Sheath for the pig sticker


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Got a mate of mine over here named Sylvain a.k.a. Elmer Fudd. He's really into hunting and selective too, he doesn't blast anything on four legs or wings if it comes into range, a fact I like about him. Anyway he got himself an Isreali bayonet primarily to use in close quarters against a wild boar. Takes a brave or very stupid man to do that I thought. But he explained that such a pig sticker is to dispatch the previously riddled with bullet holes boar and the bayonet is mounted on a pole. Not so stupid after all.

So he rolled round my place with dagger and asked me to make a sheath for it. And we then bounced some ideas around for mounting said dagger onto some sort of pole. Couple of days later he turned up with a WW2 German bayonet fitting which made the task a lot easier. Later I was rooting around my mates garage and found a landing net pole which was going gash so that became the pole. Job done, at least that part of it was.

Next I got busy on the sheath. A simple affair and finished with 1½ metres of paracord mostly for decoration than actual usage. I just wanted to try out those leather slots in the welt and it worked out rather nicely.

So off Sylvain trudged last Sunday with pig sticker and pockets bulging with ammo and high expectations of bagging something big with teeth. I think he had salad for dinner that night as the boars had other ideas rather than being stuck.

Thanks for looking. Rather chuffed with the end result. Made entirely from some bits of Alison's old handbags I'd nabbed before they got taken to a charity shop. British heart foundation's loss, Sylvain's gain. Though the boars might argue that point too.



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Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
Tidy work Aaron. Looks like it will do the job nicely. You need a bit of length with boar, they can cause serious injury with a flick of that head. Those tusks are lethal. :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I spoke to Sylvain yesterday and he said that this bayonet, pole and sheath were stolen out of the back of his 4x4 a couple of months ago, he was gutted at losing it, and even more disgusted that someone would steal it. I suppose any victim of burglary knows what he's feeling. So I thought I'd bring you up to date a bit. I was rather proud of that sheath too.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I would want a pole MUCH much longer! About 15 feet would do it,,,

Hear hear! But Sylvain wanted it that short so he could carry in through thickets etc. I suppose if there was any danger of the boar injuring someone another bullet through the brainpan up close ought to put it down until the pig sticker does the job.

Yeah it is pretty distinctive so I think Sylvain's hoping it'll get spotted soon. Between him and his mates I'm guessing he's put the word out.

Thanks for all the comments.


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