Victorinox, which model?

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My SAK Hiker is the one tool/camping item that has literally come on every single camping trip/hike/bimble etc. Wouldn't leave home without it. In actual fact, I keep meaning to do a bushcrafty camp with this as my one tool option to prep fire wood and make some camp implements.

I keep eye-ing up the larger SAK Forrester as a potential purchase. One day perhaps!

The toothpick and tweezers are probably the most used tools on my SAK. Handy for splinters and whatnot. I've also found a very modern use for the's great at cleaning out the build up of fluff and crud in mobile phone charging ports. Being plastic, it's much less likely to damage the connectors.
Likewise, i use my SAK Hiker every day and whilst i've not done a camp using just the Hiker, a long while back I and a couple of then mates used to challenge ourselves to a particular task whilst and and about on a bimble, be this a bit of carving to making a fire set from what was around us and getting a fire going, i think it was due to these challenges that we all realised the potential of the humble SAK.

Also, like yourself i've been looking at the Forester and also the Trailmaster as a potential purchase for future adventures.

As you see, Swiss have such family names. Migh be the previous owner, might be an enterprise. Keller translates to English basement. Hun has no meaning in Hochdeutsch, might have a Swiss dialectical meaning that I don't know. Honey basement is my best guess. Friends from Zurich told me jokes about an area, I forgot which, where it sounds like Chinese what they talk.
Honey, Deutsch Honig they call dialektal Hun over there, so far I remember it right after decades.
Hunkeler with single L makes some kind of printing machines and was recently overtaken by a former partner.

Victorinox offers a cheap service. You send them the knife and they clean and sharpen it and replace broken parts if needed. In the process the old scales are usually lost and replaced.
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Still unsure about the HUNKELLER on the back. Maybe been personalised with someone's name?

As has already been commented on S.A.Ks have been popular company promotional knives for years, there are loads out there with names on them.
You'll probably find a bit of fine (1200) wet-n-dry paper & some polish will get rid of the name with a bit of elbow grease, if you'd prefer the name gone.
As has already been commented on S.A.Ks have been popular company promotional knives for years, there are loads out there with names on them.
You'll probably find a bit of fine (1200) wet-n-dry paper & some polish will get rid of the name with a bit of elbow grease, if you'd prefer the name gone.

I'll probably keep as is, at least it's unique,
I don't use cable ties very often, what else do you use the Toothpick for?
It seems a weird thing to have on a tool.
I can see it might be useful for undoing tight knots , but my imagination as to other uses seems to have got stuck!
Late to the party but have you seen the Firefly ferro rod? Replaces the toothpick.
There is no pin hole by the corkscrew.
Intrigued as to which model, and what vintage.
Also, can I replace the hook with a saw?
How? Can I do it myself?
With a saw, this would be my perfect sak
Look on Etsy for replacement scales, I upgraded mine that way. Don't buy a Swiss Army pin, use one from your sewing kit.


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