Show us your tinderbox!


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Morning, don't be shy lads, i have been brave enough to put my feeble attempt up! I can see i am going back to the drawing board, some lovely examples there guys.

Still i bothered, and it does the job, no laughing!


Tinder Box 002.jpg Tinder Box 001.jpg


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Only one of us sensible enough to pop in for silica sachets though, to "keep you powder dry" so to speak. When you look as it more practical than a lot of other kits.

One thing I've noticed in most kits is the lack of a disposable lighter!? Are we all just being aesthetic, historic or just mental, 'cause sorry if the chips are really down and I'm suffering I'm using a lighter!:eek:

Morning, don't be shy lads, i have been brave enough to put my feeble attempt up! I can see i am going back to the drawing board, some lovely examples there guys.

Still i bothered, and it does the job, no laughing!


View attachment 24766 View attachment 24767


Woodsman & Beekeeper
Aug 19, 2013
Nice kit Ivan!
And Colin I always have a lighter in my jacket pocket and I always have a ferro rod on my belt somewhere ;).


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Only one of us sensible enough to pop in for silica sachets though, to "keep you powder dry" so to speak. When you look as it more practical than a lot of other kits.

One thing I've noticed in most kits is the lack of a disposable lighter!? Are we all just being aesthetic, historic or just mental, 'cause sorry if the chips are really down and I'm suffering I'm using a lighter!:eek:

Hi Colin, because i am a smoker i always have at least two throw away lighters with me, and there just isn't room in my tinder box for a fag paper! The silica thing works well too, not like me to pack anything, that says do not eat on it!

Was holding back on posting, as mine seemed a bit silly.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 9, 2005
Lighter..... what...... in a tinder pouch......... OMG!!!!!

Clearly that stays in your pocket :D

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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
OK maybe I'm a heathen but I've lighters in (jacket & trousers) pocket, possibles pouch, rucksack and tinder kit. I think it's 'cause my old climbing partner used to put dead matches back in the box!:banghead: and on more than one occasion we had no live matches with us.


On a new journey
Jul 9, 2004
Rossendale, Lancashire
Damn good idea that silica pack one, going to find some myself. I was thinking of storing the kits on top of a radiator, where they will get knocked off all the time, but that's much better, cheers!



For years my Dad did the putting the matches back in the box thing, not from any environmental concerns but as a ex squaddy they had to around camp or receive a swift kick for being messy or patrolling in Malaya and Borneo leaving traces that wouldn't get obliterated by the next rain. He also used to break each match in the middle as that made sure it was really out. Back when I first smoked fags (long past) I unconsciously had picked up from him holding them in a way that the tip was concealed in your palm. That and having a pathological aversion to dropping litter.

Ps. I also carry a zippo, the chrome ladies model with a loop for the lanyard where the hinge pin should go. It acts as a mirror for splinters and ticks as well as lighting. I know they dry out but I've never had it do so while out, if I'm gone for long enough to do that I normally am carrying a nova stove and the fuel from that works fine in the zippo.
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Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
No need for silica in mine. The birchbark and pinewood takes care of moisture.
And I do have a lighter in my daypack as part of an emergencykit; lighter, tampons, an esbitcube and a tealight, all in a metal tin.

... holding them in a way that the tip was concealed in your palm. That and having a pathological aversion to dropping litter.....

So do I...
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Full Member
Aug 14, 2013
Northwest Scotland
My tinder box, it lives on my mantlepiece and is only ever used when I run out of a light or for the odd party trick;

Tinder box.jpg

I've had this since the late 80's when I was working on a wooden ship based in Holland, the fibrous material is Oakum (twisted hemp soaked in stockholm tar used for chalking), plus a bit of birch bark.

I use a clipper lighter when out and about.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Show us your drinking horn please mate

Hi Alreetmiodmuka, sorry late in the day and in flash as it's already dark here, here's my drinking horn, used for quaffing (I love that word) ale and general rabble rousing when on a pillage with my fellow Vikings...

Horn with horn stand, leather pitch lined tankard, and kuska which I'm making a pigs ear of kosolring at the moment.


One of my many hip flasks thrown in to set a scene.

A wee lamp with scallop shell reflector


Stitching detail.

Hope you didn't mind me popping it on your tinderbox thread Cameron?



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Damn good idea that silica pack one, going to find some myself. I was thinking of storing the kits on top of a radiator, where they will get knocked off all the time, but that's much better, cheers!



For years my Dad did the putting the matches back in the box thing, not from any environmental concerns but as a ex squaddy they had to around camp or receive a swift kick for being messy or patrolling in Malaya and Borneo leaving traces that wouldn't get obliterated by the next rain. He also used to break each match in the middle as that made sure it was really out. Back when I first smoked fags (long past) I unconsciously had picked up from him holding them in a way that the tip was concealed in your palm. That and having a pathological aversion to dropping litter.

