:sigh: just one of those weeks :sigh:


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
The Uncle, the 90 year old one who broke his arm going too damned fast on his mob scooter, has now torn the cartilege in his knee. Poor old blighter's really hirpling now.
Anyway, he phoned me this morning and asked if I wasn't busy could I give him a lift to Hamilton. Fine, sent Son2 to bring me the car round, while I cleaned up and changed 'cos I was filthy having been in the garden for a couple of hours.
Back comes Son2, "You're right, the car 'is' making a funny noise."
Off to pick up the Uncle, and in the short distance I too hear the noise again, and it's more persistant. Tell the Uncle the trip's not happening, give me his list and we'll get the stuff in for him and go back home. Go and pester the Auntie's stepson who lives at the end of the next block and ask him to have a listen too (he's an ex RAC man) Yup, he thinks the wheel bearing's away :sigh:
So, the car needs fixed.

The roof leaked last week, and is to be repaired this weekend. The inner membrane has degraded enough that it's full of wee holes at the bottom edge. It leaked through the top of the back bedroom window frame and soaked the wooden windowsill. It needs the tiles lifted and plastic supports fitted, the window is drying out well, but the window sill will need the varnish stripped off, re-sanded and re-varnished.

I found a leak in the kitchen this morning where the cold water pipe to the kitchen sink has been dripping behind the built in cupboards long enough that the cupboards, the wall, the floor and the kickboards are saturated. The leak's fixed, but the cupboards are all opened out, doors and kickboards off, everything out and bagged and stacked around the kitchen, and fans running to dry everything out thoroughly. It'll need repainting, the tiles put back and if we're lucky the units won't warp....maybe.

Then Son2 obligingly finishes cutting the grass that the Uncle's phone call interupted.....just nearly done when he says, "I can smell burning." :rolleyes: :yikes: The motor's burned out :sigh:

I don't think I was intended to get to the Moot this year.

"Lucky white heather",
Aye, right.



Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
Rubbish week is that. Whadda ya gonna do but one job at a time and carry on,
Or just begger it all and go for a nice walk in the sun.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
Life has a habit of biting you on the bum sometimes. I'm sure something will be along soon to cheer you up.
Last edited:


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Ach :sigh: it's one of those, it needs done, do it, kind of times, I reckon.
Sorry, kind of just vented on everyone :eek:

Thing is too, that I had been getting on with sorting out stuff and getting loads of little niggling things done, finished, tidied and redd out.

Right royal pain in the backside though :(



A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Look forward to how good you'll feel about having it all done - spotless deep-cleaned kitchen sink area, re-painted/varnished bedroom window and wheel bearings done on the jamjar - and all before the Autumn is even here!............If it were me, I'd "Git-r-Dun" and then revel in a little smug self-satisfaction: But get your indulgence in quick afore the next time ole man trouble jumps out from behind that tree, cudgel in hand.........

You just have to laugh, eh?............................atb mac
Jul 12, 2012
Yea I can relate to this, Last Saturday I had to go to the Dentist for a emergency filling (Broken tooth an bad dental clinic that been going on the best part of 2 years), Works been a weird place for some reason found out a Really nice guy is leaving work, and then today just after eating lunch I felt a pop and tasted vinegar in my mouth put my finger in there an boom blood, Ran back to Liverpool and saw my Dentist (who is a good guy but the, Clinc that he has to use to do extractions sucks) said I now have a small abscess and the pop I felt was one of the roots snapping because of the swelling. Luckily he gave me a new "Dental Bandage" and some really heavy pain killers and a appointment at the dental hospital in the morning.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I rather think a burst abcess and broken tooth root beats my leaks, etc., :yikes:

Good Dentists are worth their wages :) and modern dentistry is a blessing; I've seen the results of the dentistry (or lack thereof) of the past. No wonder Burns called it the hell of all diseases.

Hope it settles and heals well.

Jul 12, 2012
Thanks Mary,

He Drained what he could then sent me the dental hospital, I have been going this Dentist for 20+ Years and my mum has been going to him since he opened. Problem is his new business partner has a dealwith this one place and he gets kick backs from all referrals as long as all referrals go to them except emergency or odd cases. I have been waiting for a long time for a a extraction that is now getting kinda extremely urgent. So I am going tomorrow and hoping they will eaiter Extract it or just give me somthing for the pain, for the last 9 months I have been eating Codine tablets by the fist full just to get a decent nights sleep, let alone do anything else, for some reason I have only been able to see his new partner not my old guy unlike today (I showed up and asked to deal with him an no one else) he perscribed some wonderful painkillers that have stopped the pain (also cant feel my face, so that should make tomorrows shave interesting). But he also drained what he could, removed a couple of parts of a damadged tooth that he could (he has never been able to do extractions) I also can't blame him for not doing this one, especially now with the abscess.

But thanks anyway :)

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I'm not going to tell you what happened following my extraction two weeks back mate...I hope yours is smoother!

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Ahh no - mine was a little more fun that that ...the infection spread after the extraction.....

I have a phrase I use with dentists you might like to try

Now, we aren't going to hurt each other today are we?
Jul 12, 2012
Haha, I cant recall the film right now but there was a Guy who was a dentist who impersonated Elvis who did a tune about being a hearless *******, I'll dig it out as the song is some what true about mouth butchers.


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