Show us your Bushcraft Hat (hopefully will end up pic heavy)

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I have several I'm fond of: an Akubra Snowy River, a Real Deal Brazil tarp hat, and old boonie hat I was issued in Desert shield/Storm, and a pith safari helmet. I'll try to get photos of then all up later but for now here's a couple of shots of the tarp hat


I have a rogue suede hat that I got in south africa... can't see it on their website though. Also have a tilley t3 but always wanted a genuine od us boonie from the 60's. rare as rocking horse poo though.
I have for a long time resisted buying a Tilley hat because everyone I had ever seen seemed to be pretty shapeless (with a round top and a round rim that you seemed unable to shape). Anyhow, I have recently come across the TH5; a nice hemp number that is also nicely shaped and has some decent airholes. About to test it out this weekend.
Flat cap all the way mo' fo's.

Brims are for ladies at esscot daahling.

Ahhh - an Englishman amongst the Aussie / Yankee wanabees. My sartorial compliments sir. Only one "IQ reducer" baseball cap so far (and on a pretty girl so that's okay!) thankfully

Sadly your barrels appear to be on sideways!
You get a pass :)

There is of course a practical value to a wide brimmed hat - in both rain and sun, but 9 days out of 10, I am with Bushwacker, a flat cap works...lets face it, they are pretty common amongst people who work outdoors in all weathers :) So...they make a great Bushcraft hat too!
Posted pics(well one of the kids did) of my akubra in april last year, sadly still can't figure out how to do it. I also wear a rogue airhead in this hot weather.

Ahhh - an Englishman amongst the Aussie / Yankee wanabees.

Yeah its shame how they have become popular.... more now for the looks then the reasons for having one..... thought about changing but everything I try, just seems to not come up to the one I've used for 20 odd years... used to have a flat cap but did not get on with it.. found it good for wearing when my kids were on my shoulders... :), other wise just wore the Barbour wax


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