Ps. I also carry a zippo, the chrome ladies model with a loop for the lanyard where the hinge pin should go. It acts as a mirror for splinters and ticks as well as lighting. I know they dry out but I've never had it do so while out, if I'm gone for long enough to do that I normally am carrying a nova stove and the fuel from that works fine in the zippo.

Funny my Father was in Malaya to and both he did and I do snap a match after use. Seemingly it was done with spills too? I also always turn the first cigarette out around and smoke it last, my lucky fag. Even though I don't really smoke anymore I try to always have a lighter about and preferably in multiples - hence the last resort one in the tinder box. Belt and braces me!:rolleyes:


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Very nice Colin, good job i don't live closer! Would love to have a quaff, rifle your gear, borrow some of your dvd's, oh yeah most importantly enjoy your company.

The match thing, i dislike matches full stop. The dead match back in the box is particularly annoying, it has a term.

"Cannock Chase" From the book of Liff! poking around in a box of matches looking for a live one!

Wish i still had that pocket book, allsorts in there made me chuckle.



Full Member
Apr 24, 2013
Hi Alreetmiodmuka, sorry late in the day and in flash as it's already dark here, here's my drinking horn, used for quaffing (I love that word) ale and general rabble rousing when on a pillage with my fellow Vikings...

Horn with horn stand, leather pitch lined tankard, and kuska which I'm making a pigs ear of kosolring at the moment.


One of my many hip flasks thrown in to set a scene.

A wee lamp with scallop shell reflector


Stitching detail.

Hope you didn't mind me popping it on your tinderbox thread Cameron?


I like that word too I need too make a mental note too use it more.really glad yer got you're pics on.i want one.! get some real foot stomping music on with the ale sloshing about smacking missus backside n that ha.grrrrrrr! Ha. tankerds nice too real quality craftsmanship that n the shell lights a brilliant idea you've some nice kit their.thanks fer taking the it glass that hip flask


Full Member
Apr 24, 2013
Sorry for hijacking thread by the way by the way but I must ask goatboy is their some sort of lining in that tankerd.what the weight like


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Really sorry Cameron, hijacking again, will take it to pm after this if you wish?

Very nice Colin, good job i don't live closer! Would love to have a quaff, rifle your gear, borrow some of your dvd's, oh yeah most importantly enjoy your company.

The match thing, i dislike matches full stop. The dead match back in the box is particularly annoying, it has a term.

"Cannock Chase" From the book of Liff! poking around in a box of matches looking for a live one!

Wish i still had that pocket book, allsorts in there made me chuckle.

A get together at some point sounds grand, two old duffers talking about their forestry glory days! DVD's in the meantime can be posted, have to get round to making a list someday soon.

The Meaning of Liff is a great wee book, I have a copy somewhere and didn't live too far away from it at one point. Also used to go out to the mental hospital there to do some patients hair many moons ago - yes I was a hairdresser at one point. If you like the Liff book you'd like "The Little Book of Calvin" and "The Smiling School for Calvanists". Mine are on loan at the moment but when/if they're returned I could lend them too you.

I like that word too I need too make a mental note too use it more.really glad yer got you're pics on.i want one.! get some real foot stomping music on with the ale sloshing about smacking missus backside n that ha.grrrrrrr! Ha. tankerds nice too real quality craftsmanship that n the shell lights a brilliant idea you've some nice kit their.thanks fer taking the it glass that hip flask

Aye we should have a meetup in Scotland on a beech with Scallops fer eating and making lamps - whilst quaffing of course. That would be suitable bushy?
Aye that flask is a Victorian glass one with pewter cup and leather cover, was actually one of the first I ever bought and has been on all sorts of adventures - I'd been treating the leather to keep it supple and popped it into shot.

Sorry for hijacking thread by the way by the way but I must ask goatboy is their some sort of lining in that tankerd.what the weight like

The lining is pitch/wax? Certainly smelled like tar when I first got it and it's very robust, will dig out the box from the cupboard tomorrow. Not too heavy, half a pound maybe? Holds a bottle and a bit of beer - but can be used to drain barrels very quickly:rolleyes:

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Heres my tinder pouch... :)Dried Grass, Pine Needles, Clematis Bark, Birch Bark, sizeal, Bull Rush, Old Mans Beard ect, also some Cheese Wax, Bees Wax, Local Fatwood, piece of Egg Box soaked in Wax, bit of King Alfred Cake, some Cotton Wool, Vaseline, Charcloth, Piece of Inner Tube....most collected as I walk about.. so I end up with a mixed bag really... I tend to carry some of the things in small plastic bags, just stops them getting mixed up.. :)

And a small tin with my flint and steel in :

Tinder pouch.jpg


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