Show us your Bushcraft Hat (hopefully will end up pic heavy)

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used to have a flat cap but did not get on with it.. found it good for wearing when my kids were on my shoulders... :), other wise just wore the Barbour wax

Good for wearing with ear defenders too - harder with anything with a brim at the sides :)
How 'bout this then? Picked up today for sick squid (really) at Monmouth market, a very good copy of a Tilley..................

Baseball cap is the easiest and most practical, imo. Room for ear covers when shooting, longer brim for more sun protection, loads of colours/styles and NORMAL!

Wide brim leather bush hats work to keep the sun out your face but just feels wrong and clumbsy.

Flat caps are for whippet walkers and silver spooners! ;) They can't offer me anything other than harrasment from the local riff raff for looking out of place, and are best suited for those living in the country where it's more common to dress like it's 1940.

hehe.. I'll get my coat!
Flat caps are for whippet walkers and silver spooners! ;) They can't offer me anything other than harrasment from the local riff raff for looking out of place, and are best suited for those living in the country where it's more common to dress like it's 1940.

hehe.. I'll get my coat!

One finds that the local proles and riff-raff are somewhat subdued and firmly ensconced in their place by the fact that along with flat cap one has a rather nice pair of Holland and Hollands plus a loader. What-what!


Sir Henry at Rawlinson End

They are okay on Americans ...on the baseball field...if its sunny...and they are part of the team!

Ironically I largely agree with you; IF it's one of the cheap plastic baseball caps. However the real ones are perfect on the fans in the stands; they give them the same protection without blocking the view of those sitting behind you plus show your team support.

I do make exceptions though and wear them out and about when a real (read "full brimmed") hat isn't needed just cause they're easy to stow when entering a building (I'm still old school that way) and a flat cap just looks too effeminate :)

The latter bit's not entirely a joke (I really, really, really like flat caps and wear them when I can) but not due to the caps themselves; they've unfortunately been usurped by the girls over here. Mind you, the girls do look good in them, I just wish they were more common among men as I do like wearing them as I said.
I have three flat caps, two baseball caps and my Akubra. Having had a skin cancer scare being calles an Aussie Wannabe is nowt.

Deer stalking in this weather is too much for my flat caps and my Akubra snags branches, so IQ reducer it it, works. I look down when I see the deer, green cap works trust me.
Mine wasn't a scare Rich so you have my sympathies - and you are of course correct - practicality trumps all other cards!
Ironically I largely agree with you; IF it's one of the cheap plastic baseball caps. However the real ones are perfect on the fans in the stands; they give them the same protection without blocking the view of those sitting behind you plus show your team support.

I do make exceptions though and wear them out and about when a real (read "full brimmed") hat isn't needed just cause they're easy to stow when entering a building (I'm still old school that way) and a flat cap just looks too effeminate :)

The latter bit's not entirely a joke (I really, really, really like flat caps and wear them when I can) but not due to the caps themselves; they've unfortunately been usurped by the girls over here. Mind you, the girls do look good in them, I just wish they were more common among men as I do like wearing them as I said.

I agree with you both and the one time I wore a baseball cap in a hot climate I ended up with sun burnt ears. Not always remembering to sun cream there.
I agree with you both and the one time I wore a baseball cap in a hot climate I ended up with sun burnt ears. Not always remembering to sun cream there.

Yeah you're absolutely right; they're protection (from sun at least) is limited.

I might add that I've had two skin cancers removed within the year. One on the top of my head (which proved malignant) and the other from just the back of my left shoulder (which was benign) And have an opthalmology appointment for annual exam and to set another appt for cataract surgery. I rarely forget sunglasses, sunscreen and hats any more.
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Got a sister who not lives in Florida moved from New Jersey a couple of years ago and she has told me about the heat or more about the humidity there. She is over here for a holiday with her family less heat only 75ish no air con though. Has also gone through a couple of cancer scare over the years. The Plus is American Hospitals dont mess about, they find it and get it sorted straight away. Take care anyway Santaman
Actually, joking aside, I'm surprised that there aren't more flat caps in this thread. They are a really practical item. I just really get on with my tilley.
I want one But 1st I look a prat in all hats except Bush hats and secondly I am from Northumberland so don't want the typical miner, shipyard wheres you wippet comment. They are still a good practical hat/cap.
Nowt wrong with flat caps apart from the fact that they don't protect your face, ears & back of your neck from the sun nor prevent rain from dripping down your collar.......mustn't mind either that when you take them off your flattened hair looks like it hasn't been washed for weeks.:rolleyes:..............they can't be comfortable in this current heat though nor smell too good ;)
Surprising how many of the 50+ farmers wear 'em - rain, sun, snow and hail. They are outside in all weathers, so I reckon if it works for them....
Surprising how many of the 50+ farmers wear 'em - rain, sun, snow and hail. They are outside in all weathers, so I reckon if it works for them....

Wore a flat cap for years, good in dense forestry plantations, less likely to get knocked off by Sitka branches.
Surprising how many of the 50+ farmers wear 'em - rain, sun, snow and hail. They are outside in all weathers, so I reckon if it works for them....

Maybe but 50 + farmers arn't my role models......besides I like to be comfortable & don't like doctor surgeries...........I'm out in all weathers too & not in a tractor so I appreciate a little more weather protection. :)
Surprising how many of the 50+ farmers wear 'em - rain, sun, snow and hail. They are outside in all weathers, so I reckon if it works for them....
All the farmers round us wear them, aparently they build up a patina of grease over time which makes them waterproof, comfortable as they've stretched to the head and no one nicks them... the worst that happens is the really pungent ones walk off themselves ;)


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