Infomation technology - just like what that means to the modern person, I think this meet will mean an explosion of brain over load to many, if not all who attend.
It took, by natural evolution, humans thousands of years to learn all we will cover and I am sure there was many such meets, hostile or friendly, where people shared knowledge. To recent memory there was the mountain man meets that brought together a huge range of different cultures for the cause of commerce, more recently(1988), these meets in american history have been relived and brought this ocean of skills and knowledge to the foreground once more.
Be you a crusader, explorer, craftman/women - we are all on this new journay one more, we are all exploring these new hands on skills and within this meet, like all those before, we will be passing on the buck, expanding the circle.
Questions will be asked, theories will be swopped and skills will be passed on and thank god for this forum which will enable those attending to carry on the buss of the meet. long after it has happened.
Oh and I will be bringing bourbon!