concerns were unfounded, its good, REALLY good :lmao:

I really like it too, I was worried I might of wasted a good litre of Gordons, but this is something that is just far too easy to drink.

A mate of mine that normally makes his own, but didn't get round to it this year has given it his approval and promptly half inched a bottle!

Ta for all the recipe ideas and techniques mentioned by numerous people in the past leading up to my first go at this.

It was all well worth it.

Bootoms up!


normal practice is to take out the sloes after 3mths or so

I try and leave as much as possible :naughty: bottled for at least another 12mths for a real smooth drink
i have a gallon from November pretty much ready to filter and bottle Tescos value Gin
i am going to try the Slider recipy for the used Sloes which normally come out nice n plump n round

Also try the same Method for coffee Vodka ie Cheap Vodka 100gms or so of whole strong coffee Beans and demarerha Suger Gives you a hang over and keeps you wide awake to enjoy it :eek: :lmao:




Full Member
Feb 26, 2006
Toddy said:
Nice one :D
But see this years crop? Try the sloe whisky as well; that's rather good too :cool:

Cheers, (literally by the sounds of it :) )


Hi Toddy i have a bottle of JURA that im not getting on with its about 3/4 full how many/weight of sloes would i need to have a go at sloe whiskey with what i have.
Jan 22, 2006
i'd be far more careful, i found that after tasting mine i thought it was all fine. so i carried on well into the night and the following morning, and after only 3 litres something was up. it was a bit like Ray's mate Gordon and his poison mushrooms...
i luckily had the foresight to be sick all down my front, so when i finally came round (thank god i ate before hand - it gave me the fortitude to make it thru a dangerous time) everyone knew that i had been poisoned and was glad to avoid me for many months - so i could fully recouperate probably.

the moral of this, as i have now developed a degree of immunity, is that i recommend that you all send me your sloe gin for authentification that it is ok.

posting plastic bottles is fine. i'll return any that has passed the stringent evening of testing forthwith.
please be aware that it is most likely to fail due to some fungus or other that you wont have heard of yet affecting something, and that, regrettably, i'll have to demolish the lot.
thanks, i dont expect any rep points for this...but if there are any lying around collecting dust...


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