SAK toothpick

Nov 14, 2007
I've just found a nice 'officer' swiss army knife with my metal detector, which has cleaned up nicely but is missing the toothpick. Where can I get one ? The only supplier I've found wanted £3.50 p&p !

p.s just discovered it is missing the spring from the scissors- are they available?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
The spring and toothpick and tweezers etc are all available about 75p each available at many stockists.
Your local stockist will be able to get them with next delivery I would think.


Jan 20, 2006
A while ago I went into Millets for a lanyard ring for my sak, the woman there told me that I could get them to send it to victorinox and victorinox would clean it, sharpen it and replace any lost or broken parts. I didn't buy it from Millets but they said that it didn't matter. I can't remember how long it took (probably two weeks max) but it came back complete with lanyard ring. It's worth a try I guess especially for a scissor spring. As I'm sure that would come under warantee.
Nov 14, 2007
I've got both parts from ebay- thanks for the suggestion.I am amazed they offer a refurbishment service f.o.c Heath.I've heard their sales have been hit hard by the airport security laws re. blades- a huge amount of knives were sold from airport shops.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2005
7dayshop has toothpicks (both large & small) for 49p, the problem is P&P so not worth it unless buying a bunch of other stuff too. :D


Pity I didn't read the board earlier, i've got a couple of these toothpicks spare, you are welcome to one for nothing.

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
I've heard their sales have been hit hard by the airport security laws re. blades- a huge amount of knives were sold from airport shops.

So they've probably gone from selling airside duty free to land side straight to the public. Have one confiscated as you board, then buy its replacement at journeys end.

Now theres and idea - renting SAK's while on holiday - merely return them to the airport as you leave the country!

I'm gonna be rich I tell you!

Ogri the trog

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
What hacked me off was seeing knives that had been confiscated at airports being sold in army surplus stores!
Where do airports get off selling a persons property and not giving them the chance to buy it back themselves?
If I forget to pack a blade in my hold luggage I would like a/ the oportunity to put it in an envelope, sold to me at the security desk at a high price, and pay over the odds to mail it home.
b/ give it to the security guard as a prezzie
C/ see it melted to scrap rather than see the airports make even more money at my expence AND undercut decent cutlers by selling off "stolen" goods cheap!
rant over now...

tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
On the airport note my mate had his wave confiscated at an airport (he forgot it was in his hand luggage) and guess what it had gone mysteriously missing when he returned!!
Shame it was £90 that his Gran left him in her will.

Burnt Ash

Sep 24, 2003
East Sussex
What hacked me off was seeing knives that had been confiscated at airports being sold in army surplus stores!
Where do airports get off selling a persons property and not giving them the chance to buy it back themselves?
If I forget to pack a blade in my hold luggage I would like a/ the oportunity to put it in an envelope, sold to me at the security desk at a high price, and pay over the odds to mail it home.
b/ give it to the security guard as a prezzie
C/ see it melted to scrap rather than see the airports make even more money at my expence AND undercut decent cutlers by selling off "stolen" goods cheap!
rant over now...

I have never understood the legality of such confiscations. Whilst I do not challenge the right of airlines to restrict certain items in transit, it seems entirely illogical that they should be able to actually confiscate posessions unless such items were actually generally proscribed and unlawful to posess.

How difficult would it be to have a system involving sealable bags with counterfoils, uniquely numbered, for collection by the legitimate owner at some later date? A modest fee for such a holding service would be payable upon collection, subject to some reasonable holding time limit.

It would cost SFA to administer and could probably be done piggyback through a lost/recovered property bureau.

If a twit like me can devise this, it must surely be do-able?

Burnt Ash


I'm sure in some places they give you a stamped adressed envelope to send the knife home.
Don't know how widespread that is.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
H2o - I have learned to pack my sharps in my hold luggage after a well publicised "dont take sharp things on planes" campaign was put out, neither can I carry essential personal medication to last a months exped and have to risk baggage handlers losing or bursting that for me (don't say use better containers - the b*******ds trashed a mess tin for me once, broke a rucksack frame another time and could bend anything they tried to!)
The only thing I have had "stolen" from me personally was a Zippo of sentimental value.
This was in Boston Airport in the early days of Airport Paranoia and there were no warnings of confiscation posted. BA had let me carry it to America and now, once again, you can carry lighters on planes.
Several, poorly briefed and supervised members of expeds I have lead (meeting them AFTER their air journey) have lost knives and, of course, it is easy to forget your pocket knife is stowed in your daysack not your bergan, when you have been out in the bush for a month and civilized rules have not aplied.
One exped I was on had to round up all the penknives at the security counter, put them in a hastily emptied day bag which was then rushed back to check in and put in as hold luggage.
Amazingly it got to Britain without baggage handlers helping themselves to some very nice sharps! But then it was done in an African Airport where there was little of the problems you find in say Heathrow and we had time and co-operation from the airport staff.
Theft from hold luggage is an international problem and they tell you to keep valuables safely in your hand luggage - then confiscate them!:aargh4: :cussing: :banghead:
Please let me stop ranting now and let the fellow find his toothpick - which - no doubt - would be confiscated allong with the surgical shears, tweezers and corkscrews that are all cleassed as "dangerous" on airplains!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